Source code for election_day.forms.notification

from __future__ import annotations

from onegov.election_day import _
from onegov.election_day.models import Election
from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionCompound
from onegov.election_day.models import Vote
from onegov.form import Form
from onegov.form.fields import MultiCheckboxField
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from datetime import date
    from onegov.election_day.request import ElectionDayRequest
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

[docs] class TriggerNotificationForm(Form):
[docs] request: ElectionDayRequest
[docs] notifications = MultiCheckboxField( label=_('Notifications'), choices=[], validators=[ InputRequired() ], default=['email', 'sms', 'webhooks'] )
[docs] def on_request(self) -> None: """ Adjusts the form to the given principal. """ principal = self.notifications.choices = [] if principal.email_notification: self.notifications.choices.append(('email', _('Email'))) if principal.sms_notification: self.notifications.choices.append(('sms', _('SMS'))) if principal.webhooks: self.notifications.choices.append(('webhooks', _('Webhooks')))
[docs] class TriggerNotificationsForm(TriggerNotificationForm):
[docs] votes = MultiCheckboxField( label=_('Votes'), choices=[], )
[docs] election_compounds = MultiCheckboxField( label=_('Compounds of elections'), choices=[], )
[docs] elections = MultiCheckboxField( label=_('Elections'), choices=[], )
[docs] def ensure_items_selected(self) -> bool: if ( not and not and not ): message = _('Select at least one election or vote.') assert isinstance(self.votes.errors, list) self.votes.errors.append(message) assert isinstance(self.elections.errors, list) self.elections.errors.append(message) return False return True
[docs] def latest_date(self, session: Session) -> date | None: query = session.query( row = query.order_by( latest_election = row[0] if row else None query = session.query( row = query.order_by( latest_vote = row[0] if row else None if latest_election and latest_vote: return max((latest_election, latest_vote)) return latest_election or latest_vote
[docs] def available_elections(self, session: Session) -> Query[Election]: query = session.query(Election) query = query.order_by(Election.shortcode) query = query.filter( == self.latest_date(session)) return query
[docs] def available_election_compounds( self, session: Session ) -> Query[ElectionCompound]: query = session.query(ElectionCompound) query = query.order_by(ElectionCompound.shortcode) query = query.filter( == self.latest_date(session) ) return query
[docs] def available_votes(self, session: Session) -> Query[Vote]: query = session.query(Vote) query = query.order_by(Vote.shortcode) query = query.filter( == self.latest_date(session)) return query
[docs] def election_models(self, session: Session) -> list[Election]: if not return [] query = session.query(Election) query = query.filter( query = query.order_by(Election.shortcode) return query.all()
[docs] def election_compound_models( self, session: Session ) -> list[ElectionCompound]: if not return [] query = session.query(ElectionCompound) query = query.filter( ) query = query.order_by(ElectionCompound.shortcode) return query.all()
[docs] def vote_models(self, session: Session) -> list[Vote]: if not return [] query = session.query(Vote) query = query.filter( query = query.order_by(Vote.shortcode) return query.all()
[docs] def on_request(self) -> None: """ Adjusts the form to the given principal. """ super().on_request() session = self.request.session self.elections.choices = [ (, election.title or for election in self.available_elections(session) ] self.election_compounds.choices = [ (, compound.title or for compound in self.available_election_compounds(session) ] self.votes.choices = [ (, vote.title or for vote in self.available_votes(session) ]