Source code for election_day.formats.imports.election.ech

from onegov.election_day import _
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import convert_ech_domain
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import EXPATS
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import FileImportError
from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import get_entity_and_district
from onegov.election_day.models import Candidate
from onegov.election_day.models import CandidatePanachageResult
from onegov.election_day.models import CandidateResult
from onegov.election_day.models import Election
from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionCompound
from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionResult
from onegov.election_day.models import List
from onegov.election_day.models import ListConnection
from onegov.election_day.models import ListPanachageResult
from onegov.election_day.models import ListResult
from onegov.election_day.models import ProporzElection
from xsdata_ech.e_ch_0155_5_0 import ListRelationType
from xsdata_ech.e_ch_0155_5_0 import SexType
from xsdata_ech.e_ch_0155_5_0 import TypeOfElectionType
from xsdata_ech.e_ch_0252_1_0 import VoterTypeType as VoterTypeTypeV1
from xsdata_ech.e_ch_0252_2_0 import VoterTypeType as VoterTypeTypeV2

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from datetime import date
    from onegov.election_day.formats.imports.common import ECHImportResultType
    from onegov.election_day.models import Canton
    from onegov.election_day.models import Municipality
    from onegov.election_day.types import Gender
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
    from typing import TypeAlias
    from xsdata_ech.e_ch_0252_2_0 import Delivery
    from xsdata_ech.e_ch_0252_2_0 import ElectedType
    from xsdata_ech.e_ch_0252_2_0 import ElectionResultType
    from xsdata_ech.e_ch_0252_2_0 import EventElectionInformationDeliveryType
    from xsdata_ech.e_ch_0252_2_0 import EventElectionResultDeliveryType

[docs] MajoralElected: TypeAlias = ElectedType.MajoralElection.ElectedCandidate
ProportionalElected: TypeAlias = ( ElectedType.ProportionalElection.ListType.ElectedCandidate)
[docs] election_class = { TypeOfElectionType.VALUE_1: ProporzElection, TypeOfElectionType.VALUE_2: Election, }
[docs] gender: dict[SexType, 'Gender'] = { SexType.VALUE_1: 'male', SexType.VALUE_2: 'female', SexType.VALUE_3: 'undetermined', }
[docs] def import_elections_ech( principal: 'Canton | Municipality', delivery: 'Delivery', session: 'Session', default_locale: str, ) -> 'ECHImportResultType': """ Imports all elections in a given eCH-0252 delivery. Deletes elections on the same day not appearing in the delivery. :return: A tuple consisting of a list with errors, a set with updated elections, and a set with deleted elections. """ polling_day = None compounds: list[ElectionCompound] = [] elections: list[Election] = [] deleted: set[ElectionCompound | Election] = set() errors: set[FileImportError] = set() # process compounds, election, list and candidate information information_delivery = delivery.election_information_delivery if information_delivery: ( polling_day, compounds, elections, deleted, errors ) = import_information_delivery( principal, information_delivery, session, default_locale, ) # process election, candidate and list results result_delivery = delivery.election_result_delivery if result_delivery: # query elections assert result_delivery.polling_day if ( not polling_day or ( result_delivery.polling_day != information_delivery.polling_day # type:ignore[union-attr] ) ): assert result_delivery.polling_day is not None polling_day = result_delivery.polling_day.to_date() elections = session.query(Election).filter( == polling_day ).all() import_result_delivery( principal, result_delivery, polling_day, elections, errors ) return ( list(errors), compounds + elections, deleted ) # type:ignore[return-value]
[docs] def import_information_delivery( principal: 'Canton | Municipality', delivery: 'EventElectionInformationDeliveryType', session: 'Session', default_locale: str, ) -> tuple[ 'date', list[ElectionCompound], list[Election], set[ElectionCompound | Election], set[FileImportError] ]: """ Import an election information delivery. """ assert delivery is not None # get polling date and entities assert delivery.polling_day is not None polling_day = delivery.polling_day.to_date() entities = principal.entities[polling_day.year] errors = set() # query existing compounds existing_compounds = session.query(ElectionCompound).filter( == polling_day ).all() # query existing elections existing_elections = session.query(Election).filter( == polling_day ).all() # process compounds compounds: dict[str, ElectionCompound] = {} for association in delivery.election_association: identification = association.election_association_id assert identification name = association.election_association_name assert name # get or create compound compound = None for existing_c in existing_compounds: if identification in (existing_c.external_id, compound = existing_c break if not compound: compound = ElectionCompound( id=identification.lower(), external_id=identification, date=polling_day, domain='canton', title_translations={default_locale: