Source code for core.custom.custom_msgpack

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import isodate
import ormsgpack

from decimal import Decimal
from markupsafe import Markup
from sqlalchemy.util import lightweight_named_tuple
from sqlalchemy.util._collections import AbstractKeyedTuple
from types import GeneratorType
from uuid import UUID

from typing import Any, ClassVar, Generic, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable, Collection, Iterable

[docs] _T = TypeVar('_T')
[docs] _TypeT = TypeVar('_TypeT', bound=type[object])
[docs] class Serializer(Generic[_T]): """ Provides a way to encode all objects of a given class or its subclasses to and from MessagePack using extension types. """ def __init__(self, tag: int, target: type[_T]): assert isinstance(target, type), 'expects a class' assert 0 <= tag <= 127, 'needs to be between 0 and 127'
[docs] self.tag = tag
[docs] = target
[docs] def encode(self, obj: _T) -> bytes: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def decode(self, value: bytes) -> _T: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class BytesSerializer(Serializer[_T]): """ Serializes objects to a byte string. """ def __init__( self, tag: int, target: type[_T], encode: Callable[[_T], bytes], decode: Callable[[bytes], _T], ): super().__init__(tag, target)
[docs] self._encode = encode
[docs] self._decode = decode
[docs] def encode(self, obj: _T) -> bytes: return self._encode(obj)
[docs] def decode(self, value: bytes) -> _T: return self._decode(value)
[docs] class StringSerializer(Serializer[_T]): """ Serializes objects to a string. """ def __init__( self, tag: int, target: type[_T], encode: Callable[[_T], str], decode: Callable[[str], _T], ): super().__init__(tag, target)
[docs] self._encode = encode
[docs] self._decode = decode
[docs] def encode(self, obj: _T) -> bytes: return self._encode(obj).encode('utf-8')
[docs] def decode(self, value: bytes) -> _T: return self._decode(value.decode('utf-8'))
[docs] class DictionarySerializer(Serializer[_T]): """ Serializes objects that can be built with keyword arguments. For example:: class Point: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y Can be serialised using:: DictionarySerializer(Point, ('x', 'y')) Which results in something like this in JSON:: {'x': 1, 'y': 2} As the internal __dict__ represenation is of no concern, __slots__ may be used: class Point: __slots__ = ('x', 'y') def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y """ def __init__(self, tag: int, target: type[_T], keys: Iterable[str]): super().__init__(tag, target) self.keys = keys = tuple(keys) assert len(keys) == len(set(keys)), 'duplicate keys given'
[docs] self.constructor = getattr(target, 'from_dict', target)
[docs] def encode(self, obj: _T) -> bytes: return packb([getattr(obj, k) for k in self.keys])
[docs] def decode(self, value: bytes) -> _T: values = unpackb(value) assert isinstance(values, list) return self.constructor(**dict(zip(self.keys, values, strict=True)))
[docs] class Serializers: """ Organises the different serializer implementations under a unifiying interface. This allows the actual encoder/decoder to call a single class without having to worry how the various serializers need to be looked up and called. """
[docs] by_tag: dict[int, Serializer[Any]]
[docs] by_type: dict[type[object], tuple[int, Serializer[Any]]]
def __init__(self) -> None: self.by_tag = {} self.by_type = {}
[docs] def register( self, serializer: Serializer[Any] ) -> None: tag = serializer.tag assert tag not in self.by_tag self.by_tag[tag] = serializer assert not in self.by_type self.by_type[] = (tag, serializer)
[docs] def encode(self, value: object) -> object: tag_and_serializer = self.by_type.get(value.__class__) if tag_and_serializer is None: if isinstance(value, dict): return dict(value) elif isinstance(value, AbstractKeyedTuple): tag_and_serializer = self.by_type[AbstractKeyedTuple] elif isinstance(value, GeneratorType): tag_and_serializer = self.by_type[tuple] else: raise TypeError(f'{value!r} is not MessagePack serializable') tag, serializer = tag_and_serializer return ormsgpack.Ext(tag, serializer.encode(value))
