Source code for core.orm.debug

import click

from contextlib import contextmanager
from sedate import utcnow
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
from sqlparse import format  # type:ignore[import-untyped]

from typing import Any, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterator
    from datetime import timedelta
    from sqlalchemy.engine import Connection
    from sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces import ExecutionContext

[docs] class Timer: """ A timer that works just like a stopwatch. """ # FIXME: We should probably change this to `time.perf_counter` # we probably don't care about this returning a timedelta # we could always convert from seconds back to timedelta # though...
[docs] def start(self) -> None: self.started = utcnow()
[docs] def stop(self) -> 'timedelta': return utcnow() - self.started
[docs] def analyze_sql_queries( report: Literal['summary', 'redundant', 'all'] = 'summary' ) -> 'Iterator[None]': """ Analyzes the sql-queries executed during its context. There are three levels of information (report argument): * 'summary' (only show the number of queries) * 'redundant' (show summary and the actual redundant queries) * 'all' (show summary and all executed queries) Use this with a with_statement:: with analyze_sql_queries(): ... # <- analyzes all sql queries that happen inside here """ assert report in {'summary', 'redundant', 'all'} queries = {} timer = Timer() @event.listens_for(Engine, 'before_cursor_execute') def before_exec( conn: 'Connection', cursor: Any, statement: str, parameters: Any, context: 'ExecutionContext', executemany: bool ) -> None: timer.start() @event.listens_for(Engine, 'after_cursor_execute') def after_exec( conn: 'Connection', cursor: Any, statement: str, parameters: Any, context: 'ExecutionContext', executemany: bool ) -> None: runtime = timer.stop() def handle_query(query: bytes) -> None: if report == 'all': print_query(query) if query not in queries: queries[query] = 1 else: queries[query] += 1 if isinstance(parameters, dict): handle_query(cursor.mogrify(statement, parameters)) else: for parameter in parameters: handle_query(cursor.mogrify(statement, parameter)) if report == 'all': print('< took {}'.format(runtime)) yield event.remove(Engine, 'before_cursor_execute', before_exec) event.remove(Engine, 'after_cursor_execute', after_exec) total_queries = sum(queries.values()) redundant_queries = sum(1 for v in queries.values() if v > 1) if total_queries > 10: total_queries_str =, 'red') elif total_queries > 5: total_queries_str =, 'yellow') else: total_queries_str =, 'green') if redundant_queries: redundant_queries_str =, 'red') else: redundant_queries_str = '0' if total_queries: print('executed {} queries, {} of which were redundant'.format( total_queries_str, redundant_queries_str)) if redundant_queries and report == 'redundant': print('The following queries were redundant:') for query, count in queries.items(): if count > 1: print_query(query)