name} ) session.add(compound) compounds[identification] = compound # process elections elections: dict[str, Election] = {} for group_info in delivery.election_group_info: assert group_info.election_group group = group_info.election_group assert group.domain_of_influence supported, domain, _domain_segment = convert_ech_domain( group.domain_of_influence, principal, entities ) if not supported: errors.add( FileImportError( _('Domain not supported'), filename=group.election_group_identification ) ) continue for information in group.election_information: assert information.election info = information.election assert info.election_identification identification = info.election_identification assert info.type_of_election cls = election_class[info.type_of_election] # get or create election election = None for existing_e in existing_elections: if identification in (existing_e.external_id, election = existing_e break if not election: election = cls( id=identification.lower(), external_id=identification, date=polling_day, domain='federation', title_translations={} ) if not isinstance(election, ProporzElection): election.majority_type = 'relative' session.add(election) if election.__class__ != cls: errors.add( FileImportError( _('Changing types is not supported'), filename=identification ) ) continue # update election elections[identification] = election election.domain = domain assert info.election_description title_translations = {} short_title_translations = {} for title in info.election_description.election_description_info: assert title.language assert title.election_description locale = f'{title.language.lower()}_CH' title_translations[locale] = title.election_description short_title_translations[locale] = ( title.election_description_short or '' ) election.title_translations = title_translations election.short_title_translations = short_title_translations if info.election_position is not None: election.shortcode = str(info.election_position) election.number_of_mandates = info.number_of_mandates or 0 compound_id = information.referenced_election_association_id if compound_id: compound = compounds[compound_id] election.election_compound_id = else: election.election_compound_id = None # update candidates existing_candidates = { candidate.candidate_id: candidate for candidate in election.candidates } candidates = {} for c_info in information.candidate: assert c_info.candidate_identification candidate_id = c_info.candidate_identification candidate = existing_candidates.get(candidate_id) if not candidate: candidate = Candidate( candidate_id=candidate_id, elected=False ) candidates[candidate_id] = candidate candidate.family_name = c_info.family_name or '' candidate.first_name = c_info.call_name or '' assert c_info.date_of_birth date_of_birth = c_info.date_of_birth.to_date() candidate.year_of_birth = date_of_birth.year assert candidate.gender = gender[] if c_info.party_affiliation: names = { f'{(party.language or "").lower()}_CH': party.party_affiliation_short for party in c_info.party_affiliation.party_affiliation_info } = names.get(default_locale) election.candidates = list(candidates.values()) if not isinstance(election, ProporzElection): continue # update lists existing_lists = { list_.list_id: list_ for list_ in election.lists } lists = {} for l_info in information.list_value: assert l_info.list_identification list_id = l_info.list_identification list_ = existing_lists.get(list_id) if not list_: list_ = List(list_id=list_id, number_of_mandates=0) lists[list_id] = list_ assert l_info.list_description assert l_info.list_description.list_description_info names = { f'{(name.language or "").lower()}_CH': name.list_description for name in l_info.list_description.list_description_info } = names.get(default_locale, '') or '' for pos in l_info.candidate_position: assert pos.candidate_identification candidates[pos.candidate_identification].list = list_ election.lists = list(lists.values()) # update list connections existing_connections = { connection.connection_id: connection for connection in election.list_connections } connections = {} for union in information.list_union: assert union.list_union_identification connection_id = union.list_union_identification connection = existing_connections.get(connection_id) if not connection: connection = ListConnection( connection_id=connection_id ) connections[connection_id] = connection for list_id in union.referenced_list: lists[list_id].connection = connection for union in information.list_union: if union.list_union_type != ListRelationType.VALUE_2: continue assert union.list_union_identification connection_id = union.list_union_identification connection = connections[connection_id] assert union.referenced_list_union parent = connections[union.referenced_list_union] connection.parent = parent election.list_connections = list(connections.values()) # delete obsolete compounds and elections deleted: set[ElectionCompound | Election] = set() deleted.update({ compound for compound in existing_compounds if compound not in compounds.values() }) deleted.update({ election for election in existing_elections if election not in elections.values() }) return ( polling_day, list(compounds.values()), list(elections.values()), deleted, errors )
