Source code for election_day.utils.archive_generator

from collections import defaultdict
from fs import path
from fs.copy import copy_dir
from fs.copy import copy_file
from fs.errors import NoSysPath
from fs.osfs import OSFS
from fs.tempfs import TempFS
from fs.zipfs import WriteZipFS
from onegov.core.csv import convert_list_of_dicts_to_csv
from onegov.core.utils import module_path
from onegov.election_day.formats import export_internal
from onegov.election_day.formats import export_parties_internal
from onegov.election_day.models import Election
from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionCompound
from onegov.election_day.models import ProporzElection
from onegov.election_day.models import Vote
from sqlalchemy import desc

from typing import Any
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Collection
    from import Iterable
    from fs.subfs import FS
    from fs.subfs import SubFS
    from onegov.election_day import ElectionDayApp
    from typing import TypeVar
    from typing import TypeAlias

[docs] Entity: TypeAlias = Election | ElectionCompound | Vote
EntityT = TypeVar('EntityT', bound=Entity)
[docs] class ArchiveGenerator: """ Iterates over all Votes, Election and ElectionCompounds and runs the csv export function on each of them. This creates a bunch of csv files, which are zipped and the path to the zip is returned. """
[docs] archive_dir: 'SubFS[FS]'
def __init__(self, app: 'ElectionDayApp'): assert app.filestorage is not None
[docs] = app
[docs] self.session = app.session()
self.archive_dir = app.filestorage.makedir('archive', recreate=True)
[docs] self.temp_fs = TempFS()
[docs] self.archive_parent_dir = 'zip'
[docs] self.MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 60
[docs] def generate_csv(self) -> None: """ Creates csv files with a directory structure like this:: archive ├── elections │ └── 2022 │ ├── election1.csv │ ├── election2.csv │ └── ... └── votes ├── 2021 │ └── vote1.csv └── 2022 └── vote1.csv """ votes = self.all_counted_votes_with_results() entities: Iterable[tuple[str, Collection[Entity]]] = [ ('votes', votes), ('elections', self.all_counted_election_with_results()), ('elections', self.all_counted_election_compounds_with_results()) ] for entity_name, entity in entities: grouped_by_year = self.group_by_year(entity) for yearly_package in grouped_by_year: year = str(yearly_package[0].date.year) year_dir = f'{entity_name}/{year}' self.temp_fs.makedirs(year_dir, recreate=True) for item in yearly_package: self.export_item(item, year_dir) # Additionally, create 'flat csv' containing all votes in a single file if votes: filename = 'all_votes.csv' combined_path = path.combine('votes', filename) with, 'w') as f: votes_exports = self.get_all_rows_for_votes(votes) f.write(convert_list_of_dicts_to_csv(votes_exports))
[docs] def get_all_rows_for_votes( self, votes: 'Collection[Vote]' ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: locales = sorted( return [ vote_record for vote in votes for vote_record in export_internal(vote, locales) ]
[docs] def group_by_year( self, entities: 'Iterable[EntityT]' ) -> list[list['EntityT']]: """Creates a list of lists, grouped by year. :param entities: Iterable of entities :type entities: list[Vote] | list[Election] | list[ElectionCompound] :returns: A nested list, where each sublist contains all from one year. For example: Given a list: votes = [vote_1, vote_2, vote_3, ...] We create a new list: groups = [[vote_1, vote_2], [vote_3], ...] where == """ groups = defaultdict(list) for entity in entities: groups[].append(entity) return list(groups.values())
[docs] def zip_dir(self, base_dir: 'SubFS[FS]') -> str | None: """Recursively zips a directory (base_dir). :param base_dir: is a directory in a temporary file system. Contains subdirectories 'votes' and 'elections', as well as various other files to include. :returns path to the zipfile or None if base_dir doesn't exist or is empty. """ self.archive_dir.makedir(self.archive_parent_dir, recreate=True) zip_path = f'{self.archive_parent_dir}/' self.archive_dir.create(zip_path) with (, mode='wb') as file, WriteZipFS(file) as zip_filesystem # type:ignore[arg-type] ): counts = base_dir.glob('**/*.csv').count() if counts.files != 0: if len(base_dir.listdir('/')) != 0: for entity in base_dir.listdir('/'): if base_dir.isdir(entity): copy_dir( src_fs=base_dir, src_path=entity, dst_fs=zip_filesystem, dst_path=entity, ) if base_dir.isfile(entity): copy_file( src_fs=base_dir, src_path=entity, dst_fs=zip_filesystem, dst_path=entity, ) return zip_path return None
[docs] def all_counted_votes_with_results(self) -> list[Vote]: query = self.session.query(Vote).order_by(desc( return self.filter_by_final_results(query)
[docs] def all_counted_election_with_results(self) -> list[Election]: query = self.session.query(Election).order_by(desc( return self.filter_by_final_results(query)
[docs] def all_counted_election_compounds_with_results( self ) -> list[ElectionCompound]: query = ( self.session.query(ElectionCompound) .order_by(desc( ) return self.filter_by_final_results(query)
[docs] def filter_by_final_results( self, all_entities: 'Iterable[EntityT]' ) -> list['EntityT']: return [ entity for entity in all_entities if entity.counted and entity.has_results ]
[docs] def archive_system_path(self) -> str | None: zip_path = f'{self.archive_parent_dir}/' # syspath may not be available, depending on the actual filestorage try: sys_path = self.archive_dir.getsyspath(zip_path) return sys_path except NoSysPath: return None
[docs] def include_docs(self) -> None: api = module_path('onegov.election_day', 'static/docs/api') native_fs = OSFS(api) for match in native_fs.glob('**/open_data*.md'): copy_file( src_fs=native_fs, src_path=match.path, dst_fs=self.temp_fs, dst_path=match.path, )
[docs] def export_item(self, item: 'EntityT', dir: str) -> None: locales = sorted( assert default_locale = # results filename =[:self.MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH] + '.csv' combined_path = path.combine(dir, filename) rows = export_internal(item, locales) with, 'w') as f: f.write(convert_list_of_dicts_to_csv(rows)) # party results if getattr(item, 'has_party_results', False): assert isinstance(item, (ProporzElection, ElectionCompound)) filename =[:self.MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH + 8] + '-parties.csv' combined_path = path.combine(dir, filename) rows = export_parties_internal( item, locales, default_locale=default_locale, ) with, 'w') as f: f.write(convert_list_of_dicts_to_csv(rows))
[docs] def generate_archive(self) -> str | None: self.generate_csv() self.include_docs() root = self.temp_fs.opendir('/') return self.zip_dir(root)