Source code for core.sentry

import os
import sys
import weakref

from onegov.core.framework import Framework
from onegov.core.orm import DB_CONNECTION_ERRORS
from morepath.core import excview_tween_factory  # type:ignore[import-untyped]
from sentry_sdk import capture_event, get_client
from sentry_sdk.integrations import Integration
from sentry_sdk.integrations._wsgi_common import RequestExtractor
from sentry_sdk.scope import Scope, should_send_default_pii
from sentry_sdk.tracing import SOURCE_FOR_STYLE
from sentry_sdk.utils import (
from webob.exc import HTTPException, HTTPServiceUnavailable

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from _typeshed.wsgi import WSGIEnvironment
    from import Callable
    from sentry_sdk._types import Event, EventProcessor, Hint
    from sentry_sdk.utils import ExcInfo
    from webob import Response
    from webob.cookies import RequestCookies
    from webob.request import _FieldStorageWithFile

    from .request import CoreRequest

# TODO: We may want to extract some of this into a MorepathIntegration
#       publish it as more.sentry and derive OneGovIntegration from that
#       we could even contribute it to sentry_sdk itself, although they
#       are usually less willing to take on additional maintenance tasks.
[docs] class OneGovCloudIntegration(Integration): """ A Sentry SDK integration for OneGov Cloud, which relies on :class:`onegov.core.request.CoreRequest` to forward more detailed information to Sentry. """
[docs] identifier = 'onegov-cloud'
[docs] transaction_style = 'path'
def __init__(self, with_wsgi_middleware: bool = True):
[docs] self.with_wsgi_middleware = with_wsgi_middleware
[docs] def setup_once() -> None: # TODO: A tween is maybe a little bit fragile, so we should # consider the possibility of monkeypatching morepath # or more specifically morepath.App.publish # # NOTE: We need to be on top of the excview_tween so we # don't forward errors to sentry that have a view # registered. (mostly webob.exc.HTTPException) @Framework.tween_factory(over=excview_tween_factory) def sentry_tween_factory( app: Framework, handler: 'Callable[[CoreRequest], Response]' ) -> 'Callable[[CoreRequest], Response]': def sentry_tween(request: 'CoreRequest') -> 'Response': """ Configures scope and starts transaction """ integration = get_client().get_integration( OneGovCloudIntegration ) if integration is None: return handler(request) Scope.get_current_scope().set_transaction_name( request.path, SOURCE_FOR_STYLE[integration.transaction_style] ) Scope.get_isolation_scope().add_event_processor( _make_event_processor( weakref.ref(request), integration ) ) try: return handler(request) except DB_CONNECTION_ERRORS: # FIXME: This is technically duplicated from # Framework.handle_exception, maybe it # would be better to add exception views? # Since those should be caught by the tween return HTTPServiceUnavailable() except Exception: _capture_exception(sys.exc_info()) raise return sentry_tween def with_sentry_middleware(self: Framework) -> bool: integration = get_client().get_integration(OneGovCloudIntegration) if integration is None: return False return integration.with_wsgi_middleware # add a marker so Framework instances will add the wsgi middleware Framework.with_sentry_middleware = property( # type:ignore with_sentry_middleware )
[docs] class CoreRequestExtractor(RequestExtractor):
[docs] request: 'CoreRequest'
[docs] def env(self) -> 'WSGIEnvironment': return self.request.environ
[docs] def cookies(self) -> 'RequestCookies': return self.request.cookies
[docs] def raw_data(self) -> str: return self.request.text
[docs] def form(self) -> dict[str, str]: return { key: value for key, value in self.request.POST.items() if isinstance(value, str) }
[docs] def files(self) -> dict[str, '_FieldStorageWithFile']: return { key: value for key, value in self.request.POST.items() if not isinstance(value, str) }
[docs] def size_of_file(self, postdata: '_FieldStorageWithFile') -> int: file = postdata.file try: return os.fstat(file.fileno()).st_size except Exception: return 0
[docs] def _capture_exception(exc_info: 'ExcInfo') -> None: if exc_info[0] is None or issubclass(exc_info[0], HTTPException): return event, hint = event_from_exception( exc_info, client_options=get_client().options, mechanism={'type': 'onegov-cloud', 'handled': False}, ) capture_event(event, hint=hint)
[docs] def _make_event_processor( weak_request: 'Callable[[], CoreRequest | None]', integration: OneGovCloudIntegration, ) -> 'EventProcessor': def event_processor(event: 'Event', hint: 'Hint') -> 'Event': request = weak_request() if request is None: return event with capture_internal_exceptions(): CoreRequestExtractor(request).extract_into_event(event) request_info = event.setdefault('request', {}) # we override what the base WSGIMiddleware does, since # they don't take X_VHM_ROOT into account, so the url # contains extra stuff we don't want request_info['url'] = request.path_url app = extra_info = event.setdefault('extra', {}) extra_info.setdefault('namespace', app.namespace) extra_info.setdefault('application_id', app.application_id) user_info = event.setdefault('user', {}) user_id = request.identity.uid if request.identity.userid else None user_info.setdefault('id', user_id) user_data = user_info.setdefault('data', {}) if not isinstance(user_data, dict): # NOTE: If the user_data is not in a format that we expect # then we just wipe it so we can set our keys user_data = user_info['data'] = {} user_data.setdefault( 'role', getattr(request.identity, 'role', 'anonymous')) if should_send_default_pii(): user_info.setdefault( 'ip_address', request.environ.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP')) user_info.setdefault('email', request.identity.userid) return event return event_processor