[docs] def import_result_delivery( principal: 'Canton | Municipality', delivery: 'EventElectionResultDeliveryType', polling_day: 'date', elections: list[Election], errors: set[FileImportError] ) -> None: """ Import an election result delivery. """ entities = principal.entities[polling_day.year] # process results for group_result in delivery.election_group_result: for result in group_result.election_result: assert result.election_identification identification = result.election_identification # get election election = None for existing in elections: if identification in (existing.external_id, election = existing break if not election: errors.add( FileImportError( _('Election does not exist'), filename=identification ) ) continue # get candidates and lists candidates = {c.candidate_id: c for c in election.candidates} lists = {} if isinstance(election, ProporzElection): lists = {list_.list_id: list_ for list_ in election.lists} # update election results existing_election_results = { result.entity_id: result for result in election.results } election_results = {} assert result.counting_circle_result for circle in result.counting_circle_result: assert circle.counting_circle_id is not None entity_id = int(circle.counting_circle_id) entity_id = 0 if entity_id in EXPATS else entity_id if entity_id == 0: election.has_expats = True election_result = existing_election_results.get(entity_id) if not election_result: election_result = ElectionResult( entity_id=entity_id ) election_results[entity_id] = election_result name, district, superregion = get_entity_and_district( entity_id, entities, election, principal ) election_result.counted = circle.fully_counted_true or False = name election_result.district = district election_result.superregion = superregion if not circle.fully_counted_true: election_result.eligible_voters = 0 election_result.received_ballots = 0 election_result.blank_ballots = 0 election_result.invalid_ballots = 0 election_result.invalid_votes = 0 election_result.blank_votes = 0 else: assert circle.count_of_voters_information election_result.eligible_voters = ( circle .count_of_voters_information .count_of_voters_total or 0) expats = [ subtotal.count_of_voters for subtotal in circle.count_of_voters_information.subtotal_info if ( subtotal.voter_type in ( VoterTypeTypeV1.VALUE_2, VoterTypeTypeV2.VALUE_2 ) and is None ) ] election_result.expats = expats[0] if expats else None election_result.received_ballots = ( circle.count_of_received_ballots or 0) election_result.blank_ballots = ( circle.count_of_blank_ballots or 0) election_result.invalid_ballots = ( circle.count_of_invalid_ballots or 0) assert circle.election_result if circle.election_result.majoral_election: import_majoral_election_result( candidates, election_result, circle.election_result.majoral_election, errors ) if circle.election_result.proportional_election: import_proportional_election_result( candidates, lists, election_result, circle.election_result.proportional_election, errors ) # add the missing entities remaining = set(entities.keys()) if election.has_expats: remaining.add(0) remaining -= set(election_results.keys()) for entity_id in remaining: name, district, superregion = get_entity_and_district( entity_id, entities, election, principal ) if election.domain == 'none': continue if election.domain == 'municipality': if principal.domain != 'municipality': if name != election.domain_segment: continue election_results[entity_id] = ElectionResult( entity_id=entity_id, name=name, district=district, superregion=superregion, counted=False ) # add the results and update the status election.results = list(election_results.values()) counted = all(result.counted for result in election.results) election.status = 'final' if counted else 'interim' election.last_result_change = election.timestamp() # Aggregate candidate panachage to list panachage list_panachage: dict[List, dict[List | None, int]] = {} for candidate in election.candidates: for panachage_result in candidate.panachage_results: source = panachage_result.list target = panachage_result.candidate.list if source == target: continue list_panachage.setdefault(target, {}) list_panachage[target].setdefault(source, 0) list_panachage[target][source] += panachage_result.votes for target, sources in list_panachage.items(): target.panachage_results = [] for source, votes in sources.items(): lpanachage_result = ListPanachageResult(votes=votes) = target if source: lpanachage_result.source = source target.panachage_results.append(lpanachage_result) # update absolute majority and elected candidates election.absolute_majority = None for candidate in candidates.values(): candidate.elected = False elected_candidates: list[MajoralElected | ProportionalElected] = [] if result.elected: if result.elected.majoral_election: majoral = result.elected.majoral_election elected_candidates = ( majoral.elected_candidate) # type:ignore[assignment] absolute_majority = majoral.absolute_majority if absolute_majority is not None: election.majority_type = 'absolute' election.absolute_majority = absolute_majority if result.elected.proportional_election: proportional = result.elected.proportional_election for list_v in proportional.list_value: list_id = list_v.list_identification or '' list_ = get_list(lists, list_id, errors) if not list_: continue list_.number_of_mandates = len( list_v.elected_candidate ) elected_candidates.extend(list_v.elected_candidate) for elected in elected_candidates: candidate_id = elected.candidate_identification or '' e_candidate = get_candidate(candidates, candidate_id, errors) if e_candidate: e_candidate.elected = True
