Source code for election_day.layouts.election_compound_part

from functools import cached_property
from onegov.core.utils import normalize_for_url
from onegov.election_day import _
from onegov.election_day.layouts.detail import DetailLayout
from onegov.election_day.utils import svg_filename

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionCompoundPart
    from onegov.election_day.models.election_compound.mixins import ResultRow
    from onegov.election_day.models.election_compound.mixins import TotalRow
    from onegov.election_day.request import ElectionDayRequest

    from .election import NestedMenu

[docs] class ElectionCompoundPartLayout(DetailLayout):
[docs] model: 'ElectionCompoundPart'
def __init__( self, model: 'ElectionCompoundPart', request: 'ElectionDayRequest', tab: str | None = None ) -> None: super().__init__(model, request)
[docs] = tab
[docs] tabs_with_embedded_tables = ( 'districts', 'candidates', 'party-strengths', 'statistics' )
[docs] majorz = False
[docs] proporz = True
[docs] type = 'compound_part'
[docs] def all_tabs(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Return the tabs in order of their appearance. """ result = [ 'districts', 'candidates', 'party-strengths', 'statistics', ] if self.model.horizontal_party_strengths: result.remove('party-strengths') result.insert(0, 'party-strengths') return tuple(result)
[docs] def results(self) -> list['ResultRow']: return self.model.results
[docs] def totals(self) -> 'TotalRow': return self.model.totals
[docs] def label(self, value: str) -> str: if value == 'district': if self.model.election_compound.domain_elections == 'region': return self.principal.label('region') if self.model.election_compound.domain_elections == 'municipality': return _('Municipality') if value == 'districts': if self.model.election_compound.domain_elections == 'region': return self.principal.label('regions') if self.model.election_compound.domain_elections == 'municipality': return _('Municipalities') return self.principal.label(value)
[docs] def title(self, tab: str | None = None) -> str: tab = if tab is None else tab if tab == 'districts': return self.label('districts') if tab == 'candidates': return _('Elected candidates') if tab == 'party-strengths': return _('Party strengths') if tab == 'statistics': return _('Election statistics') return ''
[docs] def tab_visible(self, tab: str | None) -> bool: if not self.has_results: return False if tab == 'party-strengths': return ( self.model.show_party_strengths is True and self.has_party_results ) return True
[docs] def has_party_results(self) -> bool: return self.model.has_party_results
[docs] def visible(self) -> bool: return self.tab_visible(
[docs] def main_view(self) -> str: for tab in self.all_tabs: if self.tab_visible(tab): return, tab) return, 'districts')
[docs] def menu(self) -> 'NestedMenu': return [ ( self.title(tab),, tab), == tab, [] ) for tab in self.all_tabs if self.tab_visible(tab) ]
[docs] def svg_path(self) -> str | None: """ Returns the path to the SVG or None, if it is not available. """ assert self.request.locale path = 'svg/{}'.format( svg_filename( self.model,, self.request.locale, last_modified=self.last_modified ) ) filestorage = assert filestorage is not None if filestorage.exists(path): return path return None
@cached_property @cached_property
[docs] def svg_name(self) -> str: """ Returns a nice to read SVG filename. """ return '{}.svg'.format( normalize_for_url( '{}-{}-{}'.format(,, self.request.translate(self.title() or '') ) ) )
[docs] def summarize(self) -> bool: return False