Source code for core.sms_processor

Send SMS through ASPSMS

Adapted from `repoze.sendmail<>`_.

    qp = SmsQueueProcessor(sms_directory)

import errno
import logging
import json
import os
import pycurl
import stat
import time

from io import BytesIO

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Sequence
    from onegov.core.framework import Framework
    from onegov.core.types import JSON_ro

[docs] log = logging.getLogger('onegov.core')
# The below diagram depicts the operations performed while sending a message. # This sequence of operations will be performed for each file in the maildir # on which ``send_message`` is called. # # Any error conditions not depected on the diagram will provoke the catch-all # exception logging of the ``send_message`` method. # # In the diagram the "message file" is the file in the maildir's "cur" # directory that contains the message and "tmp file" is a hard link to the # message file created in the maildir's "tmp" directory. # # ( start trying to deliver a message ) # | # | # V # +-----( get tmp file mtime ) # | | # | | file exists # | V # | ( check age )-----------------------------+ # tmp file | | file is new | # does not | | file is old | # exist | | | # | ( unlink tmp file )-----------------------+ | # | | file does | | # | | file unlinked not exist | | # | V | | # +---->( touch message file )------------------+ | | # | file does | | | # | not exist | | | # V | | | # ( link message file to tmp file )----------+ | | | # | tmp file | | | | # | already exists | | | | # | | | | | # V V V V V # ( send message ) ( skip this message ) # | # V # ( unlink message file )---------+ # | | # | file unlinked | file no longer exists # | | # | +-----------------+ # | | # | V # ( unlink tmp file )------------+ # | | # | file unlinked | file no longer exists # V | # ( message delivered )<---------+ # The longest time sending a file is expected to take. Longer than this and # the send attempt will be assumed to have failed. This means that sending # very large files or using very slow mail servers could result in duplicate # messages sent.
[docs] MAX_SEND_TIME = 60 * 60 * 3
[docs] class SmsQueueProcessor: def __init__( self, path: str, username: str, password: str, originator: str | None = None ):
[docs] self.path = path
[docs] self.username = username
[docs] self.password = password
[docs] self.originator = originator or 'OneGov'
# Keep a pycurl object around, to use HTTP keep-alive - though pycurl # is much worse in terms of it's API, the performance is *much* better # than requests and it supports modern features like HTTP/2 or HTTP/3
[docs] self.url = ''
[docs] self.curl = pycurl.Curl()
self.curl.setopt(pycurl.TCP_KEEPALIVE, 1) self.curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, self.url) self.curl.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type:application/json']) self.curl.setopt(pycurl.POST, 1)
[docs] def split(self, filename: str) -> tuple[str, str, str]: """ Returns the path, the name and the suffix of the given path. """ if '/' in filename: path, name = filename.rsplit('/', 1) else: path = '' name = filename if '.' in name: name, suffix = name.split('.', 1) else: suffix = '' return path, name, suffix
[docs] def message_files(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Returns a tuple of full paths that need processing. The file names in the directory usually look like this: * 0.1571822840.745629 * 1.1571822743.595377 The part before the first dot is the batch number the rest is the timestamp at time of calling app.send_sms. The messages are sorted by suffix, so by default the sorting happens from oldest to newest message. """ files = [] for f in os.scandir(self.path): if not f.is_file(): continue # ignore .sending- .rejected- files if'.'): continue files.append(f) files.sort(key=lambda i: self.split([-1]) return tuple(os.path.join(self.path, for f in files)
[docs] def send( self, numbers: 'Sequence[str]', content: str ) -> dict[str, Any] | None: """ Sends the SMS and returns the API response on error. On success this returns None. """ code, body = self.send_request({ 'UserName': self.username, 'Password': self.password, 'Originator': self.originator, 'Recipients': numbers, 'MessageText': content, }) if 400 <= code < 600: raise RuntimeError(f'{code} calling {self.url}: {body}') result = json.loads(body) if result.get('StatusInfo') != 'OK' or result.get('StatusCode') != '1': return result return None
[docs] def send_request(self, parameters: 'JSON_ro') -> tuple[int, str]: """ Performes the API request using the given parameters. """ body = BytesIO() self.curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEDATA, body) self.curl.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, json.dumps(parameters)) self.curl.perform() code = self.curl.getinfo(pycurl.RESPONSE_CODE) body_str ='utf-8') return code, body_str
