.. _core-commands:
Core Commands
Provides a framework for cli commands run against one or more onegov
cloud applications.
OneGov cli commands are usually ran against an onegov.yml config file, which
may contain definitions for multiple applications. It may define multiple
application with different application classes, and it may contain wildcard
applications which run the same application class, but contain multiple
tenants for each application.
To have a command run against one or many applications we use a selector to
help select the applications we want to target in a command.
In addition to selectors, onegov core cli commands provide a simple way to
write a function that takes a request and an application. This function is
then called for each application matching the selector, with a proper
request and application context already setup (with the same characteristics
as if called through an url in the browser).
A selector has the form <namespace>/<id>.
That is, it consists of the namespace of the application, and it's id.
For example:
* ``/foo/bar``
* ``/onegov_election_day/gr``
* ``/onegov_town6/govikon``
To select non-wildcard applications we can just omit the id:
* ``/foo``
* ``/onegov_onboarding``
Finally, to select multiple applications we can use wildcards:
* ``/foo/*``
* ``/onegov_election_day/*``
* ``/*/g??``
To run a supported command we provide a selector as an option::
bin/onegov-core --select '/foo/*' subcommand
To find out what kind of selectors are available, we can simply run::
Which will print out a list of selector suggestions.
Registering a Selector Based Command
To write a selector based command we first create a command group::
from onegov.core.cli import command_group
cli = command_group()
Using that command group, we can register our own commands::
def my_click_command():
This command works like any other click command::
import click
def my_click_command(option):
Each command has the ability to influence the way selectors work. For example,
a command which creates the path that matches the selector we can use::
@cli.command(context_settings={'creates_path': True})
By default, we expect that a selector is passed. For commands which usually run
against all applications we can provide a default selector::
@cli.command(context_settings={'default_selector': '*'})
Using the app/request context
For a lot of commands the easiest approach is to have a function which is
called for each application with a request. This allows us to write commands
which behave like they were written in a view.
To do that we register a command which returns a function with the following
def handle_command(request, app):
For example::
def my_click_command():
def handle_command(request, app):
return handle_command
Setup like this, ``handle_command`` will be called with a request for each
application (and tennant). This function acts exactly like a view. Most
importantly, it does *not* require transaction commits, because like with
ordinary requests, the transaction is automatically committed if no error
Using the app configurations directly
Sometimes we don't want to use the request/app context, or maybe we want to
setup something before receiving a request.
To do this, we use the ``pass_group_context`` decorator.
For example::
from onegov.core.cli import pass_group_context
def my_click_command(group_context):
for appcfg in group_context.appcfgs:
# do something
This is independent of the app/request context. If we return a function, the
function is going to be called with the request and the app. If we do not, the
command ends as expected.
Returning multiple functions
When a cli command returns multiple functions, they are run in succession.
The signature is taken into account. If there's a 'request' parameter in the
function, the usual request context is set up.
If there is no 'request' parameter in the function, it is called once per
appcfg, together with the group context::
def my_special_command():
def handle_command(request, app):
def handle_raw(group_context, appcfg):
return (handle_command, handle_raw)
Limiting Selectors to a Single Instance
Sometimes we want to write commands which only run against a single
application. A good example is a command which returns 1/0 depending on the
existence of something *in* an application.
To do that, we use::
@cli.command(context_settings={'singular': True})
def my_click_command():
If a selector is passed which matches more than one application, the command
is not executed.
from __future__ import annotations
import click
import inspect
import logging.config
import sys
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from onegov.core.security import Public
from onegov.core.utils import scan_morepath_modules
from onegov.core.orm import query_schemas, DB_CONNECTION_ERRORS
from onegov.server.config import Config
from onegov.server.core import Server
from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from uuid import uuid4
from webtest import TestApp as Client # type:ignore[import-untyped]
from typing import Any, NoReturn, TYPE_CHECKING
from collections.abc import Callable, Collection, Iterator, Sequence
from typing import Protocol, TypedDict
from onegov.core.framework import Framework
from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
from onegov.core.security.permissions import Intent
from onegov.server.config import ApplicationConfig
# NOTE: We are forward declaring the attributes we expect to
# exist in the mixed in class
class _GroupContextAttrs(Protocol):
selector: str | None
def available_selectors(self) -> list[str]: ...
def matches(self) -> Iterator[str]: ...
matches_required: bool
creates_path: bool
class ContextSpecificSettings(TypedDict, total=False):
default_selector: str
creates_path: bool
singular: bool
matches_required: bool
_GroupContextAttrs = object
#: :class:`GroupContext` settings which may be overriden by commands
class GroupContextGuard(_GroupContextAttrs):
""" Contains methods which abort the commandline program if any condition
is not met.
