Source code for activity.models.age_barrier

from datetime import date, datetime

from dateutil import relativedelta

[docs] class AgeBarrier: """ Holds various age barrier approaches available to the period. """
[docs] registry: dict[str, type['AgeBarrier']] = {}
[docs] def __init_subclass__(cls, name: str, **kwargs: object): assert name not in cls.registry cls.registry[name] = cls super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
[docs] def from_name( cls, name: str, *args: object, **kwargs: object ) -> 'AgeBarrier': return cls.registry[name](*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def is_too_young( self, birth_date: date | datetime, start_date: date, min_age: int ) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def is_too_old( self, birth_date: date | datetime, start_date: date, max_age: int ) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class ExactAgeBarrier(AgeBarrier, name='exact'): """ Checks the age by exact date. The attendee can be 1 year too old (otherwise, the day the attendee is a day older than the max age, he'll be rejected - in other word the min age is exclusive, the max age is inclusive). """
[docs] def age(self, birth_date: date | datetime, start_date: date) -> int: """ Calculates the age at the given date. """ if isinstance(birth_date, datetime): birth_date = return relativedelta.relativedelta(start_date, birth_date).years
[docs] def is_too_young( self, birth_date: date | datetime, start_date: date, min_age: int ) -> bool: return self.age(birth_date, start_date) < min_age
[docs] def is_too_old( self, birth_date: date | datetime, start_date: date, max_age: int ) -> bool: return self.age(birth_date, start_date) > max_age
[docs] class YearAgeBarrier(AgeBarrier, name='year'): """ Checks the age by using the year of the start_date and the age. In German, we would say this is by "Jahrgang". The person must be of that age during the year of the start date. """
[docs] def is_too_young( self, birth_date: date | datetime, start_date: date, min_age: int ) -> bool: return (birth_date.year + min_age) > start_date.year
[docs] def is_too_old( self, birth_date: date | datetime, start_date: date, max_age: int ) -> bool: return (birth_date.year + max_age + 1) < start_date.year