Source code for agency.data_import

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime

from email_validator import validate_email, EmailNotValidError, \
from markupsafe import Markup

from import (
    ExtendedAgencyCollection, ExtendedPersonCollection)
from onegov.core.csv import CSVFile
from onegov.core.orm.abstract.adjacency_list import numeric_priority
from onegov.core.utils import linkify

from typing import TypeVar, Any
from typing import TypeVarTuple
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from _typeshed import StrOrBytesPath
    from import Callable, Iterable
    from import Mapping
    from datetime import date
    from import AgencyApp
    from import ExtendedAgency
    from import ExtendedPerson
    from import AgencyRequest
    from onegov.core.csv import DefaultRow
    from onegov.people import AgencyMembership
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

[docs] T = TypeVar('T')
[docs] Ts = TypeVarTuple('Ts')
[docs] def with_open( func: Callable[[CSVFile[DefaultRow], *Ts], T] ) -> Callable[[StrOrBytesPath, *Ts], T]: def _read(filename: StrOrBytesPath, *args: *Ts) -> T: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: file = CSVFile( f, # encoding='iso-8859-1' encoding='utf-8', # lu ) return func(file, *args) return _read
[docs] def v_(string: str | None) -> str | None: if not string or string == 'NULL' or not string.strip(): return None return string.strip()
[docs] def cleaned( func: Callable[[str], T] ) -> Callable[[str | None], T | None]: def clean(string: str | None) -> T | None: cleaned = v_(string) if not cleaned: return None return func(cleaned) return clean
[docs] def get_phone(string: str) -> str: if string.startswith('00'): return string.replace('00', '+', 1) if not string.startswith('+'): if len(string.replace(' ', '')) == 10: # be sure #digits fit CH return string.replace('0', '+41 ', 1) # lu adds country digits if len(string.replace(' ', '')) == 9: return (f'+41 {string[0:2]} {string[2:5]} ' f'{string[5:7]} {string[7:9]}') return string
[docs] def p(text: str) -> Markup: return Markup('<p>{}</p>').format(text)
[docs] def br(text: str) -> Markup: return Markup('{}<br>').format(text)
[docs] def split_address_on_new_line( address: str, newline: bool = False ) -> Markup: new_addr = Markup('<br>').join(part.strip() for part in address.split(',')) new_addr = new_addr + Markup('<br>') if newline else new_addr return new_addr
[docs] def get_address(line: DefaultRow) -> Markup | None: stao_addr, post_addr = v_(line.standortadresse), v_(line.postadresse) if stao_addr and post_addr: if stao_addr == post_addr: return br(split_address_on_new_line(stao_addr)) else: return br(split_address_on_new_line(stao_addr, True)) + br( split_address_on_new_line(post_addr) ) elif stao_addr: return br(split_address_on_new_line(stao_addr)) if post_addr: return br(split_address_on_new_line(post_addr)) return None
[docs] def get_agency_portrait(line: DefaultRow) -> Markup | None: portrait = Markup('') address = get_address(line) if address: portrait += br(address) if v_(line.telzentrale): tel = linkify(get_phone(v_(line.telzentrale))) portrait += br(Markup('Tel.: {}').format(tel)) if v_(line.faxzentrale): tel = linkify(get_phone(v_(line.faxzentrale))) portrait += br(Markup('Fax: {}').format(tel)) if v_(line.emailneutral): portrait += br(linkify(v_(line.emailneutral))) homepage = v_(line.homepageurl) if homepage: portrait += br(Markup('<a href="{}">Homepage</a>').format(homepage)) stadtplan = v_(line.stadtplanurl) if stadtplan: portrait += br(Markup('<a href="{}">Standort</a>').format(stadtplan)) if v_(line.oeffnungszeiten): portrait += br(f'Öffnungszeiten:\n{v_(line.oeffnungszeiten)}') if v_(line.wahlperiode): portrait += br(f'Wahlperiode: {v_(line.wahlperiode)}') if v_(line.bemerkung): portrait += br(f'{v_(line.bemerkung)}') portrait = portrait.strip() return p(portrait) if portrait else None
