Source code for election_day.formats.imports.election_compound.internal

from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.election.internal_proporz import (
from onegov.election_day import _
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import FileImportError

from typing import IO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.election_day.models import Canton
    from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionCompound
    from onegov.election_day.models import Municipality

[docs] def import_election_compound_internal( compound: 'ElectionCompound', principal: 'Canton | Municipality', file: IO[bytes], mimetype: str ) -> list[FileImportError]: """ Tries to import the given file (internal format). Does not support separate expat results. :return: A list containing errors. """ errors: set[FileImportError] = set() updated = [] has_expats = False for election in compound.elections: election_errors = import_election_internal_proporz( election, principal, file, mimetype, ignore_extra=True ) expat_results = [r for r in election.results if r.entity_id == 0] if expat_results: has_expats = True if ( len(election_errors) == 1 and str(election_errors[0].error) == 'No data found' ): continue updated.append(election) errors.update( error for error in election_errors if str(error.error) != 'No data found' ) if has_expats: errors.add( FileImportError(_( 'This format does not support separate results for expats' )) ) if not errors: compound.last_result_change = compound.timestamp() for election in compound.elections: if election not in updated: election.clear_results(True) election.last_result_change = compound.last_result_change return sorted(errors, key=lambda x: (x.line or 0, x.error or ''))