from __future__ import annotations
from onegov.core.cronjobs import Job
from onegov.core.framework import Framework
from import Public
from webob.exc import HTTPException
from typing import Any, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
from onegov.core.types import HasRole
@Framework.permission_rule(model=object, permission=object, identity=None)
def has_permission_not_logged_in(
app: Framework,
identity: None,
model: object,
permission: object
) -> bool:
""" This catch-all rule returns the default permission rule. It says
that the permission must be part of the anonymous rule.
Models with an 'access' property set to 'secret' are prohibited from being
viewed by anonymous users.
if getattr(model, 'access', None) == 'private':
return False
if getattr(model, 'access', None) == 'member':
return False
if getattr(model, 'published', None) == False:
return False
return permission in app.settings.roles.anonymous
@Framework.permission_rule(model=object, permission=object)
def has_permission_logged_in(
app: Framework,
identity: HasRole,
model: object,
permission: object
) -> bool:
""" This permission rule matches all logged in identities. It requires
the identity to have a 'role' attribute. Said role attribute is used
to determine if the given permission is part of the given role.
assert hasattr(identity, 'role'), """
the identity needs to implement a role property
# basic members are mostly treated like anonymous users
if identity.role == 'member':
if getattr(model, 'access', None) == 'private':
return False
return permission in getattr(app.settings.roles, identity.role)
def may_view_http_errors_not_logged_in(
app: Framework,
identity: None,
model: HTTPException,
permission: type[Public]
) -> Literal[True]:
""" HTTP errors may be viewed by anyone, regardeless of settings.
This is important, otherwise the HTTPForbidden/HTTPNotFound views
will lead to an exception if the user does not have the ``Public``
return True
@Framework.permission_rule(model=Job, permission=Public, identity=None)
def may_view_cronjobs_not_logged_in(
app: Framework,
identity: None,
model: Job[Any],
permission: type[Public]
) -> Literal[True]:
""" Cronjobs are run anonymously from a thread and need to be excluded
from the permission rules as a result.
return True