Used as a mixin in :class:`GroupContext`.
def validate_guard_conditions(self, click_context: click.Context) -> None:
matches = tuple(self.matches)
for name, method in inspect.getmembers(self, inspect.ismethod):
if name.startswith('abort'):
method(click_context, matches)
def abort_if_no_selector(
click_context: click.Context,
matches: Collection[str]
) -> None:
if not self.selector:
click.secho('Available selectors:')
for selector in self.available_selectors:
click.secho(' - {}'.format(selector))
abort('No selector provided, aborting.')
def abort_if_no_subcommand(
click_context: click.Context,
matches: Collection[str]
) -> None:
if click_context.invoked_subcommand is None:
click.secho('Paths matching the selector:')
for match in matches:
click.secho(' - {}'.format(match))
abort('No subcommand provided, aborting.')
def abort_if_no_match(
click_context: click.Context,
matches: Collection[str]
) -> None:
if self.matches_required and not matches:
click.secho('Available selectors:')
for selector in self.available_selectors:
click.secho(' - {}'.format(selector))
abort("Selector doesn't match any paths, aborting.")
def abort_if_not_singular(
click_context: click.Context,
matches: Collection[str]
) -> None:
if self.singular and len(matches) > 1:
click.secho('Paths matching the selector:')
for match in matches:
click.secho(' - {}'.format(match))
abort('The selector must match a single path, aborting.')
def abort_if_no_create_path(
click_context: click.Context,
matches: Collection[str]
) -> None:
if self.creates_path:
if len(matches) > 1:
abort('This selector may not reference an existing path')
self.abort_if_no_selector(click_context, matches)
assert self.selector is not None
if len(self.selector.lstrip('/').split('/')) != 2:
abort('This selector must reference a full path')
if '*' in self.selector:
abort('This selector may not contain a wildcard')
class GroupContext(GroupContextGuard):
""" Provides access to application configs for group commands.
:param selector:
Selects the applications which should be captured by a
See :ref:`core-commands` for more documentation about
:param config:
The targeted onegov.yml file or an equivalent dictionary.
:param default_selector:
The selector used if none is provided. If not given, a selector
*has* to be provided.
:param creates_path:
True if the given selector doesn't exist yet, but will be created.
Commands which use this setting are expected to take a single path
(no wildcards) and to create it during their runtime.
Implies `singular` and `matches_required`.
:param singular:
True if the selector may not match multiple applications.
:param matches_required:
True if the selector *must* match at least one application.
def __init__(
selector: str | None,
config: dict[str, Any] | str | bytes,
default_selector: str | None = None,
creates_path: bool = False,
singular: bool = False,
matches_required: bool = True
if isinstance(config, dict):
self.config = Config(config)
self.config = Config.from_yaml_file(config)
self.selector = selector or default_selector
self.creates_path = creates_path
if self.creates_path:
self.singular = True
self.matches_required = False
self.singular = singular
self.matches_required = matches_required
def available_schemas(self, appcfg: ApplicationConfig) -> list[str]:
""" Returns all available schemas, if the application is database
if 'dsn' not in appcfg.configuration:
return []
# creating your engine should usually be avoided, be sure to only
# copy this code when you don't need the typical session manager
# engine setup
engine = create_engine(appcfg.configuration['dsn'], poolclass=NullPool)
return list(query_schemas(engine, namespace=appcfg.namespace))
def split_match(self, match: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
match = match.lstrip('/')
match, _, remainder = match.partition('/')
return match, remainder
def match_to_path(self, match: str) -> str | None:
""" Takes the given match and returns the application path used in
http requests.
namespace, id = self.split_match(match)
for appcfg in self.config.applications:
if appcfg.namespace == namespace:
return appcfg.path.replace('*', id).rstrip('/')
return None
def match_to_appcfg(self, match: str) -> ApplicationConfig | None:
""" Takes the given match and returns the maching appcfg object. """
namespace, _id = self.split_match(match)
for appcfg in self.config.applications:
if appcfg.namespace == namespace:
return appcfg
return None
def appcfgs(self) -> Iterator[ApplicationConfig]:
""" Returns the matching appconfigs.
Since there's only one appconfig per namespace, we ignore the path
part of the selector and only focus on the namespace::
if not self.selector:
namespace_selector = self.selector.lstrip('/').split('/')[0]
for appcfg in self.config.applications:
if fnmatch(appcfg.namespace, namespace_selector):
yield appcfg
def available_selectors(self) -> list[str]:
""" Generates a list of available selectors.
The list doesn't technically exhaust all options, but it returns
all selectors targeting a single application as well as all selectors
targeting a namespace by wildcard.
selectors = list(self.all_wildcard_selectors)
return sorted(selectors)
def all_wildcard_selectors(self) -> Iterator[str]:
""" Returns all selectors targeting a namespace by wildcard. """
for appcfg in self.config.applications:
if appcfg.path.endswith('*'):
yield '/' + appcfg.namespace + '/*'
def all_specific_selectors(self) -> Iterator[str]:
""" Returns all selectors targeting an application directly. """
for appcfg in self.config.applications:
if not appcfg.path.endswith('*'):
yield '/' + appcfg.namespace
for schema in self.available_schemas(appcfg):
yield '/' + schema.replace('-', '/')
def matches(self) -> Iterator[str]:
""" Returns the specific selectors matching the context selector.
That is, a combination of namespace / application id is returned.
Since we only know an exhaustive list of application id's *if* we have
a database connection this is currently limited to applications with
one. Since we do not have any others yet that's fine.
