Source code for election_day.collections.archived_results

from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date
from itertools import groupby
from onegov.core.collection import Pagination
from onegov.election_day.collections.elections import ElectionCollection
from onegov.election_day.collections.election_compounds import \
from onegov.election_day.collections.votes import VoteCollection
from onegov.election_day.models import ArchivedResult
from onegov.election_day.models import Election
from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionCompound
from onegov.election_day.models import Vote
from onegov.election_day.utils import replace_url
from sedate import as_datetime
from sqlalchemy import cast
from sqlalchemy import desc
from sqlalchemy import distinct
from sqlalchemy import extract
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy import Integer
from sqlalchemy import or_
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import case
from time import mktime
from time import strptime

from typing import overload
from typing import Any
from typing import Literal
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from _typeshed import SupportsRichComparison
    from import Callable
    from import Collection
    from import Iterable
    from datetime import datetime
    from import ElectionDayApp
    from onegov.election_day.request import ElectionDayRequest
    from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import TSVECTOR
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
    from sqlalchemy.sql import ColumnElement
    from typing import TypeVar
    from typing import Self

[docs] _T1 = TypeVar('_T1')
_T2 = TypeVar('_T2') _T3 = TypeVar('_T3') _TSupportsRichComparison = TypeVar( '_TSupportsRichComparison', bound='SupportsRichComparison' ) @overload
[docs] def groupbydict( items: 'Iterable[_T1]', keyfunc: 'Callable[[_T1], _TSupportsRichComparison]', sortfunc: None = None, groupfunc: 'Callable[[Iterable[_T1]], list[_T1]]' = list, ) -> dict['_TSupportsRichComparison', list['_T1']]: ...
@overload def groupbydict( items: 'Iterable[_T1]', keyfunc: 'Callable[[_T1], _T2]', sortfunc: 'Callable[[_T1], SupportsRichComparison]', groupfunc: 'Callable[[Iterable[_T1]], list[_T1]]' = list, ) -> dict['_T2', list['_T1']]: ... @overload def groupbydict( items: 'Iterable[_T1]', keyfunc: 'Callable[[_T1], _TSupportsRichComparison]', sortfunc: None = None, *, groupfunc: 'Callable[[Iterable[_T1]], _T2]', ) -> dict['_TSupportsRichComparison', '_T2']: ... @overload def groupbydict( items: 'Iterable[_T1]', keyfunc: 'Callable[[_T1], _TSupportsRichComparison]', sortfunc: None, groupfunc: 'Callable[[Iterable[_T1]], _T2]', ) -> dict['_TSupportsRichComparison', '_T2']: ... @overload def groupbydict( items: 'Iterable[_T1]', keyfunc: 'Callable[[_T1], _T2]', sortfunc: 'Callable[[_T1], SupportsRichComparison]', groupfunc: 'Callable[[Iterable[_T1]], _T3]', ) -> dict['_T2', '_T3']: ... def groupbydict( items: 'Iterable[_T1]', keyfunc: 'Callable[[_T1], Any]', sortfunc: 'Callable[[_T1], Any] | None' = None, groupfunc: 'Callable[[Iterable[_T1]], Any]' = list ) -> dict[Any, Any]: return OrderedDict( (key, groupfunc(group)) for key, group in groupby( sorted(items, key=sortfunc or keyfunc), keyfunc ) )
[docs] class ArchivedResultCollection: def __init__(self, session: 'Session', date_: str | None = None):
[docs] self.session = session
[docs] = date_
[docs] def for_date(self, date_: str) -> 'Self': return self.__class__(self.session, date_)
[docs] def query(self) -> 'Query[ArchivedResult]': return self.session.query(ArchivedResult)
[docs] def get_years(self) -> list[int]: """ Returns a list of available years. """ year = cast(extract('year',, Integer) query = self.session.query(distinct(year)) query = query.order_by(desc(year)) return [year for year, in query]