[docs] def import_bs_agencies( csvfile: CSVFile[DefaultRow], session: Session, app: AgencyApp ) -> dict[str, ExtendedAgency]: agencies = ExtendedAgencyCollection(session) lines_by_id = {line.verzorgeinheitid: line for line in csvfile.lines} treat_as_root = tuple( line.verzorgeinheitid for line in csvfile.lines if line.verzvorfahreoeid not in lines_by_id.keys() ) if len(treat_as_root) == 1: # Use the first level as root treat_as_root = tuple( line.verzorgeinheitid for line in csvfile.lines if line.verzvorfahreoeid in treat_as_root ) added_agencies = {} children = defaultdict(list) roots = [] added_count = 0 print('Treated as root agencies: ', ', '.join(treat_as_root)) for line in csvfile.lines: parent_id = line.verzvorfahreoeid or None basisid = line.verzorgeinheitid if parent_id: if basisid in treat_as_root: parent_id = None roots.append(basisid) children[parent_id].append(basisid) def parse_agency( line: DefaultRow, parent: ExtendedAgency | None = None ) -> ExtendedAgency: portrait = get_agency_portrait(line) agency = agencies.add( parent=parent, title=line.bezeichnung.strip(), description=None, portrait=portrait, order=numeric_priority(v_(line.anzeigeprio)), export_fields=['person.title', ''] ) added_agencies[line.verzorgeinheitid] = agency return agency def add_children( basisid: str, parent: ExtendedAgency | None = None ) -> None: nonlocal added_count added_count += 1 if added_count % 50 == 0: app.es_indexer.process() app.psql_indexer.bulk_process(session) line = lines_by_id[basisid] agency = parse_agency(line, parent=parent) for child_id in children.get(line.verzorgeinheitid, []): add_children(child_id, parent=agency) for basisid in roots: add_children(basisid) return added_agencies
[docs] def import_bs_persons( csvfile: CSVFile[DefaultRow], agencies: Mapping[str, ExtendedAgency], session: Session, app: AgencyApp ) -> list[ExtendedPerson]: people = ExtendedPersonCollection(session) persons = [] def parse_date(date_string: str | None) -> date | None: if not date_string: return None return datetime.strptime(date_string, '%d.%m.%Y').date() def parse_person(line: DefaultRow) -> None: bemerkung = v_(line.bemerkung) notiz = v_(line.notiz) sprechstunde = v_(line.sprechstunde) note = '\n'.join([ s for s in (bemerkung, notiz, sprechstunde) if s] ) agency_id = line.verzorgeinheitid person_ = people.add( last_name=v_( or 'NACHNAME', first_name=v_(line.vorname) or 'VORNAME', salutation=v_(line.anrede), academic_title=v_(line.titel), function=v_(line.funktion), email=v_(, phone=get_phone(line.telextern), phone_direct=get_phone(line.telmobil), website=v_(line.url1) or v_(line.url2) or None, notes=note or None, born=v_(line.geburtsdatum), political_party=v_(line.partei), address=v_(line.privatadresse), access='public' ) persons.append(person_) # A person has only one membership if agency_id: agency = agencies.get(agency_id) if agency: agency.add_person(, title='Mitglied', since=None, prefix=None, addition=None, note=None, ) else: print(f'agency id {agency_id} not found in agencies') for ix, line in enumerate(csvfile.lines): if ix % 50 == 0: app.es_indexer.process() app.psql_indexer.bulk_process(session) parse_person(line) return persons
[docs] def import_bs_data( agency_file: StrOrBytesPath, person_file: StrOrBytesPath, request: AgencyRequest, app: AgencyApp ) -> tuple[dict[str, ExtendedAgency], list[ExtendedPerson]]: session = request.session agencies = import_bs_agencies(agency_file, session, app) persons = import_bs_persons(person_file, agencies, session, app) for agency in agencies.values(): agency.sort_relationships() return agencies, persons
[docs] def get_plz_city(plz: str | None, ort: str | None) -> str | None: if plz and ort: return f'{plz} {ort}' if ort: return ort if plz: return plz return None