[docs] def decode(self, tag: int, value: bytes) -> Any: serializer = self.by_tag.get(tag) if serializer is not None: value = serializer.decode(value) return value
# The builtin serializers
[docs] default_serializers = Serializers()
default_serializers.register(StringSerializer( tag=0, target=datetime.datetime, encode=isodate.datetime_isoformat, decode=isodate.parse_datetime )) default_serializers.register(StringSerializer( tag=1, target=datetime.time, encode=isodate.time_isoformat, decode=isodate.parse_time )) default_serializers.register(StringSerializer( tag=2,, encode=isodate.date_isoformat, decode=isodate.parse_date )) default_serializers.register(StringSerializer( tag=3, target=Decimal, encode=str, decode=Decimal )) default_serializers.register(BytesSerializer( tag=4, target=UUID, encode=lambda u: u.bytes, decode=lambda b: UUID(bytes=b) )) # NOTE: This might not be worth the cost in performance # maybe we're fine with tuples turning into lists # remove `OPT_PASSTHROUGH_TUPLE` when removing this default_serializers.register(BytesSerializer( tag=5, target=tuple, encode=lambda t: packb(list(t)), decode=lambda b: tuple(unpackb(b)) )) # NOTE: We currently only use this to serialize the groupids # for the current identity, we could consider replacing # this with a serializer for morepath.Identity instead default_serializers.register(BytesSerializer( tag=6, target=frozenset, encode=lambda t: packb(list(t)), decode=lambda b: frozenset(unpackb(b)) )) # NOTE: SQLAlchemy result support
[docs] def load_keyed_tuple(b: bytes) -> AbstractKeyedTuple[Any]: name, items = unpackb(b) cls = lightweight_named_tuple(name, items.keys()) return cls(**items)
default_serializers.register(BytesSerializer( tag=7, target=AbstractKeyedTuple, encode=lambda t: packb([ t.__class__.__name__, {key: getattr(t, key) for key in t.keys()}, ]), decode=load_keyed_tuple )) default_serializers.register(StringSerializer( tag=8, target=Markup, encode=str, decode=Markup ))
[docs] class Serializable: """ Classes inheriting from this base are serialised using the :class:`DictionarySerializer` class. The keys that should be used need to be specified as follows:: class Point(Serializable, keys=('x', 'y')): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y """
[docs] serialized_keys: ClassVar[Collection[str]]
[docs] def serializers(cls) -> Serializers: return default_serializers # for testing
[docs] def __init_subclass__(cls, tag: int, keys: Collection[str], **kwargs: Any): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) cls.serialized_keys = keys cls.serializers().register(DictionarySerializer( tag=tag, target=cls, keys=keys ))
[docs] def make_serializable( *, tag: int, serializers: Serializers = default_serializers ) -> Callable[[_TypeT], _TypeT]: def decorator(cls: _TypeT) -> _TypeT: keys = getattr(cls, '_fields', getattr(cls, '__slots__', ())) assert keys, f'{cls!r} is not serializable' serializers.register(DictionarySerializer( tag=tag, target=cls, keys=keys )) return cls return decorator
[docs] PACK_OPTIONS = ( # NOTE: Technically we only need this for one instance where we # want `None` as a key, but it should be fine to allow # other types as well. It only allows the basic types # anyways and no Ext types. ormsgpack.OPT_NON_STR_KEYS # NOTE: We want serialization to be fully reversible # so we use our own serialization for these | ormsgpack.OPT_PASSTHROUGH_SUBCLASS | ormsgpack.OPT_PASSTHROUGH_DATACLASS | ormsgpack.OPT_PASSTHROUGH_DATETIME | ormsgpack.OPT_PASSTHROUGH_TUPLE | ormsgpack.OPT_PASSTHROUGH_UUID )
[docs] def packb(obj: Any) -> bytes: return ormsgpack.packb( obj, default=default_serializers.encode, option=PACK_OPTIONS )
[docs] def unpackb(value: bytes) -> Any: return ormsgpack.unpackb( value, ext_hook=default_serializers.decode, option=ormsgpack.OPT_NON_STR_KEYS, )