Source code for core.markdown

import html

from mistletoe import Document, HtmlRenderer  # type:ignore[import-untyped]
from onegov.core.html import sanitize_html

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from markupsafe import Markup
    from mistletoe.span_token import HTMLBlock, HTMLSpan  # type:ignore

[docs] class HTMLRendererWithoutInlineHtml(HtmlRenderer): @staticmethod
[docs] def render_html_block(token: 'HTMLBlock') -> str: return html.escape(token.content)
[docs] def render_html_span(token: 'HTMLSpan') -> str: return html.escape(token.content)
[docs] def render_untrusted_markdown( markdown: str, cls: type[HtmlRenderer] = HTMLRendererWithoutInlineHtml ) -> 'Markup': # use a global renderer instance, but only create it if used if cls not in RENDERER_INSTANCES: RENDERER_INSTANCES[cls] = cls() renderer = RENDERER_INSTANCES[cls] # mistletoe doesn't normalise line-endings, so we have to # see markdown = markdown.replace('\r\n', '\n') # render html html = renderer.render(Document(markdown)) # clean it return sanitize_html(html)