Source code for election_day.utils.election.lists

from collections import OrderedDict
from onegov.election_day import _
from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionResult
from onegov.election_day.models import List
from onegov.election_day.models import ListResult
from sqlalchemy import desc
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import case

from typing import cast
from typing import Any
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Collection
    from onegov.core.types import JSONObject
    from onegov.core.types import JSONObject_ro
    from onegov.election_day.models import Election
    from onegov.election_day.models import ProporzElection
    from onegov.election_day.request import ElectionDayRequest
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query
    from sqlalchemy.sql import ColumnElement
    from typing import NamedTuple
    from uuid import UUID

[docs] class ListResultRow(NamedTuple):
[docs] votes: int
[docs] name: str
[docs] number_of_mandates: int
[docs] def get_list_results( election: 'Election', limit: int | None = None, names: 'Collection[str] | None' = None, sort_by_names: bool = False, entities: 'Collection[str] | None' = None ) -> 'Query[ListResultRow]': """ Returns the aggregated list results as list. """ session = object_session(election) result = session.query( func.sum(ListResult.votes).label('votes'),, List.number_of_mandates ) result = result.join(ListResult.list) result = result.filter(List.election_id == if names: result = result.filter( if entities: election_result_id = session.query( ElectionResult.election_id ==, ) election_result_id = [ for result in election_result_id] result = result.filter( ListResult.election_result_id.in_(election_result_id) ) result = result.group_by(, List.number_of_mandates ) order: list[ColumnElement[Any]] = [desc('votes')] if names and sort_by_names: order.insert(0, case( [ ( == name, index) for index, name in enumerate(names, 1) ], else_=0 )) result = result.order_by(*order) if limit and limit > 0: result = result.limit(limit) return result
[docs] def get_lists_data( election: 'Election', limit: int | None = None, names: 'Collection[str] | None' = None, mandates_only: bool = False, sort_by_names: bool = False, entities: 'Collection[str] | None' = None ) -> 'JSONObject_ro': """" View the lists as JSON. Used to for the lists bar chart. """ allocated_mandates = election.allocated_mandates colors = election.colors if election.type == 'majorz': return { 'results': [], 'majority': None, 'title': election.title } return { 'results': [ { 'text':, 'value': list_.votes, 'value2': list_.number_of_mandates, 'class': ( 'active' if list_.number_of_mandates or not allocated_mandates else 'inactive' ), 'color': colors.get( } for list_ in get_list_results( election, limit=limit, names=names, sort_by_names=sort_by_names, entities=entities ) ], 'majority': None, 'title': election.title }
[docs] def get_lists_panachage_data( election: 'Election', request: 'ElectionDayRequest | None' ) -> 'JSONObject_ro': """" Get the panachage data as JSON. Used to for the panachage sankey chart. """ if election.type == 'majorz': return {} election = cast('ProporzElection', election) if not election.has_lists_panachage_data: return {} blank = request.translate(_('Blank list')) if request else '-' nodes: dict[str, JSONObject] = OrderedDict() nodes['left.999'] = {'name': blank} for list_ in sorted(election.lists, key=lambda l: nodes[f'left.{list_.list_id}'] = { 'name':, 'color': election.colors.get(, 'active': list_.number_of_mandates > 0 } for list_ in election.lists: nodes[f'right.{list_.list_id}'] = { 'name':, 'color': election.colors.get(, 'active': list_.number_of_mandates > 0 } node_keys = list(nodes.keys()) links: list[JSONObject_ro] = [] list_ids: dict[UUID | None, str] = { list.list_id for list in election.lists } list_ids[None] = '999' for list_target in election.lists: target_index = node_keys.index(f'right.{list_target.list_id}') for result in list_target.panachage_results: source_list_id = list_ids[result.source_id] source_key = f'left.{source_list_id}' source_item = nodes.get(source_key, {}) source_index = node_keys.index(source_key) votes = result.votes if list_target.list_id == source_list_id: continue links.append({ 'source': source_index, 'target': target_index, 'value': votes, 'color': source_item.get('color'), 'active': source_item.get('active') }) count = 0 for key in nodes.keys(): count = count + 1 nodes[key]['id'] = count return { 'nodes': list(nodes.values()), 'links': links, 'title': election.title }