""" Provides tools and methods for internationalization (i18n).
Applications wishing to use i18n need to define two settings:
A list of gettext locale directories. The first directory is considered
to be the main directory, all other directories are added to the
translation object as fallbacks.
The fallback locale that is used if no locale more suitable to the user
could be found.
For example::
from onegov.core.framework import Framework
from onegov.core import utils
class App(Framework):
@TownApp.setting(section='i18n', name='localedirs')
def get_i18n_localedirs():
return [
utils.module_path('onegov.town6', 'locale')
utils.module_path('onegov.form', 'locale')
@TownApp.setting(section='i18n', name='default_locale')
def get_i18n_default_locale():
return 'en'
from __future__ import annotations
import gettext
import glob
import os
import os.path
import polib
import re
import types
from onegov.core.cache import lru_cache
from io import BytesIO
from itertools import pairwise
from onegov.core.framework import Framework, log
from translationstring import ChameleonTranslate
from translationstring import Translator
from translationstring import TranslationString
from typing import Any, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
from _typeshed import StrPath
from collections.abc import (
Callable, Collection, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence)
from markupsafe import Markup
from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
from translationstring import _ChameleonTranslate
from typing import Self, TypeAlias
from webob import Response
from wtforms import Field, Form
from wtforms.meta import DefaultMeta
LocaleNegotiator: TypeAlias = Callable[
[Collection[str], CoreRequest],
str | None
_F = TypeVar('_F', bound='Form')
_M = TypeVar('_M', bound='DefaultMeta')
# the language codes must be written thusly: de_CH, en_GB, en, fr and so on
# this is important because other libs like wtforms use the same scheme and
# will fail to deal with our langauges correctly if they differ in case
VALID_LANGUAGE_EXPRESSION = re.compile(r'^[a-z]{2}(_[A-Z]{2})?$')
# to keep the log output short
@Framework.setting(section='i18n', name='localedirs')
def get_i18n_localedirs() -> tuple[str, ...]:
""" Returns the gettext locale dir. """
return ()
@Framework.setting(section='i18n', name='locales')
def get_i18n_locales() -> None:
""" Returns the the locales actually used. """
return None
@Framework.setting(section='i18n', name='default_locale')
def get_i18n_default_locale() -> None:
""" Returns the fallback language to use if the user gives no indication
towards his preference (throught the request or anything). """
return None
@Framework.setting(section='i18n', name='locale_negotiator')
def get_i18n_locale_negotiatior() -> LocaleNegotiator:
""" Returns the language negotiator, which is a function that takes the
current request as well as a list of available languages and returns the
angauge that should be used based on that information.
return default_locale_negotiator
def default_locale_negotiator(
locales: Collection[str],
request: CoreRequest
) -> str | None:
""" The default locale negotiator.
Will select one of the given locales by:
1. Examining the 'locale' cookie which will be preferred if the
language in the cookie actually exists
2. Selecting the best match from the accept_language header
If no match can be found, None is returned. It is the job of caller to
deal with that (possibly getting :meth:`get_i18n_default_locale`).
user_locale = request.cookies.get('locale')
if user_locale in locales:
return user_locale
if request.accept_language:
locale = request.accept_language.lookup(locales, default='default')
return locale if locale != 'default' else None
return None
def pofiles(localedir: StrPath) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str]]:
""" Takes the given directory and yields the language and the path of
all pofiles found under ``*/LC_MESSAGES/*.po``.
assert os.path.isdir(localedir), "Locale '{}' not found".format(localedir)
for path in os.listdir(localedir):
subpath = os.path.join(localedir, path, 'LC_MESSAGES')
if not os.path.isdir(subpath):
for pofile in glob.glob(os.path.join(subpath, '*.po')):
yield path, pofile
def compile_translation(pofile_path: str) -> gettext.GNUTranslations:
po = POFILE_PATH_EXPRESSION.match(pofile_path)
assert po is not None
locale = po.group('locale').lower()
module = po.group('module').lower().replace('.po', '')
log.info(f'Compiling locale {locale} for {module}')
mofile = BytesIO()
return gettext.GNUTranslations(mofile)
def get_translations(
localedirs: Iterable[StrPath]
) -> dict[str, gettext.GNUTranslations]:
""" Takes the given gettext locale directories and loads the po files
found. The first found po file is assumed to be the main
translations file (and should for performance reasons contain most of the
translations). The other po files are added as fallbacks.
The pofiles are compiled on-the-fly, using polib. This makes mofiles
Returns a dictionary with the keys being languages and the values being
GNUTranslations instances.
result = {}
for localedir in localedirs:
for language, pofile_path in pofiles(localedir):
# try to automatically fix up the language
if '_' in language:
code, country = language.split('_')
language = f'{code.lower()}_{country.upper()}'
language = language.lower()
assert VALID_LANGUAGE_EXPRESSION.match(language), """
make sure to use languages in the following format:
de_CH, en_GB, de, fr - note the case!
# we need to clone each translation because we might later modify
# them when we merge translations - when multiple applications
# share the same process this can lead to translations from one
# application spilling over to the translations of another
translation = clone(compile_translation(pofile_path))
if language not in result:
result[language] = translation
result[language] = merge((result[language], translation))
return result
def wrap_translations_for_chameleon(
translations: dict[str, gettext.GNUTranslations]
) -> dict[str, _ChameleonTranslate]:
""" Takes the given translations and wraps them for use with Chameleon. """
return {
lang: ChameleonTranslate(Translator(translation))
for lang, translation in translations.items()
def translation_chain(
translation: gettext.GNUTranslations
) -> Iterator[gettext.GNUTranslations]:
""" Yields the translation chain with a generator. """
stack = [translation]
while stack:
translation = stack.pop()
yield translation
if (fallback := translation._fallback): # type:ignore[attr-defined]
def merge(
translations: Sequence[gettext.GNUTranslations]
) -> gettext.GNUTranslations:
""" Takes the given translations (a list) and merges them into
each other. The translations at the end of the list are overwritten
by the translations at the start of the list.
This is preferrable to adding fallbacks, as they increases the average
complexity of the lookup function each time.
Note that the translations are *not* copied before merging, so that means
all existing translations are changed during this processed. To avoid
this, clone the translation first (see :func:`clone`).
The last GNUTranslations object with all other translation
objects merged into it. The first element overrides the second and so
assert len(translations) > 1
for current, following in pairwise(translations):
if following is not None:
following._catalog.update(current._catalog) # type:ignore
return translations[-1]
def clone(translation: gettext.GNUTranslations) -> gettext.GNUTranslations:
""" Clones the given translation, creating an independent copy. """
clone = gettext.GNUTranslations()
clone._catalog = translation._catalog.copy() # type:ignore[attr-defined]
if hasattr(translation, 'plural'):
clone.plural = types.FunctionType( # type:ignore[attr-defined]
return clone
class SiteLocale:
""" A model representing the locale of the site.
Use this model to enable the user to change his locale through a path.
def for_path(
app: Framework,
locale: str
) -> Self | None:
if locale in app.locales:
return cls(locale)
return None
def __init__(self, locale: str):
def link(self, request: CoreRequest, to: str) -> str:
return request.return_to(request.link(self), to)
def redirect(self, request: CoreRequest) -> Response:
response = request.redirect('') # use return-to
samesite=request.app.same_site_cookie_policy, # type:ignore
return response