Source code for election_day.formats.imports.election.wabstic_majorz

from onegov.election_day import _
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import EXPATS
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import FileImportError
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import get_entity_and_district
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import line_is_relevant
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import load_csv
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import validate_integer
from onegov.election_day.models import Candidate
from onegov.election_day.models import CandidateResult
from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionResult
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session
from uuid import uuid4

from typing import Any
from typing import IO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.core.csv import DefaultRow
    from onegov.election_day.models import Canton
    from onegov.election_day.models import Election
    from onegov.election_day.models import Municipality

[docs] WABSTIC_MAJORZ_HEADERS_WM_WAHL = ( 'sortgeschaeft', # provides the link to the election 'absolutesmehr', # absolute majority 'anzpendentgde', # status )
[docs] WABSTIC_MAJORZ_HEADERS_WMSTATIC_GEMEINDEN = ( 'sortwahlkreis', # provides the link to the election 'sortgeschaeft', # provides the link to the election 'bfsnrgemeinde', # BFS 'stimmberechtigte', # eligible votes )
[docs] WABSTIC_MAJORZ_HEADERS_WM_GEMEINDEN = ( 'bfsnrgemeinde', # BFS 'stimmberechtigte', # eligible votes 'sperrung', # counted 'stmabgegeben', # received ballots 'stmleer', # blank ballots 'stmungueltig', # invalid ballots 'stimmenleer', # blank votes 'stimmenungueltig', # invalid votes )
[docs] WABSTIC_MAJORZ_HEADERS_WM_KANDIDATEN = ( 'sortgeschaeft', # provides the link to the election 'knr', # candidate id 'nachname', # familiy name 'vorname', # first name 'gewaehlt', # elected 'partei', # )
[docs] WABSTIC_MAJORZ_HEADERS_WM_KANDIDATENGDE = ( 'sortgeschaeft', # provides the link to the election 'bfsnrgemeinde', # BFS 'knr', # candidate id 'stimmen', # votes )
[docs] def get_entity_id(line: 'DefaultRow') -> int: col = 'bfsnrgemeinde' entity_id = validate_integer(line, col) return 0 if entity_id in EXPATS else entity_id
[docs] def import_election_wabstic_majorz( election: 'Election', principal: 'Canton | Municipality', number: str, district: str, file_wm_wahl: IO[bytes], mimetype_wm_wahl: str, file_wmstatic_gemeinden: IO[bytes], mimetype_wmstatic_gemeinden: str, file_wm_gemeinden: IO[bytes], mimetype_wm_gemeinden: str, file_wm_kandidaten: IO[bytes], mimetype_wm_kandidaten: str, file_wm_kandidatengde: IO[bytes], mimetype_wm_kandidatengde: str ) -> list[FileImportError]: """ Tries to import the given CSV files from a WabstiCExport. This function is typically called automatically every few minutes during an election day - we use bulk inserts to speed up the import. :return: A list containing errors. """ errors = [] entities = principal.entities[] election_id = # Read the files wm_wahl, error = load_csv( file_wm_wahl, mimetype_wm_wahl, expected_headers=WABSTIC_MAJORZ_HEADERS_WM_WAHL, filename='wm_wahl' ) if error: errors.append(error) wmstatic_gemeinden, error = load_csv( file_wmstatic_gemeinden, mimetype_wmstatic_gemeinden, expected_headers=WABSTIC_MAJORZ_HEADERS_WMSTATIC_GEMEINDEN, filename='wmstatic_gemeinden' ) if error: errors.append(error) wm_gemeinden, error = load_csv( file_wm_gemeinden, mimetype_wm_gemeinden, expected_headers=WABSTIC_MAJORZ_HEADERS_WM_GEMEINDEN, filename='wm_gemeinden' ) if error: errors.append(error) wm_kandidaten, error = load_csv( file_wm_kandidaten, mimetype_wm_kandidaten, expected_headers=WABSTIC_MAJORZ_HEADERS_WM_KANDIDATEN, filename='wm_kandidaten' ) if error: errors.append(error) wm_kandidatengde, error = load_csv( file_wm_kandidatengde, mimetype_wm_kandidatengde, expected_headers=WABSTIC_MAJORZ_HEADERS_WM_KANDIDATENGDE, filename='wm_kandidatengde' ) if error: errors.append(error) if errors: return errors # Parse the election absolute_majority = None remaining_entities = None complete = None assert wm_wahl is not None for line in wm_wahl.lines: line_errors = [] if not line_is_relevant(line, number): continue # Parse the absolute majority, if