[docs] def get_web_address(internet_adresse: str) -> str | None: if not internet_adresse: return None if internet_adresse.startswith('http'): return internet_adresse return f'http://{internet_adresse}'
[docs] def get_email(line: DefaultRow) -> str | None: email = v_(line.e_mail_adresse) if not email: return None # only keep valid generic email address, but not `` addr = email.split(' ') for a in addr: if a in ['', '']: continue if '@' in a: try: validate_email(a) except EmailUndeliverableError: continue except EmailNotValidError: print(f'Error importing person with invalid email {a}; line ' f'{line.rownumber}') continue return a return None
[docs] def check_skip(line: DefaultRow) -> bool: if line.department == 'zNeu': return True if any(s in line.vorname for s in ('Zi.', 'Korr.', 'test')): return True if any(s in line.nachname for s in ('WG', 'WH', 'W3', 'W5', 'frei neuer MA', 'frei neuer MA', 'AAL Picket')): return True if line.nachname == '' and line.vorname == '': return True # skip empty lines return False
[docs] def check_skip_people(line: DefaultRow) -> bool: kw_1 = 'Telefon' kw_2 = 'Telefonist' # skip 'Telefon' but don't skip 'Telefonist' 'Telefonistin' resp. if kw_2 in line.nachname or kw_2 in line.vorname or kw_2 in line.funktion: return False if kw_1 in line.nachname or kw_1 in line.vorname or kw_1 in line.funktion: # print(f'Skipping person on line {line.rownumber} with keyword ' # f'{kw_1} {line.nachname}, {line.vorname}, {line.funktion}') return True return False
[docs] def agency_id_agency_lu(words: Iterable[Any]) -> str: """ Generates an agency id based on each organisation and sub organisation word """ return '__'.join(str(word).lower() for word in words if word)
[docs] def agency_id_person_lu(line: DefaultRow) -> str: """ Generates an agency id based on each organisation and sub organisation name for a person. """ words = [line.department, line.dienststelle, line.abteilung, line.unterabteilung, line.unterabteilung_2] return agency_id_agency_lu(words)
[docs] def import_lu_people( csvfile: CSVFile[DefaultRow], agencies: Mapping[str, ExtendedAgency], session: Session, app: AgencyApp ) -> list[ExtendedPerson]: people = ExtendedPersonCollection(session) persons = [] def parse_person(line: DefaultRow) -> None: vorname = v_(line.vorname) or '' if vorname and vorname[-1].isdigit(): # some people have a number at the end of their first name # indicating another membership vorname = ' '.join(vorname.split(' ')[:-1]) function = v_(line.funktion) or '' person = people.add_or_get( last_name=v_(line.nachname) or ' ', first_name=vorname, salutation=None, academic_title=v_(line.akad__titel), function=function, email=get_email(line), phone=get_phone(line.isdn_nummer), phone_direct=get_phone(line.mobil), website=v_(get_web_address(line.internet_adresse)), location_address=v_(line.adresse), location_code_city=v_(get_plz_city(line.plz, line.ort)), access='public', compare_names_only=True ) persons.append(person) parse_membership(line, person, function) def parse_membership( line: DefaultRow, person: ExtendedPerson, function: str ) -> None: agency_id = agency_id_person_lu(line) hi_code = v_(line.hi_code) order = 0 if not hi_code else int(hi_code) if agency_id: agency = agencies.get(agency_id) if agency and order: agency.add_person(, title=function or 'Mitglied', order_within_agency=order) elif agency: agency.add_person(, title=function or 'Mitglied') else: print(f'Error agency id {agency_id} not found') for ix, line in enumerate(csvfile.lines): if ix % 100 == 0: app.es_indexer.process() app.psql_indexer.bulk_process(session) if not check_skip(line) and not check_skip_people(line): parse_person(line) return persons