However if we implement a database-less application in the future which
takes wildcard ids, we need some way to enumerate those ids.
See https://github.com/OneGov/onegov.core/issues/13
if self.selector:
for selector in self.all_specific_selectors:
if fnmatch(selector, self.selector):
yield selector
if self.creates_path:
yield self.selector.rstrip('/')
def get_context_specific_settings(
context: click.Context
) -> ContextSpecificSettings:
""" Takes the given *click* context and extracts all context specific
settings from it.
if not context.invoked_subcommand:
return {}
# The context settings are stored on the command though they are actually
# click's settings, not ours. Upon inspection we need to transfer them
# here as a result. It's basically a piggy back ride.
assert isinstance(context.command, click.Group)
subcommand = context.command.commands[context.invoked_subcommand]
if not hasattr(subcommand, 'onegov_settings'):
subcommand.onegov_settings = { # type:ignore[attr-defined]
key: subcommand.context_settings.pop(key)
if key in subcommand.context_settings
return subcommand.onegov_settings # type:ignore[attr-defined]
#: Decorator to acquire the group context on a command::
#: > @cli.command()
#: > @pass_group_context()
#: > def my_command(group_context):
#: > pass
pass_group_context = click.make_pass_decorator(GroupContext, ensure=True)
def run_processors(
group_context: GroupContext,
processors: Sequence[Callable[..., Any]]
) -> None:
""" Runs a sequence of processors either in a raw context or
in a fully running application within a server.
This is extracted into its own utility function, so we can create
commands that only require a server for the initial setup, but then
may go on to run forever without the additional overhead
(e.g. to implement a spooler)
if not processors:
# load all applications into the server
view_path = uuid4().hex
applications = []
# NOTE: we initialize processor here, just to absolutely make sure
# the variable exists in locals() when we go to look it up
# below.
processor = processors[0]
CliApplication: type[Framework] # noqa: N806
for appcfg in group_context.appcfgs:
class CliApplication(appcfg.application_class): # type:ignore
def is_allowed_application_id(
application_id: str
) -> bool:
if group_context.creates_path:
return True
return super().is_allowed_application_id(application_id)
def configure_debug(self, **cfg: Any) -> None:
# disable debug options in cli (like query output)
class Model:
@CliApplication.view(model=Model, permission=Public)
def run_command(self: Model, request: CoreRequest) -> None:
# NOTE: This is kind of fragile, this depends on the loop
# variable 'processor' from the loop below, this works
# because Python will look up the variable at the time
# of the call and not when we define this function.
processor(request, request.app)
@CliApplication.setting(section='cronjobs', name='enabled')
def get_cronjobs_enabled() -> bool:
return False
def get_roles_setting() -> dict[str, set[type[Intent]]]:
# override the security settings -> we need the public
# role to work for anonymous users, even if the base
# application disables that
return {
'anonymous': {Public},
'path': appcfg.path,
'application': CliApplication,
'namespace': appcfg.namespace,
'configuration': appcfg.configuration
server = Server(
'applications': applications,
def expects_request(processor: Callable[..., Any]) -> bool:
return 'request' in processor.__code__.co_varnames
# call the matching applications
client = Client(server)
matches = list(group_context.matches)
for match in matches:
for processor in processors:
if expects_request(processor):
# FIXME: The way this works is a bit fragile, we depend
# on the way Python looks up locals here, it would
# be better if we passed the index as a query param
path = group_context.match_to_path(match)
if path is None:
client.get(path + '/' + view_path)
appcfg_ = group_context.match_to_appcfg(match)
if appcfg_ is None:
processor(group_context, appcfg_)
def command_group() -> click.Group:
""" Generates a click command group for individual modules.
Each individual module may have its own command group from which to run
commands to. Read `<https://click.pocoo.org/6/commands/>`_ to learn more
about command groups.
The returned command group will provide the individual commands with
an optional list of applications to operate on and it allows commands
to return a callback function which will be invoked with the app config
(if available), an application instance and a request.
That is to say, the command group automates setting up a proper request
'--select', default=None,
help='Selects the applications this command should be applied to')
'--config', default='onegov.yml',
help='The onegov config file')
def command_group(select: str | None, config: str) -> None:
context = click.get_current_context()
context_settings = get_context_specific_settings(context)
context.obj = GroupContext(select, config, **context_settings)
context.obj.config.logging.setdefault('version', 1)
print('Could not connect to database:')
def process_results(
processor: Callable[..., Any] | Sequence[Callable[..., Any]],
select: str,
config: str
) -> None:
""" Calls the function returned by the command once for each
application matching the selector.
Uses a proper request/application context for ease of use.
if not processor:
processors: Sequence[Callable[..., Any]]
if callable(processor):
processors = (processor, )
processors = processor
group_context = click.get_current_context().obj
run_processors(group_context, processors)
return command_group
# FIXME: raise click.Abort(msg) might accomplish the same
def abort(msg: str) -> NoReturn:
""" Prints the given error message and aborts the program with a return
code of 1.
click.secho(msg, fg='red')