None, 0 will be returned try: absolute_majority = validate_integer(line, 'absolutesmehr') except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) else: if absolute_majority == -1: absolute_majority = None try: complete = validate_integer(line, 'ausmittlungsstand') except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) # Check if remaining entities is 0 is final, else unknown try: remaining_entities = validate_integer( line, 'anzpendentgde', default=None) except Exception as e: line_errors.append( _('Error in anzpendentgde: ${msg}', mapping={'msg': e.args[0]})) # Pass the errors and continue to next line if line_errors: errors.extend( FileImportError( error=err, line=line.rownumber, filename='wm_wahl' ) for err in line_errors ) continue # Parse the entities added_entities: dict[int, dict[str, Any]] = {} assert wmstatic_gemeinden is not None for line in wmstatic_gemeinden.lines: line_errors = [] if not line_is_relevant(line, number, district=district): continue # Parse the id of the entity try: entity_id = get_entity_id(line) except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) else: if entity_id and entity_id not in entities: line_errors.append( _('${name} is unknown', mapping={'name': entity_id})) if entity_id in added_entities: line_errors.append( _('${name} was found twice', mapping={'name': entity_id})) # Skip expats if not enabled if entity_id == 0 and not election.has_expats: continue # Parse the eligible voters try: eligible_voters = validate_integer(line, 'stimmberechtigte') except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) # Get and check the district/region entity_name, entity_district, entity_superregion = ( get_entity_and_district( entity_id, entities, election, principal, line_errors ) ) # Pass the errors and continue to next line if line_errors: errors.extend( FileImportError( error=err, line=line.rownumber, filename='wmstatic_gemeinden' ) for err in line_errors ) continue added_entities[entity_id] = { 'name': entity_name, 'district': entity_district, 'superregion': entity_superregion, 'eligible_voters': eligible_voters } assert wm_gemeinden is not None for line in wm_gemeinden.lines: line_errors = [] # Parse the id of the entity try: entity_id = get_entity_id(line) except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) else: if entity_id and entity_id not in entities: line_errors.append( _('${name} is unknown', mapping={'name': entity_id})) if entity_id not in added_entities: # Only add it if present (there is there no SortGeschaeft) # .. this also skips expats if not enabled continue entity = added_entities[entity_id] # Check if the entity is counted try: entity['counted'] = False if validate_integer( line, 'sperrung') == 0 else True except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) # Parse the eligible voters try: eligible_voters = validate_integer(line, 'stimmberechtigte') except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) else: eligible_voters = ( eligible_voters or added_entities.get(entity_id, {}).get('eligible_voters', 0) ) entity['eligible_voters'] = eligible_voters # Parse the ballots and votes try: received_ballots = validate_integer(line, 'stmabgegeben') blank_ballots = validate_integer(line, 'stmleer') invalid_ballots = validate_integer(line, 'stmungueltig') blank_votes = validate_integer(line, 'stimmenleer') invalid_votes = validate_integer(line, 'stimmenungueltig') except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) else: entity['received_ballots'] = received_ballots entity['blank_ballots'] = blank_ballots entity['invalid_ballots'] = invalid_ballots entity['blank_votes'] = blank_votes entity['invalid_votes'] = invalid_votes # Pass the errors and continue to next line if line_errors: errors.extend( FileImportError( error=err, line=line.rownumber, filename='wm_gemeinden' ) for err in line_errors ) continue # Clear results if not counted yet if not entity['counted']: entity['eligible_voters'] = 0 entity['received_ballots'] = 0 entity['blank_ballots'] = 0 entity['invalid_ballots'] = 0 entity['blank_votes'] = 0 entity['invalid_votes'] = 0 # Parse the candidates added_candidates = {} assert wm_kandidaten is not None for line in wm_kandidaten.lines: line_errors = [] if not line_is_relevant(line, number): continue try: