Source code for election_day.models.principal

import onegov.election_day

from functools import cached_property
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date
from markupsafe import Markup
from onegov.core import utils
from onegov.core.custom import json
from onegov.election_day import _
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from yaml import safe_load

from typing import Any
from typing import Literal
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from translationstring import TranslationString
    from typing import Never
    from yaml.reader import _ReadStream

[docs] class Principal: """ The principal is the political entity running the election day app. There are currently two different types of principals supported: Cantons and Municipalitites. A principal is identitifed by its ID (municipalitites: BFS number, cantons: canton code). A principal may consist of different entities (municipalitites: quarters, cantons: municipalities) grouped by districts. Some cantons have regions for certain years, an additional type of district only used for regional elections (Kantonsratswahl, Grossratswahl, Landratswahl). Some of them have superregions which further aggregate these regions. The label of the entity, the districts, regions and superregions may vary and can be queried with `label`. A principal is part of a domain (municipalitites: municipality, canton: canton) and supports different types of domains (typically all higher domains). hidden_elements: Used to optionally show and hide certain charts on the defined views. Example config in a yaml file:: hidden_elements: always: candidate-by-entity: chart_percentages: true intermediate_results: connections: chart: false candidates: chart: false publish_intermediate_results: Optionally renders svg and pdf for intermediate results. Example:: publish_intermediate_results: vote: true election: true election_compound: true Defaults to false if nothing specified """ def __init__( self, id_: str, domain: str, domains_election: dict[str, 'TranslationString'], domains_vote: dict[str, 'TranslationString'], entities: dict[int, dict[int, dict[str, str]]], name: str | None = None, logo: str | None = None, logo_position: str = 'left', color: str = '#000', base: str | None = None, analytics: str | None = None, has_districts: bool = True, has_regions: bool = False, has_superregions: bool = False, use_maps: bool = False, fetch: dict[str, Any] | None = None, webhooks: dict[str, dict[str, str]] | None = None, sms_notification: bool | None = None, email_notification: bool | None = None, wabsti_import: bool = False, open_data: dict[str, str] | None = None, hidden_elements: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, bool]]] | None = None, publish_intermediate_results: dict[str, bool] | None = None, csp_script_src: list[str] | None = None, csp_connect_src: list[str] | None = None, cache_expiration_time: int = 300, reply_to: str | None = None, custom_css: str | None = None, official_host: str | None = None, segmented_notifications: bool = False, private: bool = False, **kwargs: 'Never' ): assert all((id_, domain, domains_election, domains_vote, entities))
[docs] = id_
[docs] self.domain = domain
[docs] self.domains_election = domains_election
[docs] self.domains_vote = domains_vote
[docs] self.entities = entities
[docs] = name or id_
[docs] self.logo_position = logo_position
[docs] self.color = color
[docs] self.base = base
# NOTE: This is inherently unsafe, since we need to allow script tags # in order for most analytics to work. Eventually this may be # able to go away again or be reduced to support a few specific # providers.
[docs] = Markup(analytics) if analytics else None # noqa:MS001
[docs] self.has_districts = has_districts
[docs] self.has_regions = has_regions
[docs] self.has_superregions = has_superregions
[docs] self.use_maps = use_maps
[docs] self.fetch = fetch or {}
[docs] self.webhooks = webhooks or {}
[docs] self.sms_notification = sms_notification
[docs] self.email_notification = email_notification
[docs] self.wabsti_import = wabsti_import
[docs] self.open_data = open_data or {}
[docs] self.hidden_elements = hidden_elements or {}
[docs] self.publish_intermediate_results = publish_intermediate_results or { 'vote': False, 'election': False, 'election_compound': False }
[docs] self.csp_script_src = csp_script_src or []
[docs] self.csp_connect_src = csp_connect_src or []
[docs] self.cache_expiration_time = cache_expiration_time
[docs] self.reply_to = reply_to
[docs] self.custom_css = custom_css
[docs] self.official_host = official_host
[docs] self.segmented_notifications = segmented_notifications
[docs] self.private = private
[docs] def from_yaml(cls, yaml_source: '_ReadStream') -> 'Canton | Municipality': kwargs = safe_load(yaml_source) assert 'canton' in kwargs or 'municipality' in kwargs if 'municipality' in kwargs: return Municipality(**kwargs) else: return Canton(**kwargs)
[docs] def base_domain(self) -> str | None: if not self.base: return None hostname = urlsplit(self.base).hostname if hostname is None: return None return hostname.replace('www.', '')
[docs] def is_year_available(self, year: int, map_required: bool = True) -> bool: if self.entities and year not in self.entities: return False if map_required: path = utils.module_path(onegov.election_day, 'static/mapdata') return Path( '{}/{}/{}.json'.format(path, year, ).exists() return True
[docs] def get_entities(self, year: int) -> set[str]: entities = { entity.get('name', None) for entity in self.entities.get(year, {}).values() } return {entity for entity in entities if entity}
[docs] def get_districts(self, year: int) -> set[str]: if self.has_districts: districts = { entity.get('district', None) for entity in self.entities.get(year, {}).values() } return {district for district in districts if district} return set()
