Source code for core.html_diff


Diffs HTML fragments.  Nice to show what changed between two revisions
of a document for an arbitrary user.

.. code-block:: pycon

    >>> from htmldiff import render_html_diff

    >>> render_html_diff('Foo <b>bar</b> baz', 'Foo <i>bar</i> baz')
    '<div class="diff">Foo <i class="tagdiff_replaced">bar</i> baz</div>'

    >>> render_html_diff('Foo bar baz', 'Foo baz')
    '<div class="diff">Foo <del>bar</del> baz</div>'

    >>> render_html_diff('Foo baz', 'Foo blah baz')
    '<div class="diff">Foo <ins>blah</ins> baz</div>'

:copyright: (c) 2011 by Armin Ronacher
:license: BSD
import re
from contextlib import contextmanager
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from itertools import chain, zip_longest

import html5lib
from genshi.core import Stream, QName, Attrs, START, END, TEXT  # type:ignore
from genshi.input import ET  # type:ignore[import-untyped]
from markupsafe import Markup

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterator
    from genshi.core import StreamEventKind
    from typing import TypeAlias

[docs] Position: TypeAlias = tuple[str | None, int, int]
StreamEvent: TypeAlias = tuple[StreamEventKind, Any, Position]
[docs] _leading_space_re = re.compile(r'^(\s+)')
[docs] _diff_split_re = re.compile(r'(\s+)')
[docs] def diff_genshi_stream(old_stream: Stream, new_stream: Stream) -> Stream: """Renders a creole diff for two texts.""" differ = StreamDiffer(old_stream, new_stream) return differ.get_diff_stream()
[docs] def render_html_diff( old: str, new: str, wrapper_element: str = 'div', wrapper_class: str = 'diff' ) -> Markup: """Renders the diff between two HTML fragments.""" old_stream = parse_html(old, wrapper_element, wrapper_class) new_stream = parse_html(new, wrapper_element, wrapper_class) rv = diff_genshi_stream(old_stream, new_stream) return Markup(rv.render('html', encoding=None)) # noqa: MS001
[docs] def parse_html( html: str, wrapper_element: str = 'div', wrapper_class: str = 'diff' ) -> ET: """Parse an HTML fragment into a Genshi stream.""" builder = html5lib.getTreeBuilder('etree') parser = html5lib.HTMLParser(tree=builder) tree = parser.parseFragment(html) tree.tag = wrapper_element if wrapper_class is not None: tree.set('class', wrapper_class) return ET(tree)
[docs] class StreamDiffer: """A class that can diff a stream of Genshi events. It will inject ``<ins>`` and ``<del>`` tags into the stream. It probably breaks in very ugly ways if you pass a random Genshi stream to it. I'm not exactly sure if it's correct what creoleparser is doing here, but it appears that it's not using a namespace. That's fine with me so the tags the `StreamDiffer` adds are also unnamespaced. """
[docs] _old: list['StreamEvent']
[docs] _new: list['StreamEvent']
[docs] _result: list['StreamEvent']
[docs] _stack: list[str]
[docs] _context: str | None
def __init__(self, old_stream: ET, new_stream: ET): self._old = list(old_stream) self._new = list(new_stream) # FIXME: We should probably switch to a hasattr check self._result = None # type:ignore[assignment] self._stack = [] self._context = None @contextmanager
[docs] def context(self, kind: str | None) -> 'Iterator[None]': old_context = self._context self._context = kind try: yield finally: self._context = old_context
[docs] def inject_class(self, attrs: Attrs, classname: str) -> Attrs: cls = attrs.get('class') attrs |= [(QName('class'), cls and cls + ' ' + classname or classname)] return attrs
[docs] def append( self, type: 'StreamEventKind', data: Any, pos: 'Position' ) -> None: self._result.append((type, data, pos))
[docs] def text_split(self, text: str) -> list[str]: worditer = chain([''], _diff_split_re.split(text)) return [x + next(worditer) for x in worditer]
[docs] def cut_leading_space(self, s: str) -> tuple[str, str]: match = _leading_space_re.match(s) if match is None: return '', s return, s[match.end():]
[docs] def mark_text(self, pos: 'Position', text: str, tag: str) -> None: ws, text = self.cut_leading_space(text) tag = QName(tag) if ws: self.append(TEXT, ws, pos) self.append(START, (tag, Attrs()), pos) self.append(TEXT, text, pos) self.append(END, tag, pos)