[docs] def import_lu_agencies( csvfile: CSVFile[DefaultRow], session: Session, app: AgencyApp ) -> dict[str, ExtendedAgency]: added_agencies = {} agencies = ExtendedAgencyCollection(session) # Hierarchy: Hierarchie: Department, Dienststelle, Abteilung, # Unterabteilung, Unterabteilung 2, Unterabteilung 3 for ix, line in enumerate(csvfile.lines): if ix % 100 == 0: app.es_indexer.process() app.psql_indexer.bulk_process(session) if check_skip(line): continue dienststelle, abteilung, unterabteilung, unterabteilung_2 = ( None, None, None, None) export_fields = ['person.title', ''] adr, pc, loc = None, None, None phone, phone_u2, phone_u, phone_a, phone_ds, phone_dep = \ None, None, None, None, None, None kw = 'Telefon' if kw in line.nachname or kw in line.vorname or kw in line.funktion: phone = get_phone(line.isdn_nummer) if v_(line.unterabteilung_2): phone_u2 = phone elif v_(line.unterabteilung): phone_u = phone elif v_(line.abteilung): phone_a = phone elif v_(line.dienststelle): phone_ds = phone elif v_(line.department): phone_dep = phone adr = v_(line.adresse) pc = v_(line.plz) loc = v_(line.ort) department_name = v_(line.department) if department_name: department = agencies.add_or_get( None, department_name, export_fields=export_fields) if phone_dep: = phone_dep department.location_address = adr department.location_code_city = get_plz_city(pc, loc) agency_id = agency_id_agency_lu([department_name]) if agency_id not in added_agencies: added_agencies[agency_id] = department dienststellen_name = v_(line.dienststelle) if dienststellen_name: assert department, (f'Error adding agency with no department; ' f'line {line.rownumber}, {line.nachname}') dienststelle = agencies.add_or_get( department, dienststellen_name, export_fields=export_fields) if phone_ds: = phone_ds dienststelle.location_address = adr dienststelle.location_code_city = get_plz_city(pc, loc) agency_id = agency_id_agency_lu([ department_name, dienststellen_name]) if agency_id not in added_agencies: added_agencies[agency_id] = dienststelle abteilungs_name = v_(line.abteilung) if abteilungs_name: assert dienststelle, (f'Error adding agency with no dienststelle; ' f'line {line.rownumber}, {line.nachname}') abteilung = agencies.add_or_get( dienststelle, abteilungs_name, export_fields=export_fields) if phone_a: = phone_a abteilung.location_address = adr abteilung.location_code_city = get_plz_city(pc, loc) agency_id = agency_id_agency_lu([ department_name, dienststellen_name, abteilungs_name]) if agency_id not in added_agencies: added_agencies[agency_id] = abteilung unterabteilungs_name = v_(line.unterabteilung) if unterabteilungs_name: assert abteilung, (f'Error adding agency with no abteilung; ' f'line {line.rownumber}, {line.nachname}') unterabteilung = ( agencies.add_or_get(abteilung, unterabteilungs_name, export_fields=export_fields)) if phone_u: = phone_u unterabteilung.location_address = adr unterabteilung.location_code_city = get_plz_city(pc, loc) agency_id = agency_id_agency_lu([ department_name, dienststellen_name, abteilungs_name, unterabteilungs_name]) if agency_id not in added_agencies: added_agencies[agency_id] = unterabteilung unterabteilung_2_name = v_(line.unterabteilung_2) if unterabteilung_2_name: assert unterabteilung, \ (f'Error adding agency with no unterabteilung; ' f'line {line.rownumber}, {line.nachname}') unterabteilung_2 = ( agencies.add_or_get(unterabteilung, unterabteilung_2_name, export_fields=export_fields)) if phone_u2: = phone_u2 unterabteilung_2.location_address = adr unterabteilung_2.location_code_city = get_plz_city(pc, loc) agency_id = agency_id_agency_lu([ department_name, dienststellen_name, abteilungs_name, unterabteilungs_name, unterabteilung_2_name]) if agency_id not in added_agencies: added_agencies[agency_id] = unterabteilung_2 return added_agencies
[docs] def import_lu_data( data_file: StrOrBytesPath, request: AgencyRequest, app: AgencyApp ) -> tuple[dict[str, ExtendedAgency], list[ExtendedPerson]]: session = request.session agencies = import_lu_agencies(data_file, session, app) people = import_lu_people(data_file, agencies, session, app) return agencies, people
