Source code for activity.collections.activity

import secrets
import sedate

from copy import copy
from enum import IntEnum
from onegov.activity.models import Activity, Occasion, OccasionDate, Period
from onegov.activity.utils import date_range_decode
from onegov.activity.utils import date_range_encode
from onegov.activity.utils import merge_ranges
from onegov.activity.utils import num_range_decode
from onegov.activity.utils import num_range_encode
from onegov.activity.utils import overlaps
from onegov.core.collection import RangedPagination
from onegov.core.utils import increment_name
from onegov.core.utils import is_uuid
from onegov.core.utils import normalize_for_url
from onegov.core.utils import toggle
from sedate import utcnow
from sqlalchemy import and_, or_, not_
from sqlalchemy import column
from sqlalchemy import distinct
from sqlalchemy import exists
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy import text
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import array
from uuid import UUID

from typing import overload, Literal, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Collection, Iterable, Iterator
    from datetime import date
    from markupsafe import Markup
    from onegov.activity.models import PeriodMeta
    from onegov.activity.models.activity import ActivityState
    from onegov.user import User
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query, Session
    from typing_extensions import TypedDict, Unpack
    from typing import Self, TypeAlias

[docs] AvailabilityType: TypeAlias = Literal['none', 'few', 'many']
FilterKey: TypeAlias = Literal[ 'age_ranges', 'available', 'price_ranges', 'dateranges', 'durations', 'municipalities', 'owners', 'period_ids', 'states', 'tags', 'timelines', 'weekdays', 'volunteers', ] # TODO: We may want to use PEP-728 for extra items once it's available # to use in mypy class FilterArgs(TypedDict, total=False): age_ranges: Collection[str] | None available: Collection[str] | None price_ranges: Collection[str] | None dateranges: Collection[str] | None durations: Collection[str] | None municipalities: Collection[str] | None owners: Collection[str] | None period_ids: Collection[str] | None states: Collection[str] | None tags: Collection[str] | None timelines: Collection[str] | None weekdays: Collection[str] | None volunteers: Collection[str] | None class ToggledArgs(TypedDict, total=False): age_range: tuple[int, int] available: AvailabilityType price_range: tuple[int, int] daterange: tuple[date, date] duration: int municipality: str owner: str period_id: UUID state: ActivityState tag: str timeline: str weekday: int volunteer: bool
[docs] ActivityT = TypeVar('ActivityT', bound=Activity)
[docs] AVAILABILITY_VALUES: set['AvailabilityType'] = {'none', 'few', 'many'}
[docs] class ActivityFilter: # supported filters - should be named with a plural version that can # be turned into a singular with the removal of the last s # (i.e. slots => slot)
[docs] __slots__: tuple['FilterKey', ...] = ( 'age_ranges', 'available', 'price_ranges', 'dateranges', 'durations', 'municipalities', 'owners', 'period_ids', 'states', 'tags', 'timelines', 'weekdays', 'volunteers', )
[docs] singular = { 'municipalities': 'municipality' }
[docs] age_ranges: set[tuple[int, int]]
[docs] available: set['AvailabilityType']
[docs] price_ranges: set[tuple[int, int]]
[docs] dateranges: set[tuple['date', 'date']]
[docs] durations: set[int]
[docs] municipalities: set[str]
[docs] owners: set[str]
[docs] period_ids: set[UUID]
[docs] states: set['ActivityState']
[docs] tags: set[str]
[docs] timelines: set[str]
[docs] weekdays: set[int]
[docs] volunteers: set[bool]
def __init__(self, **keywords: 'Unpack[FilterArgs]') -> None: for key in self.__slots__: if key in keywords: values = set(v) if (v := keywords[key]) else set() if values and hasattr(self, f'adapt_{key}'): try: values = getattr(self, f'adapt_{key}')(values) except ValueError: values = set() setattr(self, key, values) else: setattr(self, key, set()) @property
