Source code for async_http.fetch

import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientTimeout

from typing import overload, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Awaitable, Callable, Sequence
    from typing import Protocol, TypeVar, TypeAlias

[docs] class HasUrl(Protocol):
[docs] url: str
_T = TypeVar('_T') UrlType: TypeAlias = str | HasUrl _UrlTypeT = TypeVar('_UrlTypeT', bound=UrlType) ErrFunc: TypeAlias = Callable[[_UrlTypeT, Exception], Any] HandleExceptionType: TypeAlias = ( ErrFunc[_UrlTypeT] | Sequence[ErrFunc[_UrlTypeT]]) FetchCallback: TypeAlias = Callable[[_UrlTypeT, Any], _T] FetchFunc: TypeAlias = Callable[[ UrlType, ClientSession, str, FetchCallback[_UrlTypeT, _T], ErrFunc[_UrlTypeT] | None ], Awaitable[_T]]
[docs] def raise_by_default(url: Any, exception: Exception) -> None: raise exception
[docs] def default_callback(url: 'UrlType', response: Any) -> tuple['UrlType', Any]: return url, response
[docs] async def fetch( url: 'UrlType', session: ClientSession, response_attr: str = 'json', callback: 'FetchCallback[UrlType, tuple[UrlType, Any]]' = default_callback, handle_exceptions: 'ErrFunc[UrlType] | None' = raise_by_default ) -> tuple['UrlType', Any]: ...
@overload async def fetch( url: 'UrlType', session: ClientSession, response_attr: str, callback: 'FetchCallback[_UrlTypeT, _T]', handle_exceptions: 'ErrFunc[_UrlTypeT] | None' = raise_by_default ) -> '_T': ... @overload async def fetch( url: 'UrlType', session: ClientSession, response_attr: str = 'json', *, callback: 'FetchCallback[_UrlTypeT, _T]', handle_exceptions: 'ErrFunc[_UrlTypeT] | None' = raise_by_default ) -> '_T': ... async def fetch( url: 'UrlType', session: ClientSession, response_attr: str = 'json', callback: 'FetchCallback[Any, Any]' = default_callback, handle_exceptions: 'ErrFunc[Any] | None' = raise_by_default ) -> Any: """ Asynchronous get request. Pass handle_exceptions in order to get your desired error handling. :param callback: callback to handle the response. :param url: object that has an attribute url or a string :param session: instance of aiohttp.ClientSession() :param response_attr: valid, (awaitable) attribute for response object :param handle_exceptions: optional callback for handling exceptions :return: response_attr or handled exception return for each url """ try: url_ = url if isinstance(url, str) else url.url async with session.get(url_) as response: response_attr = response_attr or 'json' attr = getattr(response, response_attr) if callable(attr): response_called = await attr() return callback(url, response_called) else: # eg. status return callback(url, attr) except Exception as e: if not handle_exceptions: raise e return handle_exceptions(url, e) @overload
[docs] async def fetch_many( urls: 'Sequence[UrlType]', response_attr: str = 'json', fetch_func: 'FetchFunc[UrlType, tuple[UrlType, Any]]' = fetch, callback: 'FetchCallback[UrlType, tuple[UrlType, Any]]' = default_callback, handle_exceptions: 'HandleExceptionType[UrlType]' = raise_by_default, timeout: ClientTimeout | None = None ) -> list[tuple['UrlType', Any]]: ...
@overload async def fetch_many( urls: 'Sequence[UrlType]', response_attr: str, fetch_func: 'FetchFunc[_UrlTypeT, _T]', callback: 'FetchCallback[_UrlTypeT, _T]', handle_exceptions: 'HandleExceptionType[_UrlTypeT]' = raise_by_default, timeout: ClientTimeout | None = None ) -> list['_T']: ... @overload async def fetch_many( urls: 'Sequence[UrlType]', response_attr: str = 'json', fetch_func: 'FetchFunc[_UrlTypeT, _T]' = fetch, *, callback: 'FetchCallback[_UrlTypeT, _T]', handle_exceptions: 'HandleExceptionType[_UrlTypeT]' = raise_by_default, timeout: ClientTimeout | None = None ) -> list['_T']: ... async def fetch_many( urls: 'Sequence[UrlType]', response_attr: str = 'json', fetch_func: 'FetchFunc[Any, Any]' = fetch, callback: 'FetchCallback[Any, Any]' = default_callback, handle_exceptions: 'HandleExceptionType[Any]' = raise_by_default, timeout: ClientTimeout | None = None ) -> list[Any]: """ Registers a task per url using the coroutine fetch_func with correct signature. """ timeout = timeout or ClientTimeout() async with ClientSession(timeout=timeout) as session: def exception_handler(ix: int) -> Any: if callable(handle_exceptions): return handle_exceptions return handle_exceptions[ix] return await asyncio.gather(*( fetch_func( url, session, response_attr, callback, exception_handler(ix) ) for ix, url in enumerate(urls))) @overload
[docs] def async_aiohttp_get_all( urls: 'Sequence[UrlType]', response_attr: str = 'json', callback: 'FetchCallback[UrlType, tuple[UrlType, Any]]' = default_callback, handle_exceptions: 'HandleExceptionType[UrlType]' = raise_by_default, timeout: ClientTimeout | None = None ) -> list[tuple['UrlType', Any]]: ...
@overload def async_aiohttp_get_all( urls: 'Sequence[UrlType]', response_attr: str, callback: 'FetchCallback[_UrlTypeT, _T]', handle_exceptions: 'HandleExceptionType[_UrlTypeT]' = raise_by_default, timeout: ClientTimeout | None = None ) -> list['_T']: ... @overload def async_aiohttp_get_all( urls: 'Sequence[UrlType]', response_attr: str = 'json', *, callback: 'FetchCallback[_UrlTypeT, _T]', handle_exceptions: 'HandleExceptionType[_UrlTypeT]' = raise_by_default, timeout: ClientTimeout | None = None ) -> list['_T']: ... def async_aiohttp_get_all( urls: 'Sequence[_UrlTypeT]', response_attr: str = 'json', callback: 'FetchCallback[Any, Any]' = default_callback, handle_exceptions: 'HandleExceptionType[Any]' = raise_by_default, timeout: ClientTimeout | None = None ) -> list[Any]: """ Performs asynchronous get requests. Example only checking the status without awaiting content: result = async_aiohttp_get_all(test_urls, response_attr='status') Other valid response attributes are 'json' and 'text', which are awaited. If the callable of the exception handler function returns, it will be part of the returned results. """ return fetch_many( urls, response_attr=response_attr, callback=callback, handle_exceptions=handle_exceptions, timeout=timeout or ClientTimeout() ) )