candidate_id = line.knr family_name = line.nachname first_name = line.vorname elected = True if line.gewaehlt == '1' else False party = line.partei except ValueError as e: line_errors.append(e.args[0]) else: added_candidates[candidate_id] = { 'id': uuid4(), 'election_id': election_id, 'candidate_id': candidate_id, 'family_name': family_name, 'first_name': first_name, 'elected': elected, 'party': party } # Pass the errors and continue to next line if line_errors: errors.extend( FileImportError( error=err, line=line.rownumber, filename='wm_kandidaten' ) for err in line_errors ) continue # Parse the candidate results added_results: dict[int, dict[str, int | None]] = {} assert wm_kandidatengde is not None for line in wm_kandidatengde.lines: line_errors = [] if not line_is_relevant(line, number): continue try: entity_id = get_entity_id(line) candidate_id = line.knr votes = validate_integer(line, 'stimmen', default=None) except ValueError: line_errors.append(_('Invalid candidate results')) else: if added_candidates and candidate_id not in added_candidates: line_errors.append( _('Candidate with id ${id} not in wm_kandidaten', mapping={'id': candidate_id})) if entity_id == 0 and not election.has_expats: # Skip expats if not enabled continue if entity_id not in added_entities: line_errors.append( _('Entity with id ${id} not in wmstatic_gemeinden', mapping={'id': entity_id})) # Pass the errors and continue to next line if line_errors: errors.extend( FileImportError( error=err, line=line.rownumber, filename='wm_kandidatengde' ) for err in line_errors ) continue if entity_id not in added_results: added_results[entity_id] = {} added_results[entity_id][candidate_id] = votes # Clear results if not counted yet if not added_entities[entity_id]['counted']: added_results[entity_id][candidate_id] = 0 if complete and complete == 2 and remaining_entities != 0: errors.append(FileImportError( _('Ausmittlungsstand set to final but AnzPendentGde is not 0')) ) if errors: return errors # Add the results to the DB election.clear_results(True) election.last_result_change = election.timestamp() election.absolute_majority = absolute_majority election.status = 'unknown' if complete == 1: election.status = 'interim' if remaining_entities == 0: election.status = 'final' result_uids = {entity_id: uuid4() for entity_id in added_results} session = object_session(election) session.bulk_insert_mappings(Candidate, added_candidates.values()) session.bulk_insert_mappings( ElectionResult, ( { 'id': result_uids[entity_id], 'election_id': election_id, 'name': added_entities[entity_id]['name'], 'district': added_entities[entity_id]['district'], 'superregion': added_entities[entity_id]['superregion'], 'entity_id': entity_id, 'counted': added_entities[entity_id]['counted'], 'eligible_voters': added_entities[entity_id]['eligible_voters'], 'received_ballots': added_entities[entity_id]['received_ballots'], 'blank_ballots': added_entities[entity_id]['blank_ballots'], 'invalid_ballots': added_entities[entity_id]['invalid_ballots'], 'blank_votes': added_entities[entity_id]['blank_votes'], 'invalid_votes': added_entities[entity_id]['invalid_votes'] } for entity_id in added_results.keys() ) ) session.bulk_insert_mappings( CandidateResult, ( { 'id': uuid4(), 'election_result_id': result_uids[entity_id], 'votes': votes, 'candidate_id': added_candidates[candidate_id]['id'] } for entity_id in added_results for candidate_id, votes in added_results[entity_id].items() ) ) # Add the missing entities result_inserts = [] remaining = set(entities.keys()) if election.has_expats: remaining.add(0) remaining -= set(added_results.keys()) for entity_id in remaining: name, district, superregion = get_entity_and_district( entity_id, entities, election, principal ) if election.domain == 'none': continue if election.domain == 'municipality': if principal.domain != 'municipality': if name != election.domain_segment: continue if election.domain in ('region', 'district'): if district != election.domain_segment: continue result_inserts.append( { 'id': uuid4(), 'election_id': election_id, 'name': name, 'district': district, 'superregion': superregion, 'entity_id': entity_id, 'counted': False } ) session.bulk_insert_mappings(ElectionResult, result_inserts) session.flush() session.expire_all() return []