[docs] def keywords(self) -> dict['FilterKey', str | list[str]]: return { key: self.encode(key, value) for key in self.__slots__ if (value := getattr(self, key)) }
[docs] def toggled(self, **keywords: 'Unpack[ToggledArgs]') -> 'Self': # create a new filter with the toggled values toggled = copy(self) for key in self.__slots__: # support plural and singular if key.endswith('s'): singular = self.singular.get(key, key[:-1]) else: singular = key if singular in keywords: value = keywords[singular] # type:ignore[literal-required] elif key in keywords: value = keywords[key] # type:ignore[typeddict-item] else: continue setattr(toggled, key, toggle(getattr(self, key), value)) return toggled
[docs] def adapt_available(self, values: set[str]) -> set[str]: return values & AVAILABILITY_VALUES
[docs] def adapt_num_ranges(self, values: set[str]) -> set[tuple[int, int]]: decoded = {v for v in map(num_range_decode, values) if v} return decoded and set(merge_ranges(decoded)) or set()
[docs] def adapt_age_ranges(self, values: set[str]) -> set[tuple[int, int]]: return self.adapt_num_ranges(values)
[docs] def adapt_price_ranges(self, values: set[str]) -> set[tuple[int, int]]: return self.adapt_num_ranges(values)
[docs] def adapt_dateranges(self, values: set[str]) -> set[tuple['date', 'date']]: return {v for v in map(date_range_decode, values) if v}
[docs] def adapt_weekdays(self, values: set[str]) -> set[int]: return {int(v) for v in values if v.isdigit()}
[docs] def adapt_period_ids(self, values: set[str]) -> set[UUID]: return {UUID(v) for v in values if is_uuid(v)}
[docs] def adapt_durations(self, values: set[str]) -> set[int]: return {int(v) for v in values}
[docs] def adapt_volunteers(self, values: set[str]) -> set[bool]: return {v == 'yes' for v in values}
[docs] def encode(self, key: str, value: object) -> str | list[str]: if isinstance(value, str): return value if key == 'dateranges': assert hasattr(value, '__iter__') return [date_range_encode(v) for v in value] if key == 'age_ranges': assert hasattr(value, '__iter__') return [num_range_encode(v) for v in value] if key == 'price_ranges': assert hasattr(value, '__iter__') return [num_range_encode(v) for v in value] if isinstance(value, IntEnum): return str(int(value)) if isinstance(value, int): return str(value) if isinstance(value, UUID): return value.hex if isinstance(value, bool): return value and 'yes' or 'no' if isinstance(value, (tuple, list, set)): # NOTE: We assume no nesting beyond the first level return [self.encode(key, v) for v in value] # type:ignore[misc] raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def contains_num_range( self, value: tuple[int, int], ranges: 'Iterable[tuple[int, int]]' ) -> bool: for r in ranges: if overlaps(r, value): return True return False
[docs] def contains_age_range(self, age_range: tuple[int, int]) -> bool: return self.contains_num_range(age_range, self.age_ranges)
[docs] def contains_price_range(self, price_range: tuple[int, int]) -> bool: return self.contains_num_range(price_range, self.price_ranges)
[docs] class ActivityCollection(RangedPagination[ActivityT]): @overload def __init__( self: 'ActivityCollection[Activity]', session: 'Session', type: Literal['*', 'generic'] = '*', pages: tuple[int, int] | None = None, filter: ActivityFilter | None = None ) -> None: ... @overload def __init__( self, session: 'Session', type: str, pages: tuple[int, int] | None = None, filter: ActivityFilter | None = None ) -> None: ... def __init__( self, session: 'Session', type: str = '*', pages: tuple[int, int] | None = None, filter: ActivityFilter | None = None ) -> None:
[docs] self.session = session
[docs] self.type = type
[docs] self.pages = pages or (0, 0)
[docs] self.filter = filter or ActivityFilter()
[docs] def subset(self) -> 'Query[ActivityT]': return self.query()
[docs] def page_range(self) -> tuple[int, int]: return self.pages
