Source code for activity.models.attendee

from datetime import date
from import Booking
from onegov.core.orm import Base
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import TimestampMixin
from onegov.core.orm.types import UUID
from onegov.core.crypto import random_token
from import ORMSearchable
from sqlalchemy import case, cast, func, select, and_, type_coerce
from sqlalchemy import Boolean
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import Date
from sqlalchemy import Float
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import Index
from sqlalchemy import Integer
from sqlalchemy import Numeric
from sqlalchemy import Text
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property, hybrid_method
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, validates
from uuid import uuid4

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    import uuid
    from import Callable
    from onegov.user import User
    from sqlalchemy.sql import ColumnElement
    from typing import overload, Protocol, TypeVar
    from typing_extensions import ParamSpec

[docs] P = ParamSpec('P')
T = TypeVar('T') # FIXME: We should no longer need this once we upgrade to SQLAlchemy 2.0 class _HybridMethod(Protocol[P, T]): @overload def __get__( self, obj: None, owner: type[object] ) -> Callable[P, ColumnElement[T]]: ... @overload def __get__( self, obj: object, owner: type[object] ) -> Callable[P, T]: ...
[docs] class Attendee(Base, TimestampMixin, ORMSearchable): """ Attendees are linked to zero to many bookings. Each booking has an attendee. Though an attendee may be the same person as a username in reality, in the model we treat those subjects as separate. """
[docs] __tablename__ = 'attendees'
[docs] es_properties = { 'username': {'type': 'text'}, 'name': {'type': 'text'}, 'notes': {'type': 'localized'} }
[docs] es_public = False
[docs] def es_suggestion(self) -> str: return
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(
#: the public id of the attendee
[docs] id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] primary_key=True, default=uuid4 )
#: the user owning the attendee
[docs] username: 'Column[str]' = Column( Text, ForeignKey('users.username'), nullable=False )
#: the name of the attendee (incl. first / lastname )
[docs] name: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: birth date of the attendee for the age calculation
[docs] birth_date: 'Column[date]' = Column(Date, nullable=False)
#: we use text for possible gender fluidity in the future ;)
[docs] gender: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: notes about the attendee by the parents (e.g. allergies)
[docs] notes: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: if the address of the attendee differs from the user address
[docs] differing_address: 'Column[bool]' = Column( Boolean, default=False, nullable=False )
#: address of the attendee (street and number)
[docs] address: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: zip code of the attendee
[docs] zip_code: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: place of the attendee
[docs] place: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: political municipality, only if activated in settings
[docs] political_municipality: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: the maximum number of bookings the attendee wishes to get in each period
[docs] limit: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
#: access the user linked to this booking
[docs] user: 'relationship[User]' = relationship('User')
#: a secondary id used for subscriptions only - subscriptions are ical urls #: with public permission, by using a separate id we mitigate the risk of #: someone figuring out all the attendee ids and gaining access to the #: the calendars of all attendees #: #: furthermore, subscription ids can be changed in the future to invalidate #: all existing subscription urls for one or all attendees.
[docs] subscription_token: 'Column[str]' = Column( Text, nullable=False, unique=True, default=random_token )
[docs] def validate_gender(self, field: str, value: str | None) -> str | None: # for now we stay old-fashioned assert value in (None, 'male', 'female') return value
[docs] age: Column[int]
happiness: _HybridMethod[[uuid.UUID], float | None] @hybrid_property # type:ignore[no-redef] def age(self) -> int: today = birth = self.birth_date extra = (today.month, < (birth.month, and 1 or 0 return today.year - birth.year - extra @age.expression # type:ignore[no-redef] def age(cls) -> 'ColumnElement[int]': return func.extract('year', func.age(cls.birth_date)) @hybrid_method # type:ignore[no-redef]
[docs] def happiness(self, period_id: 'uuid.UUID') -> float | None: """ Returns the happiness of the attende in the given period. The happiness is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating how many of the bookings on the wishlist were fulfilled. If all bookings were fulfilled, the happiness is 1.0, if no bookings were fulfilled the hapiness is 0.0. The priority of the bookings is taken into account. The decision on a high-priority booking has a higher impact than the decision on a low-priority booking. To model this we simply multiply the booking priority when summing up the happiness. So if a booking with priority 1 is accepted, it is as if 2 bookings were accepted. If a booking with priority 1 is denied, it is as if 2 bookings were denied. """ score = 0 score_max = 0 bookings = (b for b in self.bookings if b.period_id == period_id) for booking in bookings: score += booking.state == 'accepted' and booking.priority + 1 score_max += booking.priority + 1 # attendees without a booking have no known happiness (incidentally, # this works well with the sql expression below -> other default values # are harder to come by) if not score_max: return None return score / score_max
@happiness.expression # type:ignore[no-redef] def happiness( cls, period_id: 'uuid.UUID' ) -> 'ColumnElement[float | None]': return select([ # force the result to be a float instead of a decimal type_coerce( func.sum( case([ (Booking.state == 'accepted', Booking.priority + 1), ], else_=0) ) / cast( # force the division to produce a float instead of an int func.sum(Booking.priority) + func.count(, Float ), Numeric(asdecimal=False) ) ]).where(and_( Booking.period_id == period_id, Booking.attendee_id == )).label('happiness') #: The bookings linked to this attendee
[docs] bookings: 'relationship[list[Booking]]' = relationship( 'Booking', order_by='Booking.created', back_populates='attendee' )
[docs] __table_args__ = ( Index('unique_child_name', 'username', 'name', unique=True), )