Source code for core.mail

import os.path
import magic
import re

from base64 import b64encode
from email.headerregistry import Address, SingleAddressHeader
from email.policy import SMTP
from onegov.core.html import html_to_text
from string import ascii_letters, digits

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from _typeshed import StrPath, SupportsRead
    from import Iterable

    from .types import AttachmentJsonDict, EmailJsonDict, SequenceOrScalar

[docs] specials_regex = re.compile(r'[][\\()<>@,:;.]')
[docs] alphanumeric = ascii_letters + digits
[docs] qp_prefix = '=?utf-8?q?'
[docs] qp_suffix = '?='
[docs] QP_PREFIX_LENGTH = len(qp_prefix)
[docs] QP_SUFFIX_LENGTH = len(qp_suffix)
[docs] QP_MAX_WORD_LENGTH = 75
[docs] def needs_qp_encode(display_name: str) -> bool: # NOTE: Backslash escaping is forbidden in Postmark API if '"' in display_name: return True try: # NOTE: Technically there's some ASCII characters that # should be illegal altogether such as \n, \r, \0 # This should already be caught by the use of Address # though, which makes sure each part only contains # legal characters. display_name.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: return True return False
[docs] def qp_encode_display_name(display_name: str) -> str: """ Applies Quoted Printable encoding to the display name according to Postmark API's rules that can be parsed losslessly back into the original display_name with the EmailMessage API. """ words: list[str] = [] current_word: list[str] = [] def finish_word() -> None: nonlocal current_word content = ''.join(current_word) words.append(f'{qp_prefix}{content}{qp_suffix}') current_word = [] for character in display_name: if character == ' ': # special case for header encoding characters = ['_'] elif character in alphanumeric: # no need to encode this character characters = [character] else: # QP encode the character characters = list( ''.join(f'={c:02X}' for c in character.encode('utf-8')) ) if len(current_word) + len(characters) > QP_CONTENT_LENGTH: finish_word() current_word.extend(characters) finish_word() if len(words) == 1: # We can omit the enclosing double quotes return words[0] # NOTE: The enclosing double quotes are necessary so that spaces # as word separators can be parsed correctly. return f'"{" ".join(words)}"'
[docs] def coerce_address(address: Address | str) -> Address: """ Coerces a string type into a email.headerregistry.Address object by parsing the string as a sender header. It acts like parseaddr for string values, but undoes QP-encoding for the display_name which parseaddr does not. NOTE: This function should probably go away, once we switch to using Address objects everywhere. Or we make it more strict by asserting that string values need to be an email address without display_name, so we can use Address(addr_spec=address) to coerce it, which should be faster than header_factory. """ if isinstance(address, str): header = SMTP.header_factory('sender', address) assert isinstance(header, SingleAddressHeader) return header.address assert isinstance(address, Address) return address
[docs] def format_single_address(address: Address | str) -> str: """ Formats a single Address according to Postmark API rules that is cross-compatible with email.message.EmailMessage for raw SMTP sends. The rules state that backslash escaping quotes is illegal and quoted printable encoded display names need to be split into space-separated encoded words of maximum length 75, with the entire display name enclosed in double quotes if it contains more than one word. :param address: email.headerregistry.Address or preformatted string """ address = coerce_address(address) name = address.display_name if not name: return address.addr_spec if not needs_qp_encode(name): if # simple quoting works here, since we disallow # backslash escaping double quotes. name = f'"{name}"' return f'{name} <{address.addr_spec}>' name = qp_encode_display_name(name) return f'{name} <{address.addr_spec}>'
[docs] def format_address(addresses: 'SequenceOrScalar[Address | str]') -> str: """ Convenience function that accepts both a single Address and a sequence of Address, otherwise identical to format_single_address It enforces a limit of 50 addresses, due to Postmark API restrictions :param addresses: Single Address/str or sequence thereof """ if isinstance(addresses, (Address, str)): return format_single_address(addresses) assert len(addresses) <= 50 return ', '.join(format_single_address(a) for a in addresses)
[docs] class Attachment: """ Represents a mail attachment that can be passed to prepare_email """
[docs] __slots__ = ('filename', 'content', 'content_type')
[docs] filename: str
[docs] content: bytes
[docs] content_type: str
# TODO: Add support for ContentID for embedded attachments. # TODO: We could be nice and allow StrOrBytesPath, but then # we need to make sure to coerce self.filename to str def __init__( self, filename: 'StrPath', content: 'SupportsRead[str | bytes] | str | bytes | None' = None, content_type: str | None = None ): self.filename = os.path.basename(filename)
[docs] _content: str | bytes
if content is None: with open(filename, 'rb') as fd: _content = elif hasattr(content, 'read'): _content = else: _content = content if isinstance(_content, str): _content = _content.encode('utf-8') assert isinstance(_content, bytes) self.content = _content if content_type is None: # shortcut for if content is not None and hasattr(content, 'content_type'): content_type = content.content_type else: content_type = magic.from_buffer(self.content, mime=True) self.content_type = content_type
[docs] def prepare(self) -> 'AttachmentJsonDict': """ Prepares attachment so it can be sent to Postmark API. """ content = b64encode(self.content).decode('ascii') return { 'Name': self.filename, 'Content': content, 'ContentType': self.content_type }
[docs] def prepare_email( sender: Address | str, reply_to: Address | str | None = None, receivers: 'SequenceOrScalar[Address | str]' = (), cc: 'SequenceOrScalar[Address | str]' = (), bcc: 'SequenceOrScalar[Address | str]' = (), subject: str | None = None, content: str | None = None, plaintext: str | None = None, attachments: 'Iterable[Attachment | StrPath]' = (), headers: dict[str, str] | None = None, stream: str = 'marketing' ) -> 'EmailJsonDict': """ Creates a dictiornary that can be turned into JSON as is and sent to the Postmark API. :param content: HTML content. :param attachments: Either a list of :class:`` or a list of filenames/os.PathLike to attach to the email. :param headers: Dictionary containing additional headers to be set """ if plaintext is None: # if no plaintext is given we require content # FIXME: it would be nice to verify this statically, but the # order of arguments makes this a bit cumbersome, we # could remedy this by forcing them all to be keyword # arguments assert content is not None # turn the html email into a plaintext representation # this leads to a lower spam rating plaintext = html_to_text(content) message: EmailJsonDict = { 'From': format_single_address(sender), 'To': format_address(receivers), 'TextBody': plaintext, 'MessageStream': stream, } if reply_to is not None: # we require address objects so we can modify them sender = coerce_address(sender) reply_to = coerce_address(reply_to) message['ReplyTo'] = format_single_address(reply_to) # if the reply to address has a name part (Name <address@host>), use # the display_name for the sender address as well to somewhat hide the # fact that we're using a noreply email if reply_to.display_name and not sender.display_name: sender = Address( reply_to.display_name, sender.username, sender.domain ) message['From'] = format_single_address(sender) if cc: message['Cc'] = format_address(cc) if bcc: message['Bcc'] = format_address(bcc) if subject is not None: message['Subject'] = subject if content is not None: message['HtmlBody'] = content if attachments: coerced_attachments = ( a if isinstance(a, Attachment) else Attachment(a) for a in attachments ) message['Attachments'] = [a.prepare() for a in coerced_attachments] if headers: message['Headers'] = [ {'Name': k, 'Value': v} for k, v in headers.items() ] return message