Source code for election_day.formats.imports.party_result.internal

from onegov.election_day import _
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import FileImportError
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import load_csv
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import validate_color
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import validate_integer
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import validate_list_id
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import validate_numeric
from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionCompound
from onegov.election_day.models import PartyPanachageResult
from onegov.election_day.models import PartyResult
from uuid import uuid4

from typing import IO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Collection
    from onegov.core.csv import DefaultCSVFile
    from onegov.core.csv import DefaultRow
    from onegov.election_day.models import Canton
    from onegov.election_day.models import Municipality
    from onegov.election_day.models import ProporzElection

[docs] ELECTION_PARTY_HEADERS = ( 'year', 'name', 'id', 'color', # 'mandates', optional # 'votes', optional # 'total_votes', optional # 'voters_count' optional # 'voters_count_percentage' optional )
[docs] def parse_domain( line: 'DefaultRow', errors: list[str], election: 'ProporzElection | ElectionCompound', principal: 'Canton | Municipality', election_year: int ) -> tuple[bool, str | None, str | None]: """ Parse domain and domain segment. Also indicate, if line should be skipped. """ domain = getattr(line, 'domain', None) or None domain_segment = ( getattr(line, 'domain_segment', None) or getattr(line, 'domain_id', None) or None ) if isinstance(election, ElectionCompound): # Compound (including results for superregions) if not domain or domain == election.domain: return False, election.domain, None if domain == 'superregion': if domain_segment not in principal.get_superregions(election_year): errors.append( _( 'Invalid domain_segment: ${domain_segment}', mapping={'domain_segment': domain_segment} ) ) return False, None, None return False, domain, domain_segment else: # Election if not domain or domain == election.domain: if ( not domain_segment or domain_segment == election.domain_segment ): return False, election.domain, election.domain_segment return True, None, None
[docs] def parse_party_result( line: 'DefaultRow', errors: list[str], party_results: dict[str, PartyResult], totals: dict[int, dict[tuple[str | None, str | None], int | None]], parties: set[str], election_year: int, locales: 'Collection[str]', default_locale: str, colors: dict[str, str], domain: str | None, domain_segment: str | None ) -> None: totals_key = (domain, domain_segment) try: year = validate_integer(line, 'year', default=election_year) name_translations = { locale: getattr(line, f'name_{locale.lower()}', '').strip() for locale in locales } name_translations = { locale: name for locale, name in name_translations.items() if name } if hasattr(line, 'name'): if not name_translations.get(default_locale): name_translations[default_locale] = or '' party_id = validate_list_id(line, 'id') color = validate_color(line, 'color') mandates = validate_integer( line, 'mandates', optional=True, default=None ) votes = validate_integer( line, 'votes', optional=True, default=None ) total_votes = validate_integer( line, 'total_votes', optional=True, default=None ) voters_count = validate_numeric( line, 'voters_count', precision=12, scale=2, optional=True, default=None ) voters_count_percentage = validate_numeric( line, 'voters_count_percentage', precision=12, scale=2, optional=True, default=None ) assert all((year, name_translations.get(default_locale))) totals.setdefault(year, {}) assert totals[year].get(totals_key, total_votes) == total_votes except ValueError as e: errors.append(e.args[0]) except AssertionError: errors.append(_('Invalid values')) else: key = f'{domain}/{domain_segment}/{year}/{party_id}' totals[year][totals_key] = total_votes if year == election_year: parties.add(party_id) if key in party_results: errors.append(_('${name} was found twice', mapping={'name': key})) else: party_results[key] = PartyResult( id=uuid4(), domain=domain, domain_segment=domain_segment, party_id=party_id, year=year, total_votes=total_votes or 0, name_translations=name_translations, number_of_mandates=mandates or 0, votes=votes or 0, voters_count=voters_count, voters_count_percentage=voters_count_percentage ) if color: for name in name_translations.values(): colors[name] = color
[docs] def parse_panachage_headers(csv: 'DefaultCSVFile') -> dict[str, str]: headers = {} for header in csv.headers: if not header.startswith('panachage_votes_from_'): continue parts = header.split('panachage_votes_from_') if len(parts) > 1: headers[csv.as_valid_identifier(header)] = parts[1] return headers
[docs] def parse_panachage_results( line: 'DefaultRow', errors: list[str], results: dict[str, dict[str, int]], headers: dict[str, str], election_year: int ) -> None: try: target = validate_list_id(line, 'id') year = validate_integer(line, 'year', default=election_year) if target not in results and year == election_year: results[target] = {} for col_name, source in headers.items(): if source == target: continue results[target][source] = validate_integer(line, col_name) except ValueError as e: errors.append(e.args[0])
[docs] def import_party_results_internal( election: 'ProporzElection | ElectionCompound', principal: 'Canton | Municipality', file: IO[bytes], mimetype: str, locales: 'Collection[str]', default_locale: str ) -> list[FileImportError]: """ Tries to import the given file. This is our own format used for party results. Supports per party panachage data. Stores the panachage results from the blank list with a blank name. :return: A list containing errors. """ errors = [] parties: set[str] = set() party_results: dict[str, PartyResult] = {} party_totals: dict[int, dict[tuple[str | None, str | None], int | None]] party_totals = {} panachage_results: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = {} panachage_headers = None colors = election.colors.copy() # The party results file has one party per year per line (but only # panachage results in the year of the election) if file and mimetype: csv, error = load_csv( file, mimetype, expected_headers=ELECTION_PARTY_HEADERS) if error: errors.append(error) else: assert csv is not None panachage_headers = parse_panachage_headers(csv) for line in csv.lines: line_errors: list[str] = [] skip, domain, domain_segment = parse_domain( line, line_errors, election, principal, ) if skip: continue parse_party_result( line, line_errors, party_results, party_totals, parties,, locales, default_locale, colors, domain, domain_segment ) if domain == election.domain: parse_panachage_results( line, line_errors, panachage_results, panachage_headers, ) if line_errors: errors.extend( FileImportError(error=err, line=line.rownumber) for err in line_errors ) if not parties: errors.append(FileImportError( _( 'No party results for year ${year}', mapping={'year':} ) )) if panachage_headers and parties: for list_id in panachage_headers.values(): if list_id != '999' and list_id not in parties: errors.append(FileImportError( _('Panachage results ids and id not consistent')) ) break if errors: return errors election.party_results = [] election.party_panachage_results = [] election.colors = colors election.last_result_change = election.timestamp() for result in party_results.values(): election.party_results.append(result) for target in panachage_results: if target in parties: for source, votes in panachage_results[target].items(): if source in parties or source == '999': election.party_panachage_results.append( PartyPanachageResult( id=uuid4(), source=source if source != '999' else '', target=target, votes=votes ) ) return []