Source code for election_day.utils.election_compound.superregions

from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionCompoundPart

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.core.types import JSONObject
    from onegov.core.types import JSONObject_ro
    from onegov.election_day.models import Canton
    from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionCompound
    from onegov.election_day.models import Municipality
    from onegov.election_day.request import ElectionDayRequest
    from typing import TypedDict

[docs] class SuperregionInfo(TypedDict):
[docs] superregion: ElectionCompoundPart
[docs] mandates: dict[str, int]
[docs] progress: dict[str, int]
[docs] def get_superregions( compound: 'ElectionCompound', principal: 'Canton | Municipality' ) -> dict[str, 'SuperregionInfo']: """ Returns all superregions. """ if compound.domain_elections != 'region': return {} entities = principal.entities.get(, {}) superregions = { superregion for entity in entities.values() if (superregion := entity.get('superregion')) } result: dict[str, SuperregionInfo] = { superregion: { 'superregion': ElectionCompoundPart( compound, 'superregion', superregion ), 'mandates': {'allocated': 0, 'total': 0}, 'progress': {'counted': 0, 'total': 0} } for superregion in sorted(superregions) } keys = set() for election in compound.elections: if election.domain_supersegment in result: key = election.domain_supersegment keys.add(key) result[key]['progress']['counted'] += 1 if election.counted else 0 result[key]['progress']['total'] += 1 result[key]['mandates']['allocated'] += election.allocated_mandates result[key]['mandates']['total'] += election.number_of_mandates return {k: v for k, v in result.items() if k in keys}
[docs] def get_superregions_data( compound: 'ElectionCompound', principal: 'Canton | Municipality', request: 'ElectionDayRequest | None' = None ) -> 'JSONObject_ro': """ Returns the data used by elections compounds for rendering entities and districts maps. """ if compound.domain_elections != 'region': return {} result: dict[str, JSONObject] = { key: { 'votes': 0, 'percentage': 100.0, 'counted': values['superregion'].counted, 'progress': '{} / {}'.format( values['progress']['counted'], values['progress']['total'] ), 'mandates': '{} / {}'.format( values['mandates']['allocated'], values['mandates']['total'] ), 'link':['superregion']) if request else '', } for key, values in get_superregions(compound, principal).items() } entities = principal.entities.get(, {}) for entity_id, values in entities.items(): superregion = values.get('superregion') if superregion and superregion in result: my_entities = result[superregion].setdefault('entities', []) my_entities.append(entity_id) # type:ignore[union-attr] return result