[docs] def parse_agencies(csvfile: CSVFile[DefaultRow]) -> dict[str, str]: lines_by_id = {line.verzorgeinheitid: line for line in csvfile.lines} treat_as_root = tuple( line.verzorgeinheitid for line in csvfile.lines if line.verzvorfahreoeid not in lines_by_id.keys() ) if len(treat_as_root) == 1: # Use the first level as root treat_as_root = tuple( line.verzorgeinheitid for line in csvfile.lines if line.verzvorfahreoeid in treat_as_root ) added_agencies = {} print('Treated as root agencies: ', ', '.join(treat_as_root)) for line in csvfile.lines: basisid = line.verzorgeinheitid added_agencies[basisid] = line.bezeichnung.strip() return added_agencies
[docs] def match_person_membership_title( csvfile: CSVFile[DefaultRow], agencies: Mapping[str, str], request: AgencyRequest, app: AgencyApp ) -> None: session = request.session people = ExtendedPersonCollection(session) agency_coll = ExtendedAgencyCollection(session) person_query = session.query(people.model_class) total_entries = 0 person_not_found = [] agency_by_name_not_found = [] updated_memberships = [] def find_persons(line: DefaultRow) -> list[ExtendedPerson]: nonlocal person_not_found email = v_( fn = v_(line.vorname) ln = v_( persons = [] if email: persons = person_query.filter( (email, email.lower()) )).all() if not persons and fn and ln: persons = person_query.filter( people.model_class.first_name == fn, people.model_class.last_name == ln ).all() if not persons: person_not_found.append(f'{email}, {fn} {ln}') return persons def get_agencies_by_name(name: str) -> list[ExtendedAgency]: return agency_coll.query().filter_by(title=name).all() def match_membership_title( line: DefaultRow, agencies: Mapping[str, str] ) -> None: nonlocal agency_by_name_not_found persons = find_persons(line) agency_id = line.verzorgeinheitid if not persons: return if agency_id not in agencies: # actually we don't come here with our data for a solid export return agency_name = agencies[agency_id] agencies_by_name = get_agencies_by_name(agency_name) if not agencies_by_name: agency_by_name_not_found.append(agency_name) return def set_membership_title( membership: AgencyMembership, name: str | None ) -> None: nonlocal updated_memberships title = membership.title.strip() name = name.strip() if name else None if not name: if title: # print('No function given but title set') return membership.title = 'Mitglied' updated_memberships.append(membership) return if title and title != 'Mitglied': # title already set return membership.title = name updated_memberships.append(membership) function = v_(line.funktion) for person in persons: for membership in person.memberships: agency = if agency in agencies_by_name: set_membership_title(membership, function) for ix, line in enumerate(csvfile.lines): if ix % 50 == 0: app.es_indexer.process() app.psql_indexer.bulk_process(session) total_entries += 1 match_membership_title(line, agencies) uq_person_not_found = set(person_not_found) uq_agency_by_name_not_found = set(agency_by_name_not_found) print('---- STATISTICS ----') print('Total rows: ', total_entries) print('Unique People not found: ', len(uq_person_not_found)) print( 'Unique Agencies by name not found: ', len(uq_agency_by_name_not_found) ) print('Updated memberships: ', len(updated_memberships)) log_file_path = '/var/lib/onegov-cloud/staka_bs_memberships_title.log' with open(str(log_file_path), 'w') as f: f.write('PEOPLE NOT FOUND\n') f.write('\n'.join(uq_person_not_found)) f.write('\n\nAGENCIES NOT FOUND\n') f.write('\n'.join(uq_agency_by_name_not_found)) print('Find the logfile in ' + log_file_path)
[docs] def import_membership_titles( agency_file: StrOrBytesPath, person_file: StrOrBytesPath, request: AgencyRequest, app: AgencyApp ) -> None: agencies = parse_agencies(agency_file) match_person_membership_title(person_file, agencies, request, app)