[docs] def group_items( self, items: 'Collection[ArchivedResult]', request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> dict[date, dict[str | None, dict[str, list[ArchivedResult]]]] | None: """ Groups a list of archived results. Groups election compounds and elections to the same group. Removes elections already covered by an election compound. Merges region, district and none domains. """ if not items: return None compounded = { url for item in items for url in getattr(item, 'elections', []) } order = { 'federation': 1, 'canton': 2, 'region': 3, 'district': 3, 'none': 3, 'municipality': 4, } mapping = { 'federation': 'federation', 'canton': 'canton', 'region': 'region', 'district': 'region', 'none': 'region', 'municipality': 'municipality', } if == 'municipality': order['municipality'] = 0 return groupbydict( items, lambda i:, lambda i: -(as_datetime( or 0), lambda i: groupbydict( i, lambda j: mapping.get(j.domain), lambda j: order.get(j.domain, 99), lambda j: groupbydict( (item for item in j if item.url not in compounded), lambda k: 'vote' if k.type == 'vote' else 'election' ) ) )
[docs] def current(self) -> tuple[list[ArchivedResult], 'datetime | None']: """ Returns the current results. The current results are the results from either the next election day relative to today or the last results relative to today, if no next. """ next_date = self.query().with_entities(func.min( next_date = next_date.filter( >= current_date = next_date.scalar() if current_date is None: last_date = self.query().with_entities( func.max( ) last_date = last_date.filter( <= current_date = last_date.scalar() return self.by_date(current_date) if current_date else ([], None)
[docs] def by_year( self, year: int ) -> tuple[list[ArchivedResult], 'datetime | None']: """ Returns the results for the given year. """ query = self.query() query = query.filter(extract('year', == year) query = query.order_by(, ArchivedResult.domain,, ArchivedResult.shortcode, ArchivedResult.title ) result = query.all() last_modifieds = [r.last_modified for r in result if r.last_modified] last_modified = max(last_modifieds) if last_modifieds else None return result, last_modified
[docs] def by_date( self, date_: date | None = None ) -> tuple[list[ArchivedResult], 'datetime | None']: """ Returns the results of a given/current date. """ if date_ is None: if is None: return self.current() try: date_ = date.fromtimestamp( mktime(strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) ) return self.by_date(date_) except (TypeError, ValueError): try: return self.by_year(int( except ValueError: return self.current() query = self.query() query = query.filter( == date_) query = query.order_by( ArchivedResult.domain,, ArchivedResult.shortcode, ArchivedResult.title ) result = query.all() last_modifieds = [r.last_modified for r in result if r.last_modified] last_modified = max(last_modifieds) if last_modifieds else None return result, last_modified
[docs] def update( self, item: Election | ElectionCompound | Vote, request: 'ElectionDayRequest', old: str | None = None ) -> ArchivedResult: """ Updates a result. """ url = url = replace_url(url, if old: old = replace_url(old, else: old = url result = self.query().filter_by(url=old).first() add_result = False if not result: result = ArchivedResult() add_result = True result.url = url result.schema =['schema'] result.domain = item.domain = = result.shortcode = item.shortcode result.title_translations = ( item.short_title_translations or item.title_translations ) result.last_modified = item.last_modified result.last_result_change = item.last_result_change result.external_id = result.counted = item.counted result.completed = item.completed result.counted_entities, result.total_entities = item.progress result.has_results = item.has_results result.meta = result.meta or {} if isinstance(item, Election): result.type = 'election' result.turnout = item.turnout result.elected_candidates = item.elected_candidates if item.election_compound: self.update(item.election_compound, request) if isinstance(item, ElectionCompound): result.type = 'election_compound' result.elections = [ for election in item.elections ] if isinstance(item, Vote): result.type = 'vote' result.turnout = item.turnout result.answer = item.answer or '' result.nays_percentage = item.nays_percentage result.yeas_percentage = item.yeas_percentage = if add_result: self.session.add(result) return result
