Source code for

from onegov.election_day import _
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import BALLOT_TYPES
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import EXPATS
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import FileImportError
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import get_entity_and_district
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import load_csv
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import STATI
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import validate_integer
from onegov.election_day.models import BallotResult

from typing import cast
from typing import Any
from typing import IO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Collection
    from onegov.election_day.models import Canton
    from onegov.election_day.models import Municipality
    from onegov.election_day.models import Vote
    from onegov.election_day.types import BallotType
    from onegov.election_day.types import Status

    # TODO: Add TypedDict for BallotResult

[docs] INTERNAL_VOTE_HEADERS = ( 'status', 'type', 'entity_id', 'counted', 'yeas', 'nays', 'invalid', 'empty', 'eligible_voters', )
[docs] def import_vote_internal( vote: 'Vote', principal: 'Canton | Municipality', file: IO[bytes], mimetype: str ) -> list[FileImportError]: """ Tries to import the given csv, xls or xlsx file. :return: A list containing errors. """ csv, error = load_csv( file, mimetype, expected_headers=INTERNAL_VOTE_HEADERS, dialect='excel' ) if error: return [error] ballot_results: dict[str, list[dict[str, Any]]] = {} errors: list[FileImportError] = [] added_entity_ids: dict[str, set[int]] = {} status = 'unknown' entities = principal.entities[] assert csv is not None for line in csv.lines: line_errors: list[str] = [] status = line.status or 'unknown' if status not in STATI: line_errors.append(_('Invalid status')) ballot_type = line.type if ballot_type not in BALLOT_TYPES: line_errors.append(_('Invalid ballot type')) if vote.type == 'simple': ballot_type = 'proposal' added_entity_ids.setdefault(ballot_type, set()) ballot_results.setdefault(ballot_type, []) # the id of the entity entity_id = None name = '' district = None try: entity_id = validate_integer(line, 'entity_id') except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) else: if entity_id not in entities and entity_id in EXPATS: entity_id = 0 if entity_id in added_entity_ids[ballot_type]: line_errors.append( _('${name} was found twice', mapping={ 'name': entity_id })) if entity_id and entity_id not in entities: line_errors.append( _('${name} is unknown', mapping={ 'name': entity_id })) else: name, district, _superregion = get_entity_and_district( entity_id, entities, vote, principal, line_errors ) if not line_errors: added_entity_ids[ballot_type].add(entity_id) # Skip expats if not enabled if entity_id == 0 and not vote.has_expats: continue # Counted counted = line.counted.strip().lower() == 'true' # the yeas try: yeas = validate_integer(line, 'yeas') except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) # the nays try: nays = validate_integer(line, 'nays') except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) # the eligible voters try: eligible_voters = validate_integer(line, 'eligible_voters') except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) # the expats try: expats = validate_integer( line, 'expats', optional=True, default=None ) or validate_integer( line, 'entity_expats', optional=True, default=None ) except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) # the empty votes try: empty = validate_integer(line, 'empty') except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) # the invalid votes try: invalid = validate_integer(line, 'invalid') except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) # now let's do some sanity checks if counted: try: if not eligible_voters: line_errors.append(_('No eligible voters')) if (yeas + nays + empty + invalid) > eligible_voters: line_errors.append( _('More cast votes than eligible voters') ) except UnboundLocalError: pass # pass the errors if line_errors: errors.extend( FileImportError(error=err, line=line.rownumber) for err in line_errors ) continue # all went well (only keep doing this as long as there are no errors) if not errors: ballot_results[ballot_type].append( { 'name': name, 'district': district, 'entity_id': entity_id, 'counted': counted, 'yeas': yeas if counted else 0, 'nays': nays if counted else 0, 'eligible_voters': eligible_voters if counted else 0, 'expats': expats if counted else 0, 'empty': empty if counted else 0, 'invalid': invalid if counted else 0 } ) if errors: return errors if not any(ballot_results.values()): return [FileImportError(_('No data found'))] # if there were no errors we know we have a valid status and ballot_types status = cast('Status', status) ballot_types = cast('Collection[BallotType]', ballot_results.keys()) # Add the missing entities for ballot_type in ballot_types: remaining = set(entities.keys()) if vote.has_expats: remaining.add(0) remaining -= added_entity_ids[ballot_type] for entity_id in remaining: name, district, _superregion = get_entity_and_district( entity_id, entities, vote, principal ) if vote.domain == 'none': continue if vote.domain == 'municipality': if principal.domain != 'municipality': if name != vote.domain_segment: continue ballot_results[ballot_type].append( { 'name': name, 'district': district, 'counted': False, 'entity_id': entity_id, 'yeas': 0, 'nays': 0, 'eligible_voters': 0, 'expats': None, 'empty': 0, 'invalid': 0 } ) vote.last_result_change = vote.timestamp() vote.status = status # Add the results to the DB for ballot_type in ballot_types: ballot = vote.ballot(ballot_type) existing = {result.entity_id: result for result in ballot.results} for result in ballot_results[ballot_type]: entity_id = result['entity_id'] if entity_id in existing: for key, value in result.items(): setattr(existing[entity_id], key, value) else: ballot.results.append(BallotResult(**result)) # Remove obsolete results obsolete = ( set(existing.keys()) - {result['entity_id'] for result in ballot_results[ballot_type]} ) for entity_id in obsolete: ballot.results.remove(existing[entity_id]) return []