Source code for election_day.models.mixins

from onegov.core.orm.abstract import associated
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import TimestampMixin
from onegov.core.orm.types import UTCDateTime
from onegov.core.utils import increment_name
from onegov.core.utils import normalize_for_url
from onegov.election_day.models.file import File
from onegov.file import NamedFile
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import Enum
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Mapping
    from datetime import datetime
    from onegov.core.orm import SessionManager
    from onegov.election_day.types import DomainOfInfluence
    from onegov.election_day.types import Status
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
    from sqlalchemy.sql import ColumnElement

[docs] class DomainOfInfluenceMixin: """ Defines the scope of a principal, an election, an election compound or a vote. The following domains of influence are supported: - federation: The vote or election is nation wide. - canton: The vote or election takes place in one canton only. - region: The election takes place in one region of a canton only. - district: The election takes place in one district of a canton only. - municipality: The vote or election takes place in one municipality only. - none: The election takes place in certain municipalities only. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: domain: Column[DomainOfInfluence] #: scope of the election or vote @declared_attr # type:ignore[no-redef]
[docs] def domain(cls) -> 'Column[DomainOfInfluence]': return Column( Enum( # type:ignore[arg-type] 'federation', 'canton', 'region', 'district', 'municipality', 'none', name='domain_of_influence' ), nullable=False )
[docs] class StatusMixin: """ Mixin providing status indication for votes and elections. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: status: Column[Status | None] # forward declare required attributes counted: Column[bool] @property def progress(self) -> tuple[int, int]: ... #: Status of the election or vote @declared_attr # type:ignore[no-redef]
[docs] def status(cls) -> 'Column[Status | None]': return Column( Enum( # type:ignore[arg-type] 'unknown', 'interim', 'final', name='election_or_vote_status' ), nullable=True )
[docs] def completed(self) -> bool: """ Returns True, if the election or vote is completed. The status is evaluated in the first place. If the status is not known, it is guessed from the progress / counted fields. """ if self.status == 'final': return True if self.status == 'interim': return False if self.progress[1] == 0: return False return self.counted
[docs] class TitleTranslationsMixin: """ Adds a helper to return the translation of the title without depending on the locale of the request. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: # forward declare required attributes
[docs] title_translations: ( Column[Mapping[str, str]] | Column[Mapping[str, str] | None] )
[docs] def get_title( self, locale: str, default_locale: str | None = None ) -> str | None: """ Returns the requested translation of the title, falls back to the given default locale if provided. """ translations = self.title_translations or {} if default_locale is None: return translations.get(locale, None) return ( translations.get(locale, None) or translations.get(default_locale, None) )
[docs] class IdFromTitlesMixin: if TYPE_CHECKING: # forward declare required attributes @property
[docs] def session_manager(self) -> SessionManager | None: ...
title_translations: ( Column[Mapping[str, str]] | Column[Mapping[str, str] | None] ) short_title_translations: Column[Mapping[str, str] | None] def get_title( self, locale: str, default_locale: str | None = None ) -> str | None: ... @property
[docs] def polymorphic_base(self) -> type[Any]: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_short_title( self, locale: str, default_locale: str | None = None ) -> str | None: """ Returns the requested translation of the short title, falls back to the full title. """ translations = self.short_title_translations or {} return ( translations.get(locale, None) or self.get_title(locale, default_locale) )
[docs] def id_from_title(self, session: 'Session') -> str: """ Returns a unique, user friendly id derived from the title. """ session_manager = self.session_manager assert session_manager is not None assert session_manager.default_locale locale = session_manager.default_locale title = self.get_short_title(locale) id = normalize_for_url(title or self.__class__.__name__) while True: query = session.query(self.polymorphic_base).filter_by(id=id) items = [item for item in query if item != self] if not items: return id id = increment_name(id)
[docs] def summarized_property(name: str) -> 'Column[int]': """ Adds an attribute as hybrid_property which returns the sum of the underlying results if called. Requires the class to define two aggregation functions. Usage:: class Model(): votes = summarized_property('votes') results = relationship('Result', ...) def aggregate_results(self, attribute): return sum(getattr(res, attribute) for res in self.results) @classmethod def aggregate_results_expression(cls, attribute): expr = select([func.sum(getattr(Result, attribute))]) expr = expr.where(Result.xxx_id == expr = expr.label(attribute) return expr """ def getter(self: Any) -> int: return self.aggregate_results(name) def expression(cls: type[Any]) -> 'ColumnElement[int]': return cls.aggregate_results_expression(name) return hybrid_property(getter, expr=expression) # type:ignore
[docs] class LastModifiedMixin(TimestampMixin): if TYPE_CHECKING: last_result_change: Column[datetime | None] last_modified: Column[datetime | None] @declared_attr # type:ignore[no-redef]
[docs] def last_result_change(cls) -> 'Column[datetime | None]': return Column(UTCDateTime)
@hybrid_property # type:ignore[no-redef]
[docs] def last_modified(self) -> 'datetime | None': changes = [self.last_change, self.last_result_change] changes = [change for change in changes if change] return max(changes) if changes else None
@last_modified.expression # type:ignore[no-redef] def last_modified(cls) -> 'ColumnElement[datetime | None]': return func.greatest(cls.last_change, cls.last_result_change)
[docs] class ExplanationsPdfMixin:
[docs] files = associated(File, 'files', 'one-to-many', onupdate='CASCADE')
[docs] explanations_pdf = NamedFile()