[docs] def by_page_range(self, page_range: tuple[int, int] | None) -> 'Self': return self.__class__( self.session, type=self.type, pages=page_range, filter=self.filter )
[docs] def model_class(self) -> type[ActivityT]: return Activity.get_polymorphic_class( # type:ignore[return-value] self.type, Activity # type:ignore[arg-type] )
[docs] def query_base(self) -> 'Query[ActivityT]': """ Returns the query based used by :meth:`query`. Overriding this function is useful to apply a general filter to the query before any other filter is applied. For example, a policy can be enforced that only allows public activites. """ return self.session.query(self.model_class)
[docs] def query(self) -> 'Query[ActivityT]': query = self.query_base() model_class = self.model_class # activity based filters if self.type != '*': query = query.filter(model_class.type == self.type) if self.filter.tags: query = query.filter( model_class._tags.has_any( # type:ignore[attr-defined] array(self.filter.tags))) # type:ignore[call-overload] if self.filter.states: query = query.filter( model_class.state.in_(self.filter.states)) if self.filter.owners: query = query.filter(model_class.username.in_( self.filter.owners)) if self.filter.municipalities: query = query.filter( model_class.municipality.in_(self.filter.municipalities)) # occasion based filters o = self.session.query(Occasion).with_entities( Occasion.activity_id ).join(OccasionDate).distinct() # if we are looking at activities without occasions, we do not have # to apply all the filters below which are occasion-based if 'undated' in self.filter.timelines: if self.filter.period_ids: return query.filter( not_(self.session.query(Occasion.activity_id).filter(and_( Occasion.activity_id ==, Occasion.period_id.in_(self.filter.period_ids) )).exists()) ) else: return query.filter( not_(self.session.query(Occasion.activity_id).filter( Occasion.activity_id ==, ).exists()) ) now = utcnow() if self.filter.timelines: conditions = [] if 'past' in self.filter.timelines: conditions.append(OccasionDate.end < now) if 'now' in self.filter.timelines: conditions.append(and_( OccasionDate.start <= now, now <= OccasionDate.end )) if 'future' in self.filter.timelines: conditions.append(now < OccasionDate.start) # the 'undated' option can only be implemented further down # when we apply the occasion conditions to the activites query # since we'd be looking for activities without occasions if conditions: o = o.filter(or_(*conditions)) if self.filter.volunteers: o = o.filter(Occasion.seeking_volunteers.in_( self.filter.volunteers)) if self.filter.period_ids: o = o.filter(Occasion.period_id.in_(self.filter.period_ids)) if self.filter.durations: o = o.filter(Occasion.duration.in_( int(d) for d in self.filter.durations)) if self.filter.age_ranges: o = o.filter(or_( *( Occasion.age.overlaps( # type:ignore[attr-defined] func.int4range(min_age, max_age + 1)) for min_age, max_age in self.filter.age_ranges ) )) if self.filter.price_ranges: o = o.join(Period) o = o.filter(or_( *( and_( min_price <= Occasion.total_cost, Occasion.total_cost <= max_price, ) for min_price, max_price in self.filter.price_ranges ) )) if self.filter.dateranges: o = o.filter(Occasion.active_days.op('&&')(array( # type:ignore tuple( dt.toordinal() for start, end in self.filter.dateranges for dt in sedate.dtrange(start, end) ))) ) if self.filter.weekdays: o = o.filter( Occasion.weekdays.op('<@')(array( # type:ignore[call-overload] self.filter.weekdays))) if self.filter.available: conditions = [] for amount in self.filter.available: if amount == 'none': conditions.append(Occasion.available_spots == 0) elif amount == 'few': conditions.append(Occasion.available_spots.in_((1, 2, 3))) elif amount == 'many': conditions.append(Occasion.available_spots >= 4) o = o.filter(or_(*conditions)) # if no filter was applied to the occasion subquery, we ignore it since # we would otherwise get zero results if o._criterion is not None: query = query.filter( return query.order_by(self.model_class.order)
