from __future__ import annotations
import arrow
import babel.dates
import babel.numbers
import isodate
import numbers
import sedate
from datetime import datetime
from functools import cached_property
from onegov.core import utils
from onegov.core.cache import lru_cache
from onegov.core.templates import PageTemplate
from pytz import timezone
from typing import overload, Any, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
from chameleon import PageTemplateFile
from import Callable, Collection, Iterable, Iterator
from datetime import date
from decimal import Decimal
from .framework import Framework
from .request import CoreRequest
from .templates import MacrosLookup, TemplateLoader
class Layout:
""" Contains useful methods related to rendering pages in html. Think of it
as an API that you can rely on in your templates.
The idea is to provide basic layout functions here, if they are usful for
any kind of html application. You should then extend the core layout
classes with your own.
#: The timezone is currently fixed to 'Europe/Zurich' since all our
#: business with onegov is done here. Once the need arises, we should
#: lookup the timezone from the IP of the user, or use a javascript
#: library that sets the timezone for the user session.
#: There's also going to be the case where we want the timezone set
#: specifically for a certain layout (say a reservation of a room, where
#: the room's timezone is relevant). This is why this setting should
#: remain close to the layout, and not necessarily close to the request.
timezone = timezone('Europe/Zurich')
#: Just like the timezone, these values are fixed for Switzerland now,
#: though the non-numerical information is actually translated.
#: Format:
#: #Date_Format_Patterns
#: Skeleton Patterns:
#: Classes inheriting from :class:`Layout` may add their own formats, as
#: long as they end in ``_format``. For example::
#: class MyLayout(Layout):
#: my_format = 'dd.MMMM'
#: my_skeleton_format = 'skeleton:yMMM'
#: MyLayout().format_date(dt, 'my')
#: XXX this is not yet i18n and could be done better
custom_body_attributes: dict[str, Any]
custom_html_attributes: dict[str, Any]
def __init__(self, model: Any, request: CoreRequest):
self.custom_body_attributes = {}
self.custom_html_attributes = {
] =
def app(self) -> Framework:
""" Returns the application behind the request. """
def batched(
iterable: Iterable[_T],
batch_size: int,
container_factory: type[tuple] = ... # type:ignore[type-arg]
) -> Iterator[tuple[_T, ...]]: ...
def batched(
iterable: Iterable[_T],
batch_size: int,
container_factory: type[list] # type:ignore[type-arg]
) -> Iterator[list[_T]]: ...
# NOTE: If there were higher order TypeVars, we could properly infer
# the type of the Container, for now we just add overloads for
# two of the most common container_factories
def batched(
iterable: Iterable[_T],
batch_size: int,
container_factory: Callable[[Iterator[_T]], Collection[_T]]
) -> Iterator[Collection[_T]]: ...
def batched(
iterable: Iterable[_T],
batch_size: int,
container_factory: Callable[[Iterator[_T]], Collection[_T]] = tuple
) -> Iterator[Collection[_T]]:
""" See :func:`onegov.core.utils.batched`. """
return utils.batched(
def csrf_token(self) -> str:
""" Returns a csrf token for use with DELETE links (forms do their
own thing automatically).
token = self.request.new_csrf_token()
return token.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(token, bytes) else token
def csrf_protected_url(self, url: str) -> str:
""" Adds a csrf token to the given url. """
return utils.append_query_param(url, 'csrf-token', self.csrf_token)
def isodate(self, date: datetime) -> str:
""" Returns the given date in the ISO 8601 format. """
return datetime.isoformat(date)
def parse_isodate(self, string: str) -> datetime:
""" Returns the given ISO 8601 string as datetime. """
return isodate.parse_datetime(string)
def number_symbols(locale: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
""" Returns the locale specific number symbols. """
return (
def view_name(self) -> str | None:
""" Returns the view name of the current view, or None if it is the
default view.
Note: This relies on morepath internals and is experimental in nature!
return self.request.unconsumed and self.request.unconsumed[-1] or None
def today(self) -> date:
def now(self) -> datetime:
return sedate.to_timezone(sedate.utcnow(), self.timezone)
class ChameleonLayout(Layout):
""" Extends the base layout class with methods related to chameleon
template rendering.
This class assumes the existance of two templates:
- -> Contains the page skeleton with headers, body and so on.
- -> Contains chameleon macros.
def template_loader(self) -> TemplateLoader:
""" Returns the chameleon template loader. """
return self.request.template_loader
def base(self) -> PageTemplateFile:
""" Returns the layout, which defines the base layout of all pages.
See ``templates/``.
return self.template_loader['']
def macros(self) -> MacrosLookup:
""" Returns the macros, which offer often used html constructs.
See ``templates/``.
return self.template_loader.macros
def elements(self) -> PageTemplate | PageTemplateFile:
""" The templates used by the elements. Overwrite this with your
own ``templates/`` if neccessary.
return self.template_loader['']
except ValueError:
return PageTemplate(
"""<xml xmlns="">
<metal:b define-macro="link">
<a tal:attributes="e.attrs">${e.text or ''}</a>
<metal:b define-macro="img">
<img tal:attributes="e.attrs" />