Source code for

from onegov.core.orm import Base
from onegov.core.orm import translation_hybrid
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import TimestampMixin
from onegov.core.orm.types import HSTORE
from onegov.core.orm.types import UUID
from onegov.election_day.models.mixins import summarized_property
from onegov.election_day.models.mixins import TitleTranslationsMixin
from import BallotResult
from import DerivedAttributesMixin
from import DerivedBallotsCountMixin
from sqlalchemy import case
from sqlalchemy import cast
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import Enum
from sqlalchemy import Float
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy import Text
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from uuid import uuid4

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    import uuid
    from import Mapping
    from onegov.election_day.models import Vote
    from onegov.election_day.types import BallotType
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query
    from sqlalchemy.sql import ColumnElement
    from typing import NamedTuple

[docs] class ResultsByDistrictRow(NamedTuple):
[docs] name: str
[docs] counted: bool
[docs] accepted: bool
[docs] yeas: int
[docs] nays: int
[docs] yeas_percentage: float
[docs] nays_percentage: float
[docs] empty: int
[docs] invalid: int
[docs] eligible_voters: int
[docs] entity_ids: list[int]
[docs] class Ballot(Base, TimestampMixin, TitleTranslationsMixin, DerivedAttributesMixin, DerivedBallotsCountMixin): """ A ballot contains a single question asked for a vote. Usually each vote has exactly one ballot, but it's possible for votes to have multiple ballots. In the latter case there are usually two options that are mutually exclusive and a third option that acts as a tie breaker between the frist two options. The type of the ballot indicates this. Standard ballots only contain one question, variant ballots contain multiple questions. """
[docs] __tablename__ = 'ballots'
#: identifies the ballot, maybe used in the url
[docs] id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] primary_key=True, default=uuid4 )
#: external identifier
[docs] external_id: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: the type of the ballot, 'standard' for normal votes, 'counter-proposal' #: if there's an alternative to the standard ballot. And 'tie-breaker', #: which must exist if there's a counter proposal. The tie breaker is #: only relevant if both standard and counter proposal are accepted. #: If that's the case, the accepted tie breaker selects the standard, #: the rejected tie breaker selects the counter proposal.
[docs] type: 'Column[BallotType]' = Column( Enum( # type:ignore[arg-type] 'proposal', 'counter-proposal', 'tie-breaker', name='ballot_result_type' ), nullable=False )
#: identifies the vote this ballot result belongs to
[docs] vote_id: 'Column[str]' = Column( Text, ForeignKey('', onupdate='CASCADE'), nullable=False )
#: all translations of the title
[docs] title_translations: 'Column[Mapping[str, str] | None]' = Column( HSTORE, nullable=True )
#: the translated title (uses the locale of the request, falls back to the #: default locale of the app)
[docs] title = translation_hybrid(title_translations)
#: a ballot contains n results
[docs] results: 'relationship[list[BallotResult]]' = relationship( 'BallotResult', cascade='all, delete-orphan', back_populates='ballot', order_by='BallotResult.district,', )
[docs] vote: 'relationship[Vote]' = relationship( 'Vote', back_populates='ballots', )
[docs] def results_by_district(self) -> 'Query[ResultsByDistrictRow]': """ Returns the results aggregated by the distict. """ session = object_session(self) counted = func.coalesce(func.bool_and(BallotResult.counted), False) yeas = func.sum(BallotResult.yeas) nays = func.sum(BallotResult.nays) yeas_percentage = 100 * yeas / ( cast(func.coalesce(func.nullif(yeas + nays, 0), 1), Float) ) nays_percentage = 100 - yeas_percentage accepted = case({True: yeas > nays}, counted) results = session.query(BallotResult).filter( BallotResult.ballot_id == ).with_entities( BallotResult.district.label('name'), counted.label('counted'), accepted.label('accepted'), yeas.label('yeas'), nays.label('nays'), yeas_percentage.label('yeas_percentage'), nays_percentage.label('nays_percentage'), func.sum(BallotResult.empty).label('empty'), func.sum(BallotResult.invalid).label('invalid'), func.sum(BallotResult.eligible_voters).label('eligible_voters'), func.array_agg(BallotResult.entity_id).label('entity_ids') ) results = results.group_by(BallotResult.district) results = results.order_by(None).order_by(BallotResult.district) return results
[docs] counted: Column[bool]
@hybrid_property # type:ignore[no-redef] def counted(self) -> bool: """ True if all results have been counted. """ if not self.results: return False return all(result.counted for result in self.results) @counted.expression # type:ignore[no-redef] def counted(cls) -> 'ColumnElement[bool]': expr = select([ func.coalesce(func.bool_and(BallotResult.counted), False) ]) expr = expr.where(BallotResult.ballot_id == return expr.label('counted') @property
[docs] def progress(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """ Returns a tuple with the first value being the number of counted ballot results and the second value being the number of total ballot results. """ return ( sum(1 for result in self.results if result.counted), len(self.results) )
[docs] def answer(self) -> str | None: if not self.counted: return None if self.type == 'tie-breaker': return 'proposal' if self.accepted else 'counter-proposal' return 'accepted' if self.accepted else 'rejected'
#: the total yeas
[docs] yeas = summarized_property('yeas')
#: the total nays
[docs] nays = summarized_property('nays')
#: the total empty votes
[docs] empty = summarized_property('empty')
#: the total invalid votes
[docs] invalid = summarized_property('invalid')
#: the total eligible voters
[docs] eligible_voters = summarized_property('eligible_voters')
#: the total expats
[docs] expats = summarized_property('expats')
[docs] def aggregate_results(self, attribute: str) -> int: """ Gets the sum of the given attribute from the results. """ return sum(getattr(r, attribute, 0) or 0 for r in self.results)
[docs] def aggregate_results_expression( cls, attribute: str ) -> 'ColumnElement[int]': """ Gets the sum of the given attribute from the results, as SQL expression. """ expr = select([ func.coalesce( func.sum(getattr(BallotResult, attribute)), 0 ) ]) expr = expr.where(BallotResult.ballot_id == return expr.label(attribute)
[docs] def clear_results(self, clear_all: bool = False) -> None: """ Clear all the results. """ self.results = []