Source code for activity.utils

import lxml
import random
import re
import sedate
import string

from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from functools import partial

from typing import Any, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
    from _typeshed import SupportsGetItem, SupportsRichComparison
    from import Iterable
    from typing import TypeAlias, TypeVar, TypeGuard

[docs] SupportsRichComparisonT = TypeVar( 'SupportsRichComparisonT', bound=SupportsRichComparison )
SupportsRichComparisonT_co = TypeVar( 'SupportsRichComparisonT_co', bound=SupportsRichComparison, covariant=True ) RangeLike: TypeAlias = SupportsGetItem[int, SupportsRichComparisonT_co] RangeTuple: TypeAlias = tuple[ SupportsRichComparisonT_co, SupportsRichComparisonT_co ]
[docs] INTERNAL_IMAGE_EX = re.compile(r'.*/storage/[0-9a-z]{64}')
[docs] NUM_RANGE_RE = re.compile(r'\d+-\d+')
[docs] DATE_RANGE_RE = re.compile(r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}:\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}')
[docs] MUNICIPALITY_EX = re.compile(r""" (?P<zipcode>[1-9]{1}[0-9]{3}) \s+ (?P<municipality>[\w\s\(\)\.\-]+) """, re.VERBOSE)
[docs] GROUP_CODE_EX = re.compile(r'[A-Z]{3}-?[A-Z]{3}-?[A-Z]{3}')
[docs] def random_group_code() -> str: # 26^9 should be a decent amount of codes to randomly chose, without # having to check their uniqueness raw = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for x in range(9) # nosec B311 ) return '-'.join((raw[:3], raw[3:6], raw[-3:]))
[docs] def is_valid_group_code(code: str) -> bool: return True if GROUP_CODE_EX.match(code) else False
[docs] def overlaps( range_a: 'RangeLike[SupportsRichComparisonT]', range_b: 'RangeLike[SupportsRichComparisonT]' ) -> bool: return (range_b[0] <= range_a[0] <= range_b[1]) or ( # type:ignore range_a[0] <= range_b[0] <= range_a[1]) # type:ignore[operator]
[docs] def merge_ranges( ranges: 'Iterable[RangeTuple[SupportsRichComparisonT]]' ) -> list['RangeTuple[SupportsRichComparisonT]']: """ Merges the given list of ranges into a list of ranges including only exclusive ranges. The ranges are turned into tuples to make them hashable. """ ranges = sorted(ranges) # stack of merged values merged = [(ranges[0][0], ranges[0][1])] for r in ranges: if overlaps(merged[-1], r): merged[-1] = (merged[-1][0], r[1]) else: merged.append((r[0], r[1])) return merged
[docs] def num_range_decode(s: object) -> tuple[int, int] | None: if not isinstance(s, str): return None if not NUM_RANGE_RE.match(s): return None # FIXME: Why not just use capturing groups in the regex? age_range = tuple(int(a) for a in s.split('-')) assert len(age_range) == 2 if age_range[0] <= age_range[1]: return age_range else: return None
[docs] def num_range_encode(a: 'RangeLike[int]') -> str: return f'{a[0]}-{a[1]}'
[docs] def date_range_decode(s: object) -> tuple[date, date] | None: if not isinstance(s, str): return None if not DATE_RANGE_RE.match(s): return None s, e = s.split(':') return date.fromisoformat(s), date.fromisoformat(e)
[docs] def date_range_encode(d: 'RangeLike[date]') -> str: return ':'.join((d[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), d[1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')))
[docs] def generate_xml(payments: 'Iterable[dict[str, Any]]') -> str: """ Creates an xml for import through ISO20022. Used for testing only. """ transactions = [] default = { 'reference': '', 'note': '', 'valdat': '2016-04-12' } for ix, payment in enumerate(payments): if 'tid' not in payment: payment['tid'] = 'T{}'.format(ix) if payment['amount'].startswith('-'): payment['credit'] = 'DBIT' else: payment['credit'] = 'CRDT' payment['currency'] = payment['amount'][-3:] payment['amount'] = payment['amount'].strip('-+')[:-3] for key in default: if key not in payment: payment[key] = default[key] transactions.append(""" <Ntry> <ValDt> <Dt>{valdat}</Dt> </ValDt> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <Refs> <AcctSvcrRef>{tid}</AcctSvcrRef> </Refs> <Amt Ccy="{currency}">{amount}</Amt> <CdtDbtInd>{credit}</CdtDbtInd> <RmtInf> <Strd> <CdtrRefInf> <Ref>{reference}</Ref> </CdtrRefInf> </Strd> <Ustrd>{note}</Ustrd> </RmtInf> </TxDtls> </NtryDtls> </Ntry> """.format(**payment)) return """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Document> <BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> {} </Stmt> </BkToCstmrStmt> </Document> """.format('\n'.join(transactions))
[docs] def dates_overlap( a: 'Iterable[RangeTuple[datetime]]', b: 'Iterable[RangeTuple[datetime]]', minutes_between: float = 0, cut_end: bool = True, alignment: Literal['day', 'week', 'month'] | None = None ) -> bool: """ Returns true if any time tuple in the list of tuples in a overlaps with a time tuple in b. """ # this can be done with an O(n log n) algorithm but since we are # operating on a very small n the constant factors dominate and there # are fewer constant factors in this approach: offset = timedelta(seconds=minutes_between / 2 * 60) ms = cut_end and timedelta(microseconds=1) or timedelta() # make sure that 11:00 - 12:00 and 12:00 - 13:00 are not overlapping # FIXME: What is the point of the above ms assignment?! ms = timedelta(microseconds=1) if alignment: # alignment function align = getattr(sedate, f'align_range_to_{alignment}') # it is highliy unlikely that this will ever be anything else as this # module is pretty much tailored for Switzerland align = partial(align, timezone='Europe/Zurich') for s, e in a: for os, oe in b: if alignment: s, e = align(s, e) os, oe = align(os, oe) if sedate.overlaps( s - offset, e + offset - ms, os - offset, oe + offset - ms ): return True return False
[docs] def is_internal_image(url: str | None) -> 'TypeGuard[str]': return url and INTERNAL_IMAGE_EX.match(url) and True or False
[docs] def extract_thumbnail(text: str | None) -> str | None: try: root = lxml.html.fromstring(text or '') first_image = root.find('.//img') except (lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError, lxml.etree.ParserError): first_image = None if first_image is None: return None url = first_image.attrib.get('src') if is_internal_image(url) and not url.endswith('/thumbnail'): url += '/thumbnail' return url
[docs] def extract_municipality(text: str | None) -> tuple[int, str] | None: if text is None: return None for line in text.splitlines(): for fragment in line.split(','): match = MUNICIPALITY_EX.match(fragment.strip()) if match: return int('zipcode')),'municipality') return None