[docs] def get_regions(self, year: int) -> set[str]: if self.has_regions: regions = { entity.get('region', None) for entity in self.entities.get(year, {}).values() } return {region for region in regions if region} return set()
[docs] def get_superregion(self, region: str, year: int) -> str: if self.has_superregions: for entity in self.entities.get(year, {}).values(): if entity.get('region') == region: return entity.get('superregion', '') return ''
[docs] def get_superregions(self, year: int) -> set[str]: if self.has_superregions: superregions = { entity.get('superregion', None) for entity in self.entities.get(year, {}).values() } return {superregion for superregion in superregions if superregion} return set()
[docs] def label(self, value: str) -> str: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class Canton(Principal): """ A cantonal instance. """
[docs] CANTONS = { 'zh': 1, 'be': 2, 'lu': 3, 'ur': 4, 'sz': 5, 'ow': 6, 'nw': 7, 'gl': 8, 'zg': 9, 'fr': 10, 'so': 11, 'bs': 12, 'bl': 13, 'sh': 14, 'ar': 15, 'ai': 16, 'sg': 17, 'gr': 18, 'ag': 19, 'tg': 20, 'ti': 21, 'vd': 22, 'vs': 23, 'ne': 24, 'ge': 25, 'ju': 26, }
[docs] domain: Literal['canton']
def __init__( self, canton: str, **kwargs: Any ): assert canton in self.CANTONS
[docs] = canton
kwargs.pop('use_maps', None) # Read the municipalties for each year from our static data
[docs] entities = {}
[docs] basedir = utils.module_path( onegov.election_day, 'static/municipalities' )
[docs] paths = (p for p in Path(basedir).iterdir() if p.is_dir())
for path in paths: year = int( with (path / '{}.json'.format(canton)).open('r') as f: entities[year] = {int(k): v for k, v in json.load(f).items()} # Test if all entities have districts (use none, if ambiguous)
[docs] districts = { entity.get('district', None) for year in entities.values() for entity in year.values() }
[docs] has_districts = None not in districts
# Test if some of the entities have regions
[docs] regions = { entity.get('region', None) for year in entities.values() for entity in year.values() }
[docs] has_regions = regions != {None}
# Test if some of the entities have superregions
[docs] superregions = { entity.get('superregion', None) for year in entities.values() for entity in year.values() }
[docs] has_superregions = superregions != {None}
[docs] domains_election: dict[str, TranslationString] = OrderedDict()
domains_election['federation'] = _('Federal') domains_election['canton'] = _('Cantonal') if has_regions: domains_election['region'] = _( 'Regional (${on})', mapping={'on': self.label('region')} ) if has_districts: domains_election['district'] = _( 'Regional (${on})', mapping={'on': self.label('district')} ) domains_election['none'] = _( 'Regional (${on})', mapping={'on': _('Other')} ) domains_election['municipality'] = _('Communal')
[docs] domains_vote: dict[str, TranslationString] = OrderedDict()
domains_vote['federation'] = _('Federal') domains_vote['canton'] = _('Cantonal') domains_vote['municipality'] = _('Communal') super().__init__( id_=canton, domain='canton', domains_election=domains_election, domains_vote=domains_vote, entities=entities, has_districts=has_districts, has_regions=has_regions, has_superregions=has_superregions, use_maps=True, **kwargs )
[docs] def label(self, value: str) -> str: if value == 'entity': return _('Municipality') if value == 'entities': return _('Municipalities') if value == 'district': if == 'bl': return _('district_label_bl') if == 'gr': return _('district_label_gr') if == 'sz': return _('district_label_sz') return _('District') if value == 'districts': if == 'bl': return _('districts_label_bl') if == 'gr': return _('districts_label_gr') if == 'sz': return _('districts_label_sz') return _('Districts') if value == 'region': if == 'gr': return _('region_label_gr') return _('District') if value == 'regions': if == 'gr': return _('regions_label_gr') return _('Districts') if value == 'superregion': if == 'bl': return _('superregion_label_bl') return _('District') if value == 'superregions': if == 'bl': return _('superregions_label_bl') return _('Districts') if value == 'mandates': if == 'gr': return _('Seats') return _('Mandates') return ''
[docs] class Municipality(Principal): """ A communal instance. """
[docs] domain: Literal['municipality']
def __init__( self, municipality: str, canton: str, canton_name: str, **kwargs: Any ): assert municipality and canton and canton_name
[docs] self.canton = canton
[docs] self.canton_name = canton_name
kwargs.pop('segmented_notifications', None)
[docs] domains: dict[str, TranslationString] = OrderedDict(( ('federation', _('Federal')), ('canton', _('Cantonal')), ('municipality', _('Communal')) ))
# Try to read the quarters for each year from our static data
[docs] entities = {}
[docs] basedir = utils.module_path(onegov.election_day, 'static/quarters')
[docs] paths = (p for p in Path(basedir).iterdir() if p.is_dir())
for path in paths: year = int( path = path / '{}.json'.format(municipality) if path.exists(): with (path).open('r') as f: entities[year] = { int(k): v for k, v in json.load(f).items() } if entities: self.has_quarters = True # Test if all entities have districts (use none, if ambiguous) districts = { entity.get('district', None) for year in entities.values() for entity in year.values() } has_districts = None not in districts else: # ... we have no static data, autogenerate it! self.has_quarters = False has_districts = False entities = { year: {int(municipality): {'name': kwargs.get('name', '')}} for year in range(2002, + 1) } super().__init__( id_=municipality, domain='municipality', domains_election=domains, domains_vote=domains, entities=entities, has_districts=has_districts, **kwargs )
[docs] def label(self, value: str) -> str: if value == 'entity': return _('Quarter') if self.has_quarters else _('Municipality') if value == 'entities': return _('Quarters') if self.has_quarters else _('Municipalities') return ''