[docs] def for_filter( self, **keywords: 'Unpack[ToggledArgs]' ) -> 'Self': """ Returns a new collection instance. The given tag is excluded if already in the list, included if not yet in the list. Same goes for the given state. Note that dateranges are excluded only if they match exactly. That is we don't care about overlaps at all. If the same exact daterange is found in the filter, it is excluded. """ return self.__class__( session=self.session, type=self.type, pages=(0, 0), filter=self.filter.toggled(**keywords) )
[docs] def by_id(self, id: UUID) -> ActivityT | None: return self.query().filter( == id).first()
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> ActivityT | None: return self.query().filter( == name).first()
[docs] def by_user(self, user: 'User') -> 'Query[ActivityT]': return self.query().filter(Activity.username == user.username)
[docs] def by_username(self, username: str) -> 'Query[ActivityT]': return self.query().filter(Activity.username == username)
[docs] def used_tags(self) -> set[str]: """ Returns a list of all the tags used on *all* activites of the current type. """ base = self.query_base().with_entities( func.skeys(self.model_class._tags).label('keys')) query = select([func.array_agg(column('keys'))], distinct=True) query = query.select_from(base.subquery()) tags = self.session.execute(query).scalar() return set(tags) if tags else set()
[docs] def used_municipalities(self) -> set[str]: """ Returns a list of all the municipalities on *all* activites of the current type """ q = self.query_base().with_entities(distinct(Activity.municipality)) q = q.filter(Activity.municipality != None) return {municipality for municipality, in q}
[docs] def get_unique_name(self, name: str) -> str: """ Given a desired name, finds a variant of that name that's not yet used. So if 'foobar' is already used, 'foobar-1' will be returned. """ name = normalize_for_url(name) def name_exists(name: str) -> bool: return self.session.query(exists().where( == name )).scalar() for _ in range(25): if not name_exists(name): return name name = increment_name(name) # FIXME: Technically the random token could exist as well return secrets.token_hex(8)
[docs] def add( self, title: str, username: str, lead: str | None = None, text: 'Markup | None' = None, tags: set[str] | None = None, name: str | None = None ) -> ActivityT: type_ = self.type if self.type != '*' else 'generic' name = name or self.get_unique_name(title) activity = self.model_class( name=name, title=title, tags=tags, type=type_, username=username, lead=lead, text=text ) self.session.add(activity) self.session.flush() return activity
[docs] def delete(self, activity: Activity) -> None: for occasion in activity.occasions: self.session.delete(occasion) self.session.delete(activity) self.session.flush()
[docs] def available_weeks( self, period: 'Period | PeriodMeta | None' ) -> 'Iterator[tuple[date, date]]': if not period: return weeknumbers = {n[:2] for n in self.session.execute(text(""" SELECT DISTINCT EXTRACT(week FROM start::date), EXTRACT(week FROM "end"::date) FROM OCCASION_DATES LEFT JOIN occasions ON occasion_id = WHERE period_id = :period_id """), {'period_id':})} weeknumbers = { tuple( range(int(start), int(end) + 1) ) for start, end in weeknumbers } weeknumbers = {week for weeks in weeknumbers for week in weeks} weeks = sedate.weekrange(period.execution_start, period.execution_end) for start, end in weeks: if sedate.weeknumber(start) in weeknumbers: yield start, end
[docs] def available_ages(self) -> tuple[int, int] | None: # look at all periods because in the filter view where this is used, # we cannot differentiate between the periods unless we make # filters interdependent query = text(""" SELECT COALESCE(MIN(LOWER(age)), 0), COALESCE(MAX(UPPER(age)), 100) FROM occasions """) ages = self.session.execute(query).first() return ages and ages or None