Source code for core.metadata

""" Metadata about the instance, available through HTTP. """
from __future__ import annotations

import hashlib
import inspect
import morepath
import socket

from onegov.core.framework import Framework
from import Public, Secret
from onegov.core.utils import dict_path
from webob import exc

# The metadata responses contain either public or public+secret responses,
# depending on the user's authorization. This simply controls the output
# of in the view though. Public properties may still load secret properties
# if they desire to do so. So this is not as much a security feature as it
# is a handy way to control the output.

from typing import Any, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable, Iterator

    from .request import CoreRequest

    # NOTE: For the purposes of type checking we treat them like
    #       regular properties, that way we get support for all
    #       the property features without having to implement a
    #       complete Protocol that implements all the features
    #       Technically it isn't quite correct, since we can't
    #       use the full property constructor with these, but
    #       it's good enough for now...
    public_property = secret_property = property  # noqa: TC009

[docs] def public_property(fn: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> property: fn.audience = 'public' return property(fn)
def secret_property(fn: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> property: fn.audience = 'secret' return property(fn)
[docs] class Metadata: def __init__(self, app: Framework, absorb: str | None = None):
[docs] = app
[docs] self.absorb = absorb
[docs] self.path = self.absorb and self.absorb.replace('/', '.')
[docs] def for_audiences( self, *audiences: Literal['public', 'secret'] ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Returns a dict with the metadata for the given audience(s). """ def pick( properties: list[tuple[str, Any]] ) -> Iterator[tuple[str, Any]]: for name, prop in properties: if not hasattr(prop, 'fget'): continue audience = getattr(prop.fget, 'audience', None) if audience is None or audience not in audiences: continue assert prop.fget is not None yield name, prop.fget(self) props = inspect.getmembers(self.__class__, inspect.isdatadescriptor) return dict(pick(props))
[docs] def fqdn(self) -> str: """ Returns the fqdn of the host running the site. """ return socket.getfqdn()
[docs] def application_id(self) -> str: return
[docs] def identity(self) -> str: """ Each instance has a unqiue identity formed out of the hostname and the application id. """ digest = hashlib.sha256() digest.update(self.fqdn.encode('utf-8')) digest.update(self.application_id.encode('utf-8')) return digest.hexdigest()
[docs] class PublicMetadata(Metadata):
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return super().for_audiences('public')
[docs] class SecretMetadata(Metadata):
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return super().for_audiences('public', 'secret')
@Framework.path(model=PublicMetadata, path='/metadata/public', absorb=True)
[docs] def get_public_metadata(app: Framework, absorb: str) -> PublicMetadata: return PublicMetadata(app, absorb)
@Framework.path(model=SecretMetadata, path='/metadata/secret', absorb=True)
[docs] def get_private_metadata(app: Framework, absorb: str) -> SecretMetadata: return SecretMetadata(app, absorb)
@Framework.json(model=PublicMetadata, permission=Public)
[docs] def view_public_metadata( self: PublicMetadata, request: CoreRequest ) -> morepath.Response: return render_metadata(self, request)
@Framework.json(model=SecretMetadata, permission=Secret)
[docs] def view_secret_metadata( self: PublicMetadata, request: CoreRequest ) -> morepath.Response: return render_metadata(self, request)
[docs] def render_metadata( self: PublicMetadata | SecretMetadata, request: CoreRequest ) -> morepath.Response: data = self.as_dict() if self.path: try: response = morepath.Response(dict_path(data, self.path)) response.content_type = 'text/plain' return response except KeyError as exception: raise exc.HTTPNotFound() from exception return morepath.render_json(data, request)