[docs] def parse( self, filename: str ) -> tuple[tuple[str, ...] | None, str | None]: with open(filename) as f: try: data = json.loads( except json.JSONDecodeError: return None, None if not isinstance(data, dict): return None, None receivers = data.get('receivers') content = data.get('content') if not isinstance(receivers, list): return None, content # NOTE: For now we silently drop invalid numbers in a batch # maybe we want to fail instead in this case. # This should only really come into play if someone # messes with the file contents in an editor. # Numbers stored in the system are pre-validated. receivers = tuple( r for r in receivers if isinstance(r, str) and r.lstrip('+').isdigit() ) return receivers, content
[docs] def send_messages(self) -> None: for filename in self.message_files(): self.send_message(filename)
[docs] def send_message(self, filename: str) -> None: head, tail = os.path.split(filename) tmp_filename = os.path.join(head, f'.sending-{tail}') rejected_filename = os.path.join(head, f'.rejected-{tail}') failed_filename = os.path.join(head, f'.failed-{tail}') # perform a series of operations in an attempt to ensure # that no two threads/processes send this message # simultaneously as well as attempting to not generate # spurious failure messages in the log; a diagram that # represents these operations is included in a # comment above this class try: # find the age of the tmp file (if it exists) mtime = os.stat(tmp_filename)[stat.ST_MTIME] except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # file does not exist # the tmp file could not be stated because it # doesn't exist, that's fine, keep going age = None else: # the tmp file could not be stated for some reason # other than not existing; we'll report the error raise else: age = time.time() - mtime # if the tmp file exists, check it's age if age is not None: try: if age > MAX_SEND_TIME: # the tmp file is "too old"; this suggests # that during an attemt to send it, the # process died; remove the tmp file so we # can try again os.remove(tmp_filename) else: # the tmp file is "new", so someone else may # be sending this message, try again later return # if we get here, the file existed, but was too # old, so it was unlinked except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # file does not exist # it looks like someone else removed the tmp # file, that's fine, we'll try to deliver the # message again later return # now we know that the tmp file doesn't exist, we need to # "touch" the message before we create the tmp file so the # mtime will reflect the fact that the file is being # processed (there is a race here, but it's OK for two or # more processes to touch the file "simultaneously") try: os.utime(filename, None) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # file does not exist # someone removed the message before we could # touch it, no need to complain, we'll just keep # going return else: # Some other error, propogate it raise # creating this hard link will fail if another process is # also sending this message try:, tmp_filename) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: # file exists, *nix # it looks like someone else is sending this # message too; we'll try again later return else: # Some other error, propogate it raise # read message file and send contents numbers, message = self.parse(filename) if numbers and message: status = self.send(numbers, message) if status is None:'SMS to {} sent.'.format(', '.join(numbers))) else: # this should cause stderr output, which # will write the cronjob output to chat log.error( f'Failed sending SMS batch {filename} with ' f'API response {status}' ), failed_filename) else: # this should cause stderr output, which # will write the cronjob output to chat log.error( f'Discarding SMS batch {filename} due to invalid ' 'content/numbers' ), rejected_filename) try: os.remove(filename) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # file does not exist # someone else unlinked the file; oh well pass else: # something bad happend, log it raise try: os.remove(tmp_filename) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # file does not exist # someone else unlinked the file; oh well pass else: # something bad happened, log it raise
[docs] def get_sms_queue_processor( app: 'Framework', missing_path_ok: bool = False ) -> SmsQueueProcessor | None: if not app.can_deliver_sms: return None username = app.sms.get('user') password = app.sms.get('password') originator = app.sms.get('originator') tenants = app.sms.get('tenants', {}) sms = tenants.get(app.application_id, tenants.get(app.namespace)) if sms is not None: username = sms.get('user', username) password = sms.get('password', password) originator = sms.get('originator', originator) elif username is None: return None assert app.sms_directory assert username is not None and password is not None path = os.path.join(app.sms_directory, app.schema) path = os.path.abspath(path) if missing_path_ok or os.path.exists(path): return SmsQueueProcessor( path, username, password, originator ) return None