[docs] def update_all(self, request: 'ElectionDayRequest') -> None: """ Updates all (local) results. """ schema =['schema'] for item in self.query().filter_by(schema=schema): self.session.delete(item) for election in ElectionCollection(self.session).query(): self.update(election, request) for compound in ElectionCompoundCollection(self.session).query(): self.update(compound, request) for vote in VoteCollection(self.session).query(): self.update(vote, request)
[docs] def add( self, item: Election | ElectionCompound | Vote, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> None: """ Add a new election or vote and create a result entry. """ assert isinstance(item, (Election, ElectionCompound, Vote)) self.session.add(item) self.session.flush() self.update(item, request) self.session.flush()
[docs] def clear_results( self, item: Election | ElectionCompound | Vote, request: 'ElectionDayRequest', clear_all: bool = False ) -> None: """ Clears the result of an election or vote. """ assert isinstance(item, (Election, ElectionCompound, Vote)) item.clear_results(clear_all) self.update(item, request) for election in getattr(item, 'elections', []): self.update(election, request) self.session.flush()
[docs] def delete( self, item: Election | ElectionCompound | Vote, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> None: """ Deletes an election or vote and the associated result entry. """ assert isinstance(item, (Election, ElectionCompound, Vote)) url = url = replace_url(url, for result in self.query().filter_by(url=url): self.session.delete(result) self.session.delete(item) self.session.flush()
[docs] class SearchableArchivedResultCollection( ArchivedResultCollection, Pagination[ArchivedResult] ):
[docs] page: int
def __init__( self, app: 'ElectionDayApp', date_: str | None = None, from_date: date | None = None, to_date: date | None = None, item_type: str | None = None, domains: list[str] | None = None, term: str | None = None, answers: list[str] | None = None, locale: str = 'de_CH', page: int = 0 ): super().__init__(app.session(), date_=date_)
[docs] = app
[docs] self.from_date = from_date
[docs] self.to_date = to_date or
[docs] self.item_type = item_type
[docs] = domains
[docs] self.term = term
[docs] self.answers = answers
[docs] self.locale = locale = page
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and ==
[docs] def subset(self) -> 'Query[ArchivedResult]': return self.query()
[docs] def page_index(self) -> int: return
[docs] def page_by_index(self, index: int) -> 'Self': return self.__class__(,, from_date=self.from_date, to_date=self.to_date, item_type=self.item_type,, term=self.term, answers=self.answers, locale=self.locale, page=index )
[docs] def term_to_tsquery_string(term: str | None) -> str: """ Returns the current search term transformed to use within Postgres ``to_tsquery`` function. Removes all unwanted characters, replaces prefix matching, joins word together using FOLLOWED BY. """ def cleanup(word: str, whitelist_chars: str = ',.-_') -> str: result = ''.join( c for c in word if c.isalnum() or c in whitelist_chars ) return f'{result}:*' if word.endswith('*') else result parts = (cleanup(part) for part in (term or '').split()) return ' <-> '.join(part for part in parts if part)
[docs] def match_term( column: 'ColumnElement[Any]', language: str, term: str ) -> 'ColumnElement[TSVECTOR | None]': """ Generate a clause element for a given search term. Usage:: model.filter(match_term(model.col, 'german', 'my search term')) """ document_tsvector = func.to_tsvector(language, column) ts_query_object = func.to_tsquery(language, term) return document_tsvector.op('@@')(ts_query_object)
