from __future__ import annotations
from onegov.election_day import _
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import EXPATS
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import FileImportError
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import get_entity_and_district
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import load_csv
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import STATI
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import validate_color
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import validate_gender
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import validate_integer
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import validate_list_id
from onegov.election_day.models import Candidate
from onegov.election_day.models import CandidatePanachageResult
from onegov.election_day.models import CandidateResult
from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionResult
from onegov.election_day.models import List
from onegov.election_day.models import ListConnection
from onegov.election_day.models import ListPanachageResult
from onegov.election_day.models import ListResult
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session
from uuid import uuid4
from typing import Any
from typing import IO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from onegov.core.csv import DefaultCSVFile
from onegov.core.csv import DefaultRow
from onegov.election_day.models import Canton
from onegov.election_day.models import Election
from onegov.election_day.models import Municipality
from onegov.election_day.types import Status
# TODO: Define TypedDict for the parsed results, so we can verify
# our parser ensures correct types
def parse_election(line: DefaultRow, errors: list[str]) -> Status | None:
status = None
status = line.election_status or 'unknown'
except ValueError:
errors.append(_('Invalid election values'))
if status not in STATI:
errors.append(_('Invalid status'))
return status # type:ignore[return-value]
def parse_election_result(
line: DefaultRow,
errors: list[str],
entities: dict[int, dict[str, str]],
election: Election,
principal: Canton | Municipality,
ignore_extra: bool
) -> dict[str, Any] | bool:
entity_id = validate_integer(line, 'entity_id')
counted = line.entity_counted.strip().lower() == 'true'
eligible_voters = validate_integer(line, 'entity_eligible_voters')
expats = validate_integer(
line, 'entity_expats', optional=True, default=None
received_ballots = validate_integer(line, 'entity_received_ballots')
blank_ballots = validate_integer(line, 'entity_blank_ballots')
invalid_ballots = validate_integer(line, 'entity_invalid_ballots')
blank_votes = validate_integer(line, 'entity_blank_votes')
invalid_votes = validate_integer(line, 'entity_invalid_votes')
except ValueError as e:
if entity_id not in entities and entity_id in EXPATS:
entity_id = 0
if entity_id and entity_id not in entities:
'${name} is unknown',
mapping={'name': entity_id}
entity_errors: list[str] = []
name, district, superregion = get_entity_and_district(
entity_id, entities, election, principal, entity_errors
if ignore_extra and entity_errors:
return True
if not errors:
return {
'id': uuid4(),
'name': name,
'district': district,
'superregion': superregion,
'counted': counted,
'entity_id': entity_id,
'eligible_voters': eligible_voters if counted else 0,
'expats': expats if counted else 0,
'received_ballots': received_ballots if counted else 0,
'blank_ballots': blank_ballots if counted else 0,
'invalid_ballots': invalid_ballots if counted else 0,
'blank_votes': blank_votes if counted else 0,
'invalid_votes': invalid_votes if counted else 0,
return False
def parse_list(
line: DefaultRow,
errors: list[str],
election_id: str,
colors: dict[str, str]
) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
id = validate_list_id(line, 'list_id', treat_empty_as_default=False)
name = line.list_name
color = validate_color(line, 'list_color')
mandates = validate_integer(line, 'list_number_of_mandates')
except ValueError as e:
if name and color:
colors[name] = color
return {
'id': uuid4(),
'election_id': election_id,
'list_id': id,
'number_of_mandates': mandates,
'name': name,
return None
def parse_list_result(
line: DefaultRow,
errors: list[str],
