Source code for activity.models.occasion

import sedate

from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from onegov.activity.models.occasion_date import DAYS
from onegov.core.orm import Base, observes
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import TimestampMixin
from onegov.core.orm.types import UUID
from onegov.activity.types import BoundedIntegerRange
from sqlalchemy import Boolean
from sqlalchemy import case
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy import Integer
from sqlalchemy import Numeric
from sqlalchemy import Text
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ARRAY, INT4RANGE
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import coalesce
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, object_session, validates
from sqlalchemy_utils import aggregated
from uuid import uuid4

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    import uuid
    from import Collection, Sequence
    from sqlalchemy.sql import ColumnElement
    from .activity import Activity
    from .booking import Booking
    from .occasion_date import OccasionDate
    from .occasion_need import OccasionNeed
    from .period import Period

[docs] class Occasion(Base, TimestampMixin): """ Describes a single occurrence of an Activity. "Occurence" would have been a good word for it too, but that's used by onegov.event. So occasion it is. """
[docs] __tablename__ = 'occasions'
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(
#: the public id of this occasion
[docs] id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] primary_key=True, default=uuid4 )
#: Describes the meeting point of the occasion
[docs] meeting_point: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: The expected age of participants
[docs] age: 'Column[BoundedIntegerRange]' = Column( INT4RANGE, nullable=False, default=BoundedIntegerRange(6, 17, bounds='[]') )
#: The expected number of participants
[docs] spots: 'Column[BoundedIntegerRange]' = Column( INT4RANGE, nullable=False, default=BoundedIntegerRange(0, 10, bounds='[]') )
#: A note about the occurrence
[docs] note: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: The cost of the occasion (max value is 100'000.00), the currency is #: assumed to be CHF as this system will probably never be used outside #: Switzerland
[docs] cost: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column( Numeric(precision=8, scale=2), nullable=True )
#: The administrative cost of the occasion, this shadows the same column #: on the period. If given, it overrides that column, if left to None, it #: means that the period's booking cost is taken. #: #: In all-inclusive periods, this value is ignored.
[docs] booking_cost: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column( Numeric(precision=8, scale=2), nullable=True )
#: The activity this occasion belongs to
[docs] activity_id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] ForeignKey('', use_alter=True), nullable=False )
[docs] activity: 'relationship[Activity]' = relationship( 'Activity', back_populates='occasions' )
[docs] accepted: 'relationship[Sequence[Booking]]' = relationship( 'Booking', primaryjoin=("""and_( Booking.occasion_id ==, Booking.state == 'accepted' )"""), viewonly=True )
#: The period this occasion belongs to
[docs] period_id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] ForeignKey('', use_alter=True), nullable=False )
[docs] period: 'relationship[Period]' = relationship( 'Period', back_populates='occasions' )
#: True if the occasion has been cancelled
[docs] cancelled: 'Column[bool]' = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
#: The duration defined by the associated dates # FIXME: should these be nullable=False?
[docs] duration: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer, default=0)
#: The default order # FIXME: should these be nullable=False?
[docs] order: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer, default=0)
#: Pretend like this occasion doesn't use any time
[docs] exclude_from_overlap_check: 'Column[bool]' = Column( Boolean, nullable=False, default=False )
#: This occasion can be booked, even if the booking limit has been reached #: (does not currently apply to the matching, only to confirmed periods)
[docs] exempt_from_booking_limit: 'Column[bool]' = Column( Boolean, nullable=False, default=False )
#: Days of the year on which this occasion is active (1 - 365) #: January 1st - 2nd would be [1, 2], February 1st would be [32]
[docs] active_days: 'Column[list[int]]' = Column( ARRAY(Integer), nullable=False, default=list )
#: Weekdays on which this occasion is active
[docs] weekdays: 'Column[list[int]]' = Column( ARRAY(Integer), nullable=False, default=list )
#: Indicates if an occasion needs volunteers or not
[docs] seeking_volunteers: 'Column[bool]' = Column( Boolean, nullable=False, default=False )
@aggregated('accepted', Column(Integer, default=0))
[docs] def attendee_count(self) -> 'ColumnElement[int]': return func.count('1')
#: The bookings linked to this occasion
[docs] bookings: 'relationship[list[Booking]]' = relationship( 'Booking', order_by='Booking.created', back_populates='occasion' )
#: The dates associated with this occasion (loaded eagerly)
[docs] dates: 'relationship[list[OccasionDate]]' = relationship( 'OccasionDate', cascade='all,delete', order_by='OccasionDate.start', back_populates='occasion', lazy='joined', )
#: The needs associated with this occasion
[docs] needs: 'relationship[list[OccasionNeed]]' = relationship( 'OccasionNeed', cascade='all,delete', order_by='', back_populates='occasion', )
