Source code for election_day.upgrade

""" Contains upgrade tasks that are executed when the application is being
upgraded on the server. See :class:`onegov.core.upgrade.upgrade_task`.

from __future__ import annotations

from onegov.core.orm.types import HSTORE
from onegov.core.orm.types import JSON
from onegov.core.orm.types import UTCDateTime
from onegov.core.upgrade import upgrade_task
from onegov.core.upgrade import UpgradeContext
from sqlalchemy import Boolean
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import Enum
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import Text

@upgrade_task('Create archived results')
[docs] def create_archived_results(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: pass # obsolete data migration
@upgrade_task('Add ID to archived results')
[docs] def add_id_to_archived_results(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: pass # obsolete data migration
@upgrade_task('Update vote progress')
[docs] def update_vote_progress(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: pass # obsolete data migration
@upgrade_task('Add elected candidates to archived results')
[docs] def add_elected_candidates(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: pass # obsolete data migration
@upgrade_task('Add content columns to archived results')
[docs] def add_content_columns_to_archived_results(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: if not context.has_column('archived_results', 'content'): context.operations.add_column( 'archived_results', Column('content', JSON) )
@upgrade_task('Change last change columns')
[docs] def change_last_change_columns(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: if not context.has_column('archived_results', 'last_modified'): context.operations.add_column( 'archived_results', Column('last_modified', UTCDateTime, nullable=True) ) if context.has_column('archived_results', 'last_result_change'): context.operations.execute( 'ALTER TABLE {} ALTER COLUMN {} DROP NOT NULL;'.format( 'archived_results', 'last_result_change' ) ) if ( context.has_column('notifications', 'last_change') and not context.has_column('notifications', 'last_modified') ): context.operations.execute( 'ALTER TABLE {} RENAME COLUMN {} TO {};'.format( 'notifications', 'last_change', 'last_modified' ) ) if context.has_column('notifications', 'last_modified'): context.operations.execute( 'ALTER TABLE {} ALTER COLUMN {} DROP NOT NULL;'.format( 'notifications', 'last_modified' ) )
@upgrade_task('Make subscriber polymorphic')
[docs] def make_subscriber_polymorphic(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: if not context.has_column('subscribers', 'type'): context.operations.add_column( 'subscribers', Column('type', Text, nullable=True) ) if ( context.has_column('subscribers', 'phone_number') and not context.has_column('subscribers', 'address') ): context.operations.execute( 'ALTER TABLE {} RENAME COLUMN {} TO {};'.format( 'subscribers', 'phone_number', 'address' ) )
@upgrade_task('Make notifications polymorphic')
[docs] def make_notifications_polymorphic(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: if ( context.has_column('notifications', 'action') and not context.has_column('notifications', 'type') ): context.operations.execute( 'ALTER TABLE {} RENAME COLUMN {} TO {};'.format( 'notifications', 'action', 'type' ) ) context.operations.execute( 'ALTER TABLE {} ALTER COLUMN {} DROP NOT NULL;'.format( 'notifications', 'type' ) )
@upgrade_task('Apply static data')
[docs] def apply_static_data(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: pass # obsolete data migration
@upgrade_task('Add election compound to archive')
[docs] def add_election_compound_to_archive(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: old_type = Enum('election', 'vote', name='type_of_result') new_type = Enum( 'election', 'election_compound', 'vote', name='type_of_result' ) tmp_type = Enum( 'election', 'election_compound', 'vote', name='_type_of_result' ) tmp_type.create(context.operations.get_bind(), checkfirst=False) context.operations.execute( 'ALTER TABLE archived_results ALTER COLUMN type ' 'TYPE _type_of_result USING type::text::_type_of_result' ) old_type.drop(context.operations.get_bind(), checkfirst=False) new_type.create(context.operations.get_bind(), checkfirst=False) context.operations.execute( 'ALTER TABLE archived_results ALTER COLUMN type ' 'TYPE type_of_result USING type::text::type_of_result' ) tmp_type.drop(context.operations.get_bind(), checkfirst=False)