counted: bool
) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
votes = validate_integer(line, 'list_votes')
except ValueError as e:
return {
'id': uuid4(),
'votes': votes if counted else 0
return None
def parse_list_panachage_results(
line: DefaultRow,
errors: list[str],
values: dict[str, dict[str, int]],
headers: dict[str, str]
) -> None:
target = validate_list_id(
line, 'list_id', treat_empty_as_default=False)
if target not in values:
values[target] = {}
for col_name, source in headers.items():
if source == target:
votes = validate_integer(line, col_name, default=None)
if votes is not None:
values[target][source] = votes
except ValueError as e:
except Exception:
errors.append(_('Invalid list results'))
def parse_candidate(
line: DefaultRow,
errors: list[str],
election_id: str,
colors: dict[str, str]
) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
candidate_id = line.candidate_id
family_name = line.candidate_family_name
first_name = line.candidate_first_name
elected = str(line.candidate_elected or '').lower() == 'true'
party = line.candidate_party
color = validate_color(line, 'candidate_party_color')
gender = validate_gender(line)
year_of_birth = validate_integer(
line, 'candidate_year_of_birth', optional=True, default=None
except ValueError as e:
except Exception:
errors.append(_('Invalid candidate values'))
if party and color:
colors[party] = color
return {
'id': uuid4(),
'election_id': election_id,
'candidate_id': candidate_id,
'family_name': family_name,
'first_name': first_name,
'elected': elected,
'party': party,
'gender': gender,
'year_of_birth': year_of_birth
return None
def parse_candidate_result(
line: DefaultRow,
errors: list[str],
counted: bool
) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
votes = validate_integer(line, 'candidate_votes')
except ValueError as e:
return {
'id': uuid4(),
'votes': votes if counted else 0,
return None
def parse_candidate_panachage_headers(csv: DefaultCSVFile) -> dict[str, str]:
headers = {}
prefix = 'candidate_panachage_votes_from_list_'
for header in csv.headers:
if not header.startswith(prefix):
parts = header.split(prefix)
if len(parts) > 1:
source_list_id = parts[1]
headers[csv.as_valid_identifier(header)] = source_list_id
except ValueError:
return headers
def parse_candidate_panachage_results(
line: DefaultRow,
errors: list[str],
values: list[dict[str, Any]],
headers: dict[str, str]
) -> None:
entity_id = validate_integer(line, 'entity_id')
candidate_id = line.candidate_id
for col_name, source in headers.items():
votes = validate_integer(line, col_name, default=None)
if votes:
'entity_id': entity_id,
'candidate_id': candidate_id,
'list_id': source,
'votes': votes
except ValueError as e:
except Exception:
errors.append(_('Invalid candidate results'))
def prefix_connection_id(connection_id: str, parent_connection_id: str) -> str:
"""Used to distinguish connection ids when they have the same id
as a parent_connection. """
if not len(connection_id) > len(parent_connection_id):
return parent_connection_id + connection_id
return connection_id
def parse_connection(
line: DefaultRow,
errors: list[str],
election_id: str
) -> tuple[dict[str, Any] | None, dict[str, Any] | None]:
subconnection_id = None
connection_id = line.list_connection
parent_connection_id = line.list_connection_parent
if parent_connection_id:
subconnection_id = prefix_connection_id(
connection_id, parent_connection_id
connection_id = parent_connection_id
except ValueError:
errors.append(_('Invalid list connection values'))
connection = {
'id': uuid4(),
'election_id': election_id,
'connection_id': connection_id,
} if connection_id else None
subconnection = {
'id': uuid4(),
'election_id': election_id,
'connection_id': subconnection_id,
} if subconnection_id else None
return connection, subconnection
return None, None
def import_election_internal_proporz(
election: Election,
principal: Canton | Municipality,
file: IO[bytes],
mimetype: str,
ignore_extra: bool = False
) -> list[FileImportError]:
""" Tries to import the given file (internal format).
This function is typically called automatically every few minutes during
an election day - we use bulk inserts to speed up the import.
Optionally ignores results not being part of this election.
A list containing errors.