[docs] def filter_text_by_locale( column: 'ColumnElement[Any]', term: str, locale: str = 'en' ) -> 'ColumnElement[TSVECTOR | None]': """ Returns an SQLAlchemy filter statement based on the search term. If no locale is provided, it will use english as language. ``to_tsquery`` creates a tsquery value from term, which must consist of single tokens separated by these Boolean operators: * ``&`` (AND) * ``|`` (OR) * ``!`` (NOT) ``to_tsvector`` parses a textual document into tokens, reduces the tokens to lexemes, and returns a tsvector which lists the lexemes together with their positions in the document. The document is processed according to the specified or default text search configuration. """ mapping = {'de_CH': 'german', 'fr_CH': 'french', 'it_CH': 'italian', 'rm_CH': 'english', 'en': 'english'} return SearchableArchivedResultCollection.match_term( column, mapping.get(locale, 'english'), term )
[docs] def term_filter(self) -> tuple[ 'ColumnElement[TSVECTOR | None]', 'ColumnElement[TSVECTOR | None]' ]: term = SearchableArchivedResultCollection.term_to_tsquery_string( self.term ) return ( SearchableArchivedResultCollection.filter_text_by_locale( ArchivedResult.shortcode, term, self.locale ), SearchableArchivedResultCollection.filter_text_by_locale( ArchivedResult.title, term, self.locale ) )
[docs] def query(self) -> 'Query[ArchivedResult]': query = self.session.query(ArchivedResult) if self.item_type: if self.item_type == 'election': query = query.filter(ArchivedResult.type.in_( ('election', 'election_compound') )) # exclude elections already covered by election compounds exclude = [ item.split('/')[-1] for items, in self.session.query( ArchivedResult.meta['elections'] ) for item in items or () ] if exclude: query = query.filter( ArchivedResult.meta['id'].notin_(exclude) ) else: query = query.filter(ArchivedResult.type == self.item_type) if domains = set( if 'region' in domains: domains.add('district') domains.add('none') query = query.filter(ArchivedResult.domain.in_(domains)) if self.to_date: if self.to_date > self.to_date = if self.to_date != query = query.filter( <= self.to_date) if self.from_date: if self.to_date and self.from_date > self.to_date: self.from_date = self.to_date query = query.filter( >= self.from_date) if self.answers and self.item_type == 'vote': query = query.filter( ArchivedResult.type == 'vote', ArchivedResult.meta['answer'].astext.in_(self.answers) ) if self.term and self.term != '*': query = query.filter(or_(*self.term_filter)) # order by date and type order = ( 'federation', 'canton', 'region', 'district', 'none', 'municipality' ) if == 'municipality': order = ( 'municipality', 'federation', 'canton', 'region', 'district', 'none' ) query = query.order_by(, case( tuple( (ArchivedResult.domain == domain, index) for index, domain in enumerate(order, 1) ) ) ) return query
[docs] def reset_query_params(self) -> None: self.from_date = None self.to_date = self.item_type = None = None self.term = None self.answers = None self.locale = 'de_CH'
@overload @classmethod
[docs] def for_item_type( cls, app: 'ElectionDayApp', item_type: Literal['vote', 'election'], *, date_: str | None = None, from_date: date | None = None, to_date: date | None = None, domains: list[str] | None = None, term: str | None = None, answers: list[str] | None = None, locale: str = 'de_CH', page: int = 0 ) -> 'Self': ...
@overload @classmethod def for_item_type( cls, app: 'ElectionDayApp', item_type: str | None, *, date_: str | None = None, from_date: date | None = None, to_date: date | None = None, domains: list[str] | None = None, term: str | None = None, answers: list[str] | None = None, locale: str = 'de_CH', page: int = 0 ) -> 'Self | None': ... @classmethod def for_item_type( cls, app: 'ElectionDayApp', item_type: str | None, *, date_: str | None = None, from_date: date | None = None, to_date: date | None = None, domains: list[str] | None = None, term: str | None = None, answers: list[str] | None = None, locale: str = 'de_CH', page: int = 0 ) -> 'Self | None': if item_type in ('vote', 'election'): return cls( app, item_type=item_type, date_=date_, from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date, domains=domains, term=term, answers=answers, locale=locale, page=page, ) return None