@upgrade_task('Add contraints to notifications and sources')
[docs] def add_contraints_to_notifications_and_sources( context: UpgradeContext ) -> None: # We use SQL (rather than so that we can drop and add # the constraints in one statement for ref in ('election', 'vote'): for table in ('notifications', 'upload_data_source_item'): context.operations.execute( f'ALTER TABLE {table} ' f'DROP CONSTRAINT {table}_{ref}_id_fkey, ' f'ADD CONSTRAINT {table}_{ref}_id_fkey' f' FOREIGN KEY ({ref}_id) REFERENCES {ref}s (id)' f' ON UPDATE CASCADE' )
@upgrade_task('Enable expats on votes and elections')
[docs] def enable_expats(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: pass # obsolete data migration
@upgrade_task('Adds active column to subscriber')
[docs] def add_active_column_to_subscriver(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: if not context.has_column('subscribers', 'active'): context.operations.add_column( 'subscribers', Column('active', Boolean, nullable=True) )
@upgrade_task('Add election compound notification')
[docs] def add_election_compound_notification(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: if not context.has_column('notifications', 'election_compound_id'): context.operations.add_column( 'notifications', Column( 'election_compound_id', Text, ForeignKey('', onupdate='CASCADE'), nullable=True ) )
@upgrade_task('Make election day models polymorphic type non-nullable')
[docs] def make_election_day_models_polymorphic_type_non_nullable( context: UpgradeContext ) -> None: for table in ('notifications', 'subscribers'): if context.has_table(table): context.operations.execute(f""" UPDATE {table} SET type = 'generic' WHERE type IS NULL; """) context.operations.alter_column(table, 'type', nullable=False)
@upgrade_task('Add domain and segment to screens')
[docs] def add_domain_and_segment_to_screens(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: for column in ('domain', 'domain_segment'): if not context.has_column('election_day_screens', column): context.operations.add_column( 'election_day_screens', Column(column, Text, nullable=True) )
@upgrade_task('Add has results to archived results')
[docs] def add_has_results_to_archived_results(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: if not context.has_column('archived_results', 'has_results'): context.operations.add_column( 'archived_results', Column('has_results', Boolean, nullable=True) )
@upgrade_task('Delete websocket notifications')
[docs] def delete_websocket_notifications(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: context.operations.execute(""" DELETE FROM notifications WHERE type = 'websocket'; """)
@upgrade_task('Make upload token none-nullable')
[docs] def make_upload_take_none_nullable(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: if context.has_column('upload_tokens', 'token'): context.operations.alter_column( 'upload_tokens', 'token', nullable=False )
@upgrade_task('Add domain and segment to subscribers')
[docs] def add_domain_and_segment_to_subscribers(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: for column in ('domain', 'domain_segment'): if not context.has_column('subscribers', column): context.operations.add_column( 'subscribers', Column(column, Text, nullable=True) )
@upgrade_task('Add short title')
[docs] def add_short_title(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: tables = ('elections', 'election_compounds', 'votes') for table in tables: if not context.has_column(table, 'short_title_translations'): context.operations.add_column( table, Column('short_title_translations', HSTORE, nullable=True) )
@upgrade_task('Add active/inactive since columns to subscribers')
[docs] def add_active_inactive_since_columns(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: if not context.has_column('subscribers', 'active_since'): assert not context.has_column('subscribers', 'inactive_since') context.operations.add_column( 'subscribers', Column('active_since', UTCDateTime, default=None) ) context.operations.add_column( 'subscribers', Column('inactive_since', UTCDateTime, default=None) ) # pre-fill the dates where we can make an educated guess context.operations.execute(""" UPDATE subscribers SET inactive_since = modified WHERE modified >= TIMESTAMP '2022-02-07' AND active IS FALSE """) context.operations.execute(""" UPDATE subscribers SET active_since = created WHERE modified IS NOT NULL AND type = 'sms' """)