[docs] def diff_text(self, pos: 'Position', old_text: str, new_text: str) -> None: old = self.text_split(old_text) new = self.text_split(new_text) matcher = SequenceMatcher(None, old, new) # FIXME: This function is too simple to be worth it, get rid of it def wrap(tag: str, words: list[str]) -> None: self.mark_text(pos, ''.join(words), tag) for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in matcher.get_opcodes(): if tag == 'replace': wrap('del', old[i1:i2]) wrap('ins', new[j1:j2]) elif tag == 'delete': wrap('del', old[i1:i2]) elif tag == 'insert': wrap('ins', new[j1:j2]) else: self.append(TEXT, ''.join(old[i1:i2]), pos)
[docs] def replace( self, old_start: int, old_end: int, new_start: int, new_end: int ) -> None: old = self._old[old_start:old_end] new = self._new[new_start:new_end] for idx, (old_event, new_event) in enumerate(zip_longest(old, new)): if old_event is None: self.insert(new_start + idx, new_end + idx) break elif new_event is None: self.delete(old_start + idx, old_end + idx) break # the best case. We're in both cases dealing with the same # event type. This is the easiest because all routines we # have can deal with that. if old_event[0] == new_event[0]: type = old_event[0] # start tags are easy. handle them first. if type == START: _, (tag, attrs), pos = new_event self.enter_mark_replaced(pos, tag, attrs) # ends in replacements are a bit tricker, we try to # leave the new one first, then the old one. One # should succeed. elif type == END: _, tag, pos = new_event if not self.leave(pos, tag): self.leave(pos, old_event[1]) # replaced text is internally diffed again elif type == TEXT: _, new_text, pos = new_event self.diff_text(pos, old_event[1], new_text) # for all other stuff we ignore the old event else: self.append(*new_event) # ob boy, now the ugly stuff starts. Let's handle the # easy one first. If the old event was text and the # new one is the start or end of a tag, we just process # both of them. The text is deleted, the rest is handled. elif old_event[0] == TEXT and new_event[0] in (START, END): _, text, pos = old_event self.mark_text(pos, text, 'del') type, data, pos = new_event if type == START: self.enter(pos, *data) else: self.leave(pos, data) # now the case that the old stream opened or closed a tag # that went away in the new one. In this case we just # insert the text and totally ignore the fact that we had # a tag. There is no way this could be rendered in a sane # way. elif old_event[0] in (START, END) and new_event[0] == TEXT: _, text, pos = new_event self.mark_text(pos, text, 'ins') # meh. no idea how to handle that, let's just say nothing # happened. else: pass
[docs] def delete(self, start: int, end: int) -> None: with self.context('del'): self.block_process(self._old[start:end])
[docs] def insert(self, start: int, end: int) -> None: with self.context('ins'): self.block_process(self._new[start:end])
[docs] def unchanged(self, start: int, end: int) -> None: with self.context(None): self.block_process(self._old[start:end])
[docs] def enter(self, pos: Any, tag: Any, attrs: dict[str, Any]) -> None: self._stack.append(tag) self.append(START, (tag, attrs), pos)
[docs] def enter_mark_replaced( self, pos: 'Position', tag: str, attrs: Attrs ) -> None: attrs = self.inject_class(attrs, 'tagdiff_replaced') self._stack.append(tag) self.append(START, (tag, attrs), pos)
[docs] def leave(self, pos: 'Position', tag: str) -> bool: if not self._stack: return False if tag == self._stack[-1]: self.append(END, tag, pos) self._stack.pop() return True return False
[docs] def leave_all(self) -> None: if self._stack: last_pos = (self._new or self._old)[-1][2] for tag in reversed(self._stack): self.append(END, tag, last_pos) del self._stack[:]
[docs] def block_process(self, events: list['StreamEvent']) -> None: for event in events: type, data, pos = event if type == START: self.enter(pos, *data) elif type == END: self.leave(pos, data) elif type == TEXT: if self._context is not None and data.strip(): tag = QName(self._context) self.append(START, (QName(tag), Attrs()), pos) self.append(type, data, pos) self.append(END, tag, pos) else: self.append(type, data, pos) else: self.append(type, data, pos)
[docs] def process(self) -> None: self._result = [] matcher = SequenceMatcher(None, self._old, self._new) for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in matcher.get_opcodes(): if tag == 'replace': self.replace(i1, i2, j1, j2) elif tag == 'delete': self.delete(i1, i2) elif tag == 'insert': self.insert(j1, j2) else: self.unchanged(i1, i2) self.leave_all()
[docs] def get_diff_stream(self) -> Stream: # FIXME: We should probably switch to a hasattr check if self._result is None: self.process() # type:ignore[unreachable] return Stream(self._result)