[docs] def on_date_change(self) -> None: """ Date changes are not properly propagated to the observer for some reason, so we do this manually with a hook. It's a bit of a hack, but multiple dates per occasion had to be added at the last minute.. """ self.observe_dates(self.dates)
[docs] def anti_affinity_group(self) -> tuple[str, str]: """ Uses the activity_id/period_id as an anti-affinity group to ensure that an attendee is never given two occasions of the same activity in a single period. If that is wanted, the attendee is meant to do this after the matching has been done, with a direct booking. """ return (self.activity_id.hex, self.period_id.hex)
[docs] total_cost: Column[Decimal]
@hybrid_property # type:ignore[no-redef] def total_cost(self) -> Decimal: """ Calculates the cost of booking a single occasion, including all costs only relevant to this occasion (i.e. excluding the all-inclusive subscription cost). """ base = self.cost or Decimal(0) if self.period.all_inclusive: return base if self.booking_cost: return base + self.booking_cost if self.period.booking_cost: return base + self.period.booking_cost return base @total_cost.expression # type:ignore[no-redef] def total_cost(cls) -> 'ColumnElement[Decimal]': from onegov.activity.models.period import Period return coalesce(Occasion.cost, 0) + case([ (Period.all_inclusive == True, 0), (Period.all_inclusive == False, func.coalesce( Occasion.booking_cost, Period.booking_cost, 0 )), ])
[docs] def compute_duration( self, dates: 'Collection[OccasionDate] | None' ) -> int: if not dates: return 0 if len(dates) == 1: return int(next(iter(dates)).duration) first = min(dates, key=lambda d: d.start) last = max(dates, key=lambda d: d.end) return int(DAYS.compute( first.localized_start, last.localized_end, (last.end - first.start).total_seconds() ))
[docs] def compute_order(self, dates: 'Collection[OccasionDate] | None') -> int: if not dates: return -1 return int(min(d.start for d in dates).timestamp())
[docs] def compute_active_days( self, dates: 'Collection[OccasionDate] | None' ) -> list[int]: return [day for date in (dates or ()) for day in date.active_days]
[docs] def compute_weekdays( self, dates: 'Collection[OccasionDate] | None' ) -> list[int]: return list({day for date in (dates or ()) for day in date.weekdays})
[docs] def observe_dates(self, dates: 'Collection[OccasionDate] | None') -> None: self.duration = self.compute_duration(dates) self.order = self.compute_order(dates) self.weekdays = self.compute_weekdays(dates) self.active_days = self.compute_active_days(dates)
[docs] def validate_dates(self, key: str, date: 'OccasionDate') -> 'OccasionDate': for o in self.dates: if != assert not sedate.overlaps( date.start, date.end, o.start, o.end) return date
[docs] def observe_needs(self, needs: 'Collection[OccasionNeed] | None') -> None: for need in (needs or ()): if need.accept_signups: self.seeking_volunteers = True break else: self.seeking_volunteers = False
[docs] operable: Column[bool]
full: Column[bool] available_spots: Column[int] @hybrid_property # type:ignore[no-redef] def operable(self) -> bool: return self.attendee_count >= self.spots.lower @hybrid_property # type:ignore[no-redef]
[docs] def full(self) -> bool: return self.attendee_count == self.spots.upper - 1
@hybrid_property # type:ignore[no-redef]
[docs] def available_spots(self) -> int: if self.cancelled: return 0 return self.spots.upper - 1 - self.attendee_count
@available_spots.expression # type:ignore[no-redef] def available_spots(cls) -> 'ColumnElement[int]': return case(( ( cls.cancelled == False, func.upper(cls.spots) - 1 - cls.attendee_count ), ), else_=0) @property
[docs] def max_spots(self) -> int: return self.spots.upper - 1
[docs] def is_past_deadline(self, now: datetime) -> bool: return now > self.period.as_local_datetime( self.deadline, end_of_day=True )
[docs] def is_past_cancellation(self, date: date) -> bool: cancellation = self.cancellation_deadline return cancellation is None or date > cancellation
[docs] def deadline(self) -> date: """ The date until which this occasion may be booked (inclusive). """ period = self.period if period.deadline_days is None: if isinstance(self.period.booking_end, datetime): return return self.period.booking_end min_date = min(d.start for d in self.dates) return (min_date - timedelta(days=period.deadline_days + 1)).date()
[docs] def cancellation_deadline(self) -> date | None: """ The date until which bookings of this occasion may be cancelled by a mere member (inclusive). If mere members are not allowed to do that, the deadline returns None. """ period = self.period if period.cancellation_date is not None: return period.cancellation_date if period.cancellation_days is None: return None min_date = min(d.start for d in self.dates) return (min_date - timedelta(days=period.cancellation_days + 1)).date()
[docs] def cancel(self) -> None: from onegov.activity.collections import BookingCollection assert not self.cancelled period = self.period if not period.confirmed: def cancel(booking: 'Booking') -> None: booking.state = 'cancelled' else: bookings = BookingCollection(object_session(self)) scoring = period.scoring def cancel(booking: 'Booking') -> None: bookings.cancel_booking(booking, scoring) for booking in self.bookings: assert booking.period_id == cancel(booking) self.cancelled = True
[docs] def is_too_young(self, birth_date: date | datetime) -> bool: return self.period.age_barrier.is_too_young( birth_date=birth_date, start_date=self.dates[0], min_age=self.age.lower )
[docs] def is_too_old(self, birth_date: date | datetime) -> bool: return self.period.age_barrier.is_too_old( birth_date=birth_date, start_date=self.dates[0], max_age=self.age.upper - 1 )