Source code for election_day.models.party_result.mixins

from onegov.core.orm.mixins import dict_property
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import meta_property

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.election_day.models import PartyPanachageResult
    from onegov.election_day.models import PartyResult
    from sqlalchemy import Column
    from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, Query
    import datetime

[docs] class PartyResultsOptionsMixin: #: Display voters counts instead of votes in views.
[docs] voters_counts: dict_property[bool] = meta_property(default=False)
#: Display exact voters counts instead of rounded values.
[docs] exact_voters_counts: dict_property[bool] = meta_property(default=False)
#: may be used to enable/disable the visibility of party strengths
[docs] show_party_strengths: dict_property[bool] = meta_property(default=False)
#: show a horizontal party strengths bar chart instead of a vertical
[docs] horizontal_party_strengths: dict_property[bool] = meta_property( default=False )
#: may be used to enable/disable the visibility of party panachage
[docs] show_party_panachage: dict_property[bool] = meta_property(default=False)
#: may be used to enable/disable the visibility of the seat allocation
[docs] show_seat_allocation: dict_property[bool] = meta_property(default=False)
#: may be used to enable/disable the visibility of the list groups
[docs] show_list_groups: dict_property[bool] = meta_property(default=False)
#: may be used to enable fetching party results from previous elections
[docs] use_historical_party_results: dict_property[bool] = meta_property( default=False )
[docs] class PartyResultsCheckMixin: if TYPE_CHECKING: # forward declare required relationships
[docs] party_results: relationship[list[PartyResult]]
party_panachage_results: relationship[list[PartyPanachageResult]] @property
[docs] def has_party_results(self) -> bool: for result in self.party_results: if ( result.votes or result.voters_count or result.number_of_mandates ): return True return False
[docs] def has_party_panachage_results(self) -> bool: for result in self.party_panachage_results: if result.votes: return True return False
[docs] class HistoricalPartyResultsMixin: if TYPE_CHECKING: # forward declare required relationships
[docs] date: Column[]
party_results: relationship[list[PartyResult]] @property
[docs] def relationships_for_historical_party_results(self) -> 'Query[Any]': raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def historical_party_results(self) -> 'list[PartyResult]': """ Returns the party results while adding party results from the last legislative period, Requires that a related election or compound has been set with type "historical". """ query = self.relationships_for_historical_party_results relationships = query.filter_by(type='historical').all() if not relationships: return self.party_results target = sorted( ( for relationship in relationships if < ), key=lambda related:, reverse=True ) if not target: return self.party_results return self.party_results + [ result for result in target[0].party_results if result.year == target[0].date.year ]
[docs] def historical_colors(self) -> dict[str, str]: result = getattr(self, 'colors', {}).copy() if not result: return result relationships = self.relationships_for_historical_party_results relationships = relationships.filter_by(type='historical') for relation in relationships: for key, value in getattr(, 'colors', {}).items(): result.setdefault(key, value) return result