filename = _('Results')
csv, error = load_csv(
file, mimetype, expected_headers=INTERNAL_PROPORZ_HEADERS,
if error:
return [error]
assert csv is not None
errors: list[FileImportError] = []
candidates: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {}
candidate_results = []
lists: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {}
list_results: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {}
connections: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {}
subconnections: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {}
results: dict[int, dict[str, Any]] = {}
list_panachage: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {}
list_panachage_headers = parse_list_panachage_headers(csv)
candidate_panachage: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
candidate_panachage_headers = parse_candidate_panachage_headers(csv)
entities = principal.entities[]
election_id =
colors = election.colors.copy()
# This format has one candiate per entity per line
status = None
for line in csv.lines:
line_errors: list[str] = []
# Parse the line
result = parse_election_result(
line, line_errors, entities, election, principal, ignore_extra
if result is True:
counted = (result or {}).get('counted', False)
status = parse_election(line, line_errors)
candidate = parse_candidate(line, line_errors, election_id, colors)
candidate_result = parse_candidate_result(line, line_errors, counted)
list_ = parse_list(line, line_errors, election_id, colors)
list_result = parse_list_result(line, line_errors, counted)
connection, subconnection = parse_connection(
line, line_errors, election_id
line, line_errors, list_panachage, list_panachage_headers
line, line_errors, candidate_panachage, candidate_panachage_headers
# Skip expats if not enabled
if result and result['entity_id'] == 0 and not election.has_expats:
# Pass the errors and continue to next line
if line_errors:
error=err, line=line.rownumber, filename=filename
for err in line_errors
assert result
assert list_ is not None
assert list_result is not None
assert candidate is not None
assert candidate_result is not None
# Add the data
result = results.setdefault(result['entity_id'], result)
list_ = lists.setdefault(list_['list_id'], list_)
if connection:
connection = connections.setdefault(
connection['connection_id'], connection
list_['connection_id'] = connection['id']
if subconnection:
subconnection = subconnections.setdefault(
subconnection['connection_id'], subconnection
subconnection['parent_id'] = connection['id']
list_['connection_id'] = subconnection['id']
list_results.setdefault(result['entity_id'], {})
list_result = list_results[result['entity_id']].setdefault(
list_['list_id'], list_result
assert list_result is not None
list_result['list_id'] = list_['id']
candidate = candidates.setdefault(candidate['candidate_id'], candidate)
candidate_result['candidate_id'] = candidate['id']
candidate_result['election_result_id'] = result['id']
candidate['list_id'] = list_['id']
# Additional checks
if not errors and not results:
errors.append(FileImportError(_('No data found')))
"Panachage results id ${id} not in list_id's",
mapping={'id': list_id}
for values in list_panachage.values()
for list_id in values
if list_id != '999' and list_id not in lists
"Panachage results id ${id} not in list_id's",
mapping={'id': values['list_id']}
for values in candidate_panachage
if values['list_id'] != '999' and values['list_id'] not in lists
if errors:
return errors
# Add the missing entities
remaining = set(entities.keys())
if election.has_expats:
remaining -= set(results.keys())
for entity_id in remaining:
name, district, superregion = get_entity_and_district(
entity_id, entities, election, principal
if election.domain == 'none':
if election.domain == 'municipality':
if principal.domain != 'municipality':
if name != election.domain_segment:
if election.domain in ('region', 'district'):
if district != election.domain_segment:
results[entity_id] = {
'id': uuid4(),
'election_id': election_id,
'name': name,
'district': district,
'superregion': superregion,
'entity_id': entity_id,
'counted': False
# Aggregate candidate panachage to list panachage if missing
if candidate_panachage and not any(list_panachage.values()):
list_ids = {r['id']: r['list_id'] for r in lists.values()}
for panachage_result in candidate_panachage:
source = panachage_result['list_id']
candidate_id = panachage_result['candidate_id']
target = list_ids[candidates[candidate_id]['list_id']]
if source == target:
list_panachage[target].setdefault(source, 0)
list_panachage[target][source] += panachage_result['votes'] or 0
# Add the results to the DB
last_result_change = election.timestamp()
election.last_result_change = last_result_change
election.status = status
election.colors = colors
if election.election_compound:
election.election_compound.last_result_change = last_result_change
result_uids = {r['entity_id']: r['id'] for r in results.values()}
candidate_uids = {r['candidate_id']: r['id'] for r in candidates.values()}
list_uids = {r['list_id']: r['id'] for r in lists.values()}
list_uids['999'] = None
session = object_session(election)
session.bulk_insert_mappings(ListConnection, connections.values())
session.bulk_insert_mappings(ListConnection, subconnections.values())
session.bulk_insert_mappings(List, lists.values())
session.bulk_insert_mappings(ListPanachageResult, (
'id': uuid4(),
'source_id': list_uids[source],
'target_id': list_uids[list_id],
'votes': votes,
for list_id in list_panachage
for source, votes in list_panachage[list_id].items()
session.bulk_insert_mappings(Candidate, candidates.values())
session.bulk_insert_mappings(ElectionResult, results.values())
session.bulk_insert_mappings(ListResult, (
dict(**list_result, election_result_id=result_uids[entity_id])
for entity_id, values in list_results.items()
for list_result in values.values()
session.bulk_insert_mappings(CandidateResult, candidate_results)
session.bulk_insert_mappings(CandidatePanachageResult, (
'id': uuid4(),
'election_result_id': result_uids[panachage_result['entity_id']],
'source_id': list_uids[panachage_result['list_id']],
'target_id': candidate_uids[panachage_result['candidate_id']],
'votes': panachage_result['votes'],
for panachage_result in candidate_panachage
return []