[docs] def import_majoral_election_result( candidates: dict[str, Candidate], election_result: ElectionResult, majoral_election: 'ElectionResultType.MajoralElection', errors: set[FileImportError] ) -> None: """ Helper function to import election results specific to majoral elections. """ election_result.invalid_votes = ( majoral_election.count_of_invalid_votes_total or 0) election_result.blank_votes = ( majoral_election.count_of_blank_votes_total or 0) existing_candidate_results = { result.candidate.candidate_id: result for result in election_result.candidate_results } candidate_results = {} for result in majoral_election.candidate_result: candidate_id = result.candidate_identification or '' candidate = get_candidate(candidates, candidate_id, errors) if not candidate: return candidate_result = existing_candidate_results.get(candidate_id) if not candidate_result: candidate_result = CandidateResult( candidate_results[candidate_id] = candidate_result candidate_result.votes = result.count_of_votes_total or 0 election_result.candidate_results = list(candidate_results.values())
[docs] def import_proportional_election_result( candidates: dict[str, Candidate], lists: dict[str, List], election_result: ElectionResult, proportional_election: 'ElectionResultType.ProportionalElection', errors: set[FileImportError] ) -> None: """ Helper function to import election results specific to proportional elections. """ election_result.invalid_votes = 0 election_result.blank_votes = ( proportional_election .count_of_empty_votes_of_changed_ballots_without_list_designation or 0) existing_candidate_results = { result.candidate.candidate_id: result for result in election_result.candidate_results } candidate_results = {} candidate_panachage_results = election_result.candidate_panachage_results existing_list_results = { result.list.list_id: result for result in election_result.list_results } list_results = {} # election_result for l_result in proportional_election.list_results: # List result list_id = l_result.list_identification or '' list_ = get_list(lists, list_id, errors) if not list_: return list_result = existing_list_results.get(list_id) if not list_result: list_result = ListResult( list_results[list_id] = list_result list_result.votes = l_result.count_of_candidate_votes or 0 # Candidate results for c_result in l_result.candidate_results: candidate_id = c_result.candidate_identification or '' candidate = get_candidate(candidates, candidate_id, errors) if not candidate: return candidate_result = existing_candidate_results.get(candidate_id) if not candidate_result: candidate_result = CandidateResult( candidate_results[candidate_id] = candidate_result candidate_result.votes = ( (c_result.count_of_votes_from_unchanged_ballots or 0) + (c_result.count_of_votes_from_changed_ballots or 0) ) # Panachage p_result = c_result.candidate_list_results_info if not p_result: continue existing_panachage_results = { getattr(result.list, 'list_id', ''): result for result in candidate_panachage_results if result.candidate == candidate } panachage_results = {} # ... blank panachage_result = existing_panachage_results.get('') if not panachage_result: panachage_result = CandidatePanachageResult() panachage_result.election_result = election_result panachage_result.candidate = candidate panachage_results[''] = panachage_result panachage_result.votes = ( p_result .count_of_votes_from_ballots_without_list_designation or 0) # ... lists for source in p_result.candidate_list_results: assert source.list_identification source_id = source.list_identification source_list = get_list(lists, source_id, errors) if not source_list: return panachage_result = existing_panachage_results.get(source_id) if not panachage_result: panachage_result = CandidatePanachageResult() panachage_result.election_result = election_result panachage_result.candidate = candidate panachage_result.list = ( source_list) # type:ignore[assignment] panachage_results[source_id] = panachage_result panachage_result.votes = ( source.count_of_votes_from_changed_ballots or 0) # ... remove obsolete obsolete = set(existing_panachage_results) - set(panachage_results) for list_id in obsolete: election_result.candidate_panachage_results.remove( existing_panachage_results[list_id] ) election_result.candidate_results = list(candidate_results.values()) election_result.list_results = list(list_results.values())
[docs] def get_candidate( candidates: dict[str, Candidate], candidate_id: str, errors: set[FileImportError] ) -> Candidate | None: """ Helper function to retreive a candidate of existing candidates. """ candidate = candidates.get(candidate_id) if not candidate: errors.add( FileImportError( _('Candidate does not exist'), filename=candidate_id ) ) return candidate
[docs] def get_list( lists: dict[str, List], list_id: str, errors: set[FileImportError] ) -> List | None: """ Helper function to retreive a list of existing lists. """ list_ = lists.get(list_id) if not list_: errors.add( FileImportError( _('List